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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:28 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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Hey peregrinus,

your posts have really helped me to understand things because like you, I have a very analytical mind and in order for me to progress I need to understand how and why things are....

Thank you for your great posts and explanations you have really helped me progress ;)

Once you and I talked and you said that even before natural grounding you were able to understand the natural character of women and see beyond the matrix....

What made you know and see beyond the matrix (since you live in the UK which is not a natural country....)

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:12 am 
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Sniper wrote:
your posts have really helped me to understand things because like you, I have a very analytical mind and in order for me to progress I need to understand how and why things are....
Nice of you to say, appreciate you saying that :)

Good question... Saw this this morning and it is a good question Sniper.

One that deserves more than a casual quick reply I feel.. I will have a think about this as have not given it any real depth before, will edit this message in the next couple of days when I have got a reasonable answer for you. Somehow I feel there is something to learn, have explained bits of it, but thinking through it briefly now there are influential bits that I had not considered so before.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:15 am 
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The man knows what he's talking about. That's for sure...

The facebook page for modern libertines now with accessibility!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:42 am 
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What can I say? He's like my designated translator at times. :lol:

I have nothing but the utmost respect for the 'Grinus! :ugeek:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:11 pm 
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I hear that he dissolves his ego with death threats and letter bombs...
When he does Natural Grounding, Palmy meditates to him.
On hot sunny days he wears sunglasses because he can impregnate women with a glance.
He doesn't identify with his mind, his mind identifies with him... And orgasms...
If he is stabbed with a knife, the knife bleeds.
He once hung himself on a cross and came back from the dead in two days... Just to prove a point.
Atheists don't believe he exists.

Don't be sexist, bitches hate that.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:29 am 
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TML + Kidd :)

Aztecsfinest - Shuush, you'll give away all my secrets :( I did get a good chuckle out of your post :)

Sniper wrote:
Once you and I talked and you said that even before natural grounding you were able to understand the natural character of women and see beyond the matrix....

What made you know and see beyond the matrix (since you live in the UK which is not a natural country....)
Have spent a few days pondering this question, what I write below is an attempt to explain it without writing a full biography which I feel would almost be needed but overblown.


Initial Kick

When I was about 13/14 I joined a new school in a different area. Thinking back there were two key influences on how things went at this school:
Influence #1 - I was accepted onto a course that had VERY strict admission requirements because of a note of recommendation from my teacher at my previous school. Needless to say I did not meet ANY of the admission requirements apart from the recommendation note. It was a new course that year and at that school and the requirements were based off grades in other classes.
Influence #2 - The summer before the start at the new school my father had been close to death a number of times and had undergone major surgery, this occupied most of the summer break.

These two things conspired to cause a disconnect with my classmates when joining, as I will describe:
Effect #1 - There was a girl who was now rejected from the course so that I could take my place on the course. For some odd reason she was told exactly why she had now been rejected and who (names included) had TAKEN her place.. This pissed her and her parents off immensely and caused many angry meetings in and out of school between teachers and our two sets of parents.
Effect #2 - While a lot of my classmates were discussing what colour their pencil cases were, who was friends with who and who was in the music charts, I was thinking about issues like life and death. What they considered important barely registered on my thinking, they could not relate to what I was thinking about at all, or it seemed like it.

Now comes a very important but minor point :) The girl in #1 was THE social alpha at school in that year. She also happened to be one of the highest graded girls also, so was in with the 'brains group' also. Her influence with both the boys and the girls was VAST at the time, or seemed like it. She took losing her place to me VERY personally.

As you can probably imagine, this cause a few *cough* problems integrating into the new school. For the first month or so I was very much on the outside looking in. Rather than take this badly, for some reason which I am not sure of even now, I took this as an opportunity to take a deep look at things (surprises me even now).

So I found myself watching all the groups within the school, which had carried over from the previous school (it was an age when people switched schools anyway and I had joined them when I switched also, but they already knew each other well from the previous school).
I was not a part of any of the groups, so I was not considered a 'threat' as such to any of them, I was not grabbed by any of them either as they made me well aware that having me in their group would attract too much bad attention from girl #1's groups. As long as I stayed outside they would all talk freely when I was around.

I should also note that I was BLACKLISTED as far as the girls in girl#1's year was concerned, together with those below it as time went on.. Such was her groups influence, if any of them had thought of becoming my girlfriend they got enough shit that they backed off quite quickly. Thanks to girl #1 for that. I was very aware of this but not really bothered as I considered it quite childish at the time (her actions)

Due to this I was able to witness all the power plays and backstabbing that went on amongst these groups, what effect social influence (as we call it now, I had no real name for it then) was having on all the people within these groups.

I gradually made some friends which tended to span different groups, these were to some degree outside the whole group system. I also found myself being talked to by some people who wanted to switch groups, before they switched. Quite a few girls treated me as a confidant as they knew I was not affiliated with any of the groups.

These factors conspired to give me a ringside seat to all the goings on within the power-bases of the school. As time went on I was happy with my position and actively did not want to join any of the groups. The level of manipulation going on was quite stunning and even now I look back on it with some wonder, it really was like a well oiled machine.

When people would spend time with me they would 'relax' as they were not in a group playing games with each other, this let me see them in their natural state.. I did not see it for that at the time, however now I recognise the signs and what I saw back then.. This was most noticeable with the girls, as they did not have to keep up their façade in front of me.

This was my first proper view at the 'matrix', the social influences, the media influences, peer-group influences, sexual power plays and all of that stuff. At the time I did not really take as much notice as I probably should have as my attention was also distracted by family issues which were ongoing.

During this time I experienced sex for the first time, I ended up having a group of 3 girls who would spend time with me, they were all very close friends and they had got to know me enough to consider me 'safe'. I was not going to tell anyone what was going on and was not part of their groups, so I was someone who they could experiment with without any fear of social reprisals or bad rumours or anything... This went on for over two years, not girlfriend boyfriend but mutual exploration and fun. One lived very close to school and both her parents worked all day, so lunchtimes were quite fun. This was not public, that did not bother me at all, I was happy to keep it between us given all the fun I was having with them.
I doubt anyone would have believed how I spent my lunches with them even if they had known.

These girls between them gave me a taste of what a relaxed open and natural woman could offer me. We had very relaxed open times together, experimented a lot and not a hint of jealousy from any of them as they had all agreed between them on it. They also learnt what it was like to be with a male who was not playing games, we all learnt a lot from it. Looking back on it I should have let this experience sink deeper into my soul.

Second Kick

I went off to university, at this time I was under 5 feet tall, not shaving yet, still looked very much like a boy. To say I was smaller than my classmates was an understatement, I also looked a LOT younger... (As a clue, I was still getting a half fare (child rate) on public transport until I was around 22. That should have ended at 16.
Around 22-25 I went up to my height now which is just under 6 feet (fairly normal).

This conspired to give me another chance at a rather unusual view of the goings on around me. I looked too young and too small to be at university, my view on life was very mature for my age because of things I had gone through in the previous years. This caused people to underestimate me a lot and how much I would understand of what was going on around me.

This gave me another chance to see the dynamics and power plays going on around me, together with the influence of the university, music, media, society and peer-groups on the other students. It sank in a bit more deeply this time.

I also found myself in a position where I was almost mourning the loss of the 3 girls as most of the students my age thought I looked too young and were not attracted to me (or so it seemed at the time). I had gone from 3 regular playmates to none in the blink of an eye.

I have always had a VERY low alcohol tolerance and this did not help matters either as I am just not able to go out and drink and get drunk etc.. When I drink I get quite ill after more than a couple of drinks. This meant I was the most sober of the group when we went out, on one level this allowed me to watch what was happening - on another level it created a disconnect with the others as they were mostly drunk. It did allow me to observe what was going on a lot when people went out and partied.

During this time I was introduced to the wonders of more mature women, as my age range did not seem interested in me and I have never been into cradle robbing... My first one was 14 years older than me and a wonderful woman, many fond memories of her are still embedded within my memory. She approached me one day and over the next year or so we spent many fun evenings together. Her comment was 'you looked calm and relaxed and I wanted a taste of that' when I asked her later.

During this time I also discovered the joys of Asian women, through two in particular, one Japanese and one Malaysian. They were my age and acted very differently to the UK women I had come into contact with, I would carry this with me for the rest of my life (until now), as they had a profound effect on me and my thoughts about women.

By the time I left university, I had not had a lot of liaisons with different women BUT the ones I had had left a deep impression on me. They had all taught me something and I had learnt from them.

Third Kick

I had been working for a number of years, my observations had been ongoing. All the chasing and number collecting and stuff that the community talks about just seemed WRONG to me on a real core level it always had (this was from my friends who I saw doing that, before I heard about the PUA community). I could not really explain it as no one I seemed to run into had a similar viewpoint, they were all too plugged into the social matrix.

I would occasionally come into contact with women who seemed to pull me towards them, there was a real powerful force at play, nature or genetics or whatever you want to call it. Whenever I felt this, I KNEW that they felt it also.. Those times lead to my most memorable liaisons with women, the ones that lasted and were fun.
I did not chase women, if I did not feel that pull I would not even try.. I needed to feel that connection, otherwise I knew it would be an empty experience.
When I did feel this connection, it was almost effortless, they would do so much to help us get together that there was none of the struggle that I heard other people describe.. The struggle only happens when one tries to force the situation and the other is not interested or connected as much.

Also during this time, I solidified a thought of mine, the undeniable truth - women want babies... no matter what they say, it is hard-wired into them.. At some point their clock will go off and they will want them.. When they do - watch out!

Then I met a wonderful man, oddly enough through another interest of mine. I had been very much into reverse engineering, this lead me to a meeting with a guy who shared the same mindset as myself. He spurred me onto taking my reverse engineering skills and my knowledge of the social matrix and putting the two together... He had even coined a phrase for this 'Reality cracking', which lead to many fun hours of discussions and talks with a few friends I collected along the way. He was a friend for a number of years and expanded my mind and thinking a lot, I also found myself authoring many articles for his site and others.
(He is now dead and sorely missed - see [dead link now])
(Updated with new mirror -

This was where my view of the matrix started to solidify and take real form, all the bits from before came together.

Fourth Kick

After this I came across the seduction community, during an extended break from work, relaxing and taking care of stuff a friend mentioned it to me and I found myself curious. I embarked on reading up about the whole thing.. So much of what I was reading just did not make sense to me, I could see where they were trying to go however to me it seemed backwards. It seemed like they were taking the traits I had seen in women and using them to get women to like them.
The way that they talked about it being a numbers game and chasing women, collecting numbers - it all FELT wrong to me. I know you can get results like that but it is a LOT of effort. It also went counter to everything the women who I had been with had showed me.

Then I came across the whole 'natural game' movement, this made more sense but still they were keeping elements of the whole PUA thing and some practices which seemed very unnatural to me.

This caused me to look at what I had seen and observed and what they were saying, which helped solidify some of my thoughts about the subject.


All throughout this journey of mine, I found that I was not attracted to the women that friends of mine were chasing or even close. The women that would draw my attention were very different, at that time in a way that I found hard to explain to my friends as they were not grasping what I was trying to explain to them.
They could see the effect it had on me and the women but were very puzzled both by why I was attracted and why the women showed the reaction that they did. Some even tried to 'game' (best description really) some of the women I spent time with and their efforts produced zero results.
They were very puzzled as to why I was not chasing the women they were after and how the ones I was interested in seemed to come to me (they were not seeing a lot of what was going on right in front of their faces), wheras they seemed to have to chase and do lots of numbers to get any results.

I now can define those women as behaving as is described on this forum as 'naturally'. The social women had little or no effect on me, put a natural woman in front of me and the effect is very powerful. My friends could pick it up immediately even if they did not understand why.
One thing I have gained since spending time in this and other forums is a more complete definition of why and what I was experiencing in a way that I can describe to others and also that others have seen and felt this also. This has really helped solidify some of my thoughts and actions even more than before.

I used the word 'natural' to describe these women YEARS before I came across this stuff.
As in 'she is not acting natural' , 'she is not being natural', 'she is acting', 'she is not being herself'. Even saying these things to women at times trying to get them to relax and be themselves, before I gave up on that and led them to that place.
My friends would look at me like I was crazy.... makes me laugh now thinking back to those times, if only I had known then what I know now.... boy!

In a sense, I believe this is what women are on about when they say 'be yourself'.. They are saying don't pretend, be who you are... If I could spot it in women, they sure as hell can spot it in men.


That is probably about as brief as I can make this without missing out crucial steps. Anything less would not really explain in my view, I could go on typing for hours about this but I would really be re-iterating the same points.

This is about the whole matrix thing, not just women.. Women are a part of it, however the whole matrix is a MUCH bigger subject.

The crucial point I guess is, A DISCONNECT HAPPENED and rather than fighting it, I went along with the flow of it. This gave me a chance to view things from a different perspective.

In a sense I was pushed outside of the matrix and rather than fighting to get back in, I stopped and had a look around. The more I looked, the less I wanted to step back into the matrix.

There have been many people through my life that have tried to drag me kicking and screaming back into the matrix, telling me I am wrong for believing what I do, I do believe it though and they have failed thus far to drag me back in. In some ways my life would have been easier in the matrix however I know that it would not have been happier :)


In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:45 pm 
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In some ways my life would have been easier in the matrix however I know that it would not have been happier.

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:27 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:30 am
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Thanks for taking the time to write this. This is really a gift, man.

A true example of trusting yourself and following what you knew was intuitively right. Very few arrive at this level of awareness.

I've learned a lot from you too man, your posts are elegant and enlightened.


"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." -Master Yoda

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:58 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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Wow what a story man....
Thank you for sharing :)
Now I understand how you knew about 'the matrix' ....

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:12 am 
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I pm'd PereG a message regarding this may be useful to someone else.

bliss wrote:
Subject: wisdom, understanding things and peregrinus

I enjoy this post a lot. It's one of my most enjoyable for me, because much of it makes me think back to when I was younger, 10-16 years of age. I hadn't really visited my past in an open way, non-judging and resisting it, most of the time I visited my past before was in "why did I have to be so shy" and what not. Not in a healthy way at all.

Being triggered by what you wrote I remember I felt similar in group settings. I would questions why others would act unnatural to gain acceptance from others. Why they would present something they weren't. I had no names for it, but I just watched.

Even more so, you're reading made me ponder to when I was younger...I enjoyed pulling things apart! I remember I pulled an old telephone apart to see what it looked like on the inside. When I was in my teens my laptop charging port wasn't working and I believed I could open it up and fix it. I opened it and that was fun, lots of inner workings. I even had the courage to buy a new port and solder it mother told me not to do any of it, but I believed I could fix it. I didn't fix it, but I enjoyed the process. :lol:

I had very little self-esteem when I was younger. I believe if I felt adequate about myself that my women troubles today wouldn't have been blown out of proportion and magnified. However, that's the way it happened and I'm ok with that.

I'm not sure what it was for me, but I remember receiving many comments that I was mature for my age. Looking back it possibly stemmed from being the youngest in a family of many cousins and uncles/aunts. To think of it now, when I was 11 or 12 I also moved cities, which meant I moved away from many of my friends. I remember it being a lonely time in my new school; not many friends and many already had their clicks. I found solace in basketball at that time. Basketball was my therapy when it felt the world had turned it's back on me.

After much of what I have been doing only recently do I feel I'm going to the core of what I am seeking. Pick-up pushed me far away from myself. Finding this place changed my direction and brought me back towards myself. I'm no longer running away from my demons, but coming at them with open arms. :D

All the chasing and number collecting and stuff that the community talks about just seemed WRONG to me on a real core level it always had
On a gut level I remember having an identical feeling, but in that time I was so HUNGRY for information and results that I denied the feeling and pushed myself down that avenue. I really submerged myself into it (free seminar, books, videos, implementation of the material, even almost becoming an assistant for one of the RSD instructors) in it all I'm lucky and grateful a part of me didn't let me fully let go into it. I'm glad I didn't too, because I'm not sure if I could have ever come back.

The times I had "success" felt empty. My ego felt proud and accomplished, but my soul felt cheated. I've realized I tried to be a "player", but in my life right now I'd rather enjoy my own time and dealing with what comes my way. <---- interesting things are happening with this shift in my life. Much thanks to you and others here for opening my eyes to that.

When I did feel this connection, it was almost effortless, they would do so much to help us get together that there was none of the struggle that I heard other people describe..
I recently went on a date where it was completely different for me. I was the one that was relaxed and at ease...she was nervous and wanting to make an impression. I saw myself in her, but an old me in her. It was comical! It was interesting, but I know I have more to explore before I boast too much.

I used the word 'natural' to describe these women YEARS before I came across this stuff.
As in 'she is not acting natural' , 'she is not being natural', 'she is acting', 'she is not being herself'. Even saying these things to women at times trying to get them to relax and be themselves, before I gave up on that and led them to that place.
My friends would look at me like I was crazy.... makes me laugh now thinking back to those times, if only I had known then what I know now.... boy!

In a sense, I believe this is what women are on about when they say 'be yourself'.. They are saying don't pretend, be who you are... If I could spot it in women, they sure as hell can spot it in men.
StephenP said it best when he stated that it's very masculine being yourself as you are. It gives your air of unpredictability. It lets the person feel 'safe' in your space, because you are not denying/resisting your own space. <--- I love how you incorporated the word 'space' into this forum. I find myself using the word often to describe some things.

The crucial point I guess is, A DISCONNECT HAPPENED and rather than fighting it, I went along with the flow of it. This gave me a chance to view things from a different perspective.
I had a disconnect, but I fought it. In those times I wished I was like other kids. Now, I'm happy and grateful things turned out the way they did.

He was a friend for a number of years and expanded my mind and thinking a lot, I also found myself authoring many articles for his site and others.
(He is now dead and sorely missed - see
Is this the correct link to the site, or is it long gone?

Thanks for posting and being apart of this forum. You've been an influential person in my life over the past 2 years. Your message(s) have struck chords in me over the past 2 years. Thank you for that.


PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:54 am 
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Wow, nice one. Thanks for your post and the heads up.


This stuck with me, now.

peregrinus wrote:
I used the word 'natural' to describe these women YEARS before I came across this stuff.
As in 'she is not acting natural' , 'she is not being natural', 'she is acting', 'she is not being herself'. Even saying these things to women at times trying to get them to relax and be themselves, before I gave up on that and led them to that place.
My question is saying these things didn't make them come natural, did it ?
I thought I made similar comments, but it's not. I say 'I prefer you when you're natural', hence possibly putting another onus on it, my approval, which she probably doesn"t care about ...

So, I wonder about the end of the phrase, "leading them to that place" ...

My gut tells me, it's just by being natural, yourself that you allow them this, but that's 'stupid' in the sense me saying the above is natural to me too. And me leading them in any direction seems acting on my part, hence unnatural (maybe that's just for now).

Maybe it's just semantics, so 'forgive me father, for I don't know what I'm doing' :roll: :geek:

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:05 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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What an awesome thread.

Grinus was also my best teacher. 8-) 8-) 8-)

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:20 am 
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bliss wrote:
I pm'd PereG a message regarding this may be useful to someone else.
I enjoyed your PM and the discussion that followed bliss. Glad to hear that you chose to share this with others.

Thank you for pointing out the dead link, it has now been replaced with an active mirror site.

Many good thoughts in that post.

It is nice to hear when your words and thoughts have touched others on their journey.May you continue your journey and see and experience many interesting and enjoyable things and places along the way.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:23 am 
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GoldenBoy wrote:
So, I wonder about the end of the phrase, "leading them to that place" ...

My gut tells me, it's just by being natural, yourself that you allow them this, but that's 'stupid' in the sense me saying the above is natural to me too. And me leading them in any direction seems acting on my part, hence unnatural (maybe that's just for now).

Maybe it's just semantics, so 'forgive me father, for I don't know what I'm doing' :roll: :geek:
Tomato tomato

calling yourself stupid is a really good way to improve yourself ;)

Have a ponder on people who have lead you and the different ways in which it has happened. Have all of them been 'acting'?

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:48 am 
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bliss wrote:
I pm'd PereG a message regarding this may be useful to someone else.

bliss wrote:
Subject: wisdom, understanding things and peregrinus

I enjoy this post a lot. It's one of my most enjoyable for me, because much of it makes me think back to when I was younger, 10-16 years of age. I hadn't really visited my past in an open way, non-judging and resisting it, most of the time I visited my past before was in "why did I have to be so shy" and what not. Not in a healthy way at all.

Being triggered by what you wrote I remember I felt similar in group settings. I would questions why others would act unnatural to gain acceptance from others. Why they would present something they weren't. I had no names for it, but I just watched.

Even more so, you're reading made me ponder to when I was younger...I enjoyed pulling things apart! I remember I pulled an old telephone apart to see what it looked like on the inside. When I was in my teens my laptop charging port wasn't working and I believed I could open it up and fix it. I opened it and that was fun, lots of inner workings. I even had the courage to buy a new port and solder it mother told me not to do any of it, but I believed I could fix it. I didn't fix it, but I enjoyed the process. :lol:

I had very little self-esteem when I was younger. I believe if I felt adequate about myself that my women troubles today wouldn't have been blown out of proportion and magnified. However, that's the way it happened and I'm ok with that.

I'm not sure what it was for me, but I remember receiving many comments that I was mature for my age. Looking back it possibly stemmed from being the youngest in a family of many cousins and uncles/aunts. To think of it now, when I was 11 or 12 I also moved cities, which meant I moved away from many of my friends. I remember it being a lonely time in my new school; not many friends and many already had their clicks. I found solace in basketball at that time. Basketball was my therapy when it felt the world had turned it's back on me.

After much of what I have been doing only recently do I feel I'm going to the core of what I am seeking. Pick-up pushed me far away from myself. Finding this place changed my direction and brought me back towards myself. I'm no longer running away from my demons, but coming at them with open arms. :D

All the chasing and number collecting and stuff that the community talks about just seemed WRONG to me on a real core level it always had
On a gut level I remember having an identical feeling, but in that time I was so HUNGRY for information and results that I denied the feeling and pushed myself down that avenue. I really submerged myself into it (free seminar, books, videos, implementation of the material, even almost becoming an assistant for one of the RSD instructors) in it all I'm lucky and grateful a part of me didn't let me fully let go into it. I'm glad I didn't too, because I'm not sure if I could have ever come back.

The times I had "success" felt empty. My ego felt proud and accomplished, but my soul felt cheated. I've realized I tried to be a "player", but in my life right now I'd rather enjoy my own time and dealing with what comes my way. <---- interesting things are happening with this shift in my life. Much thanks to you and others here for opening my eyes to that.

When I did feel this connection, it was almost effortless, they would do so much to help us get together that there was none of the struggle that I heard other people describe..
I recently went on a date where it was completely different for me. I was the one that was relaxed and at ease...she was nervous and wanting to make an impression. I saw myself in her, but an old me in her. It was comical! It was interesting, but I know I have more to explore before I boast too much.

I used the word 'natural' to describe these women YEARS before I came across this stuff.
As in 'she is not acting natural' , 'she is not being natural', 'she is acting', 'she is not being herself'. Even saying these things to women at times trying to get them to relax and be themselves, before I gave up on that and led them to that place.
My friends would look at me like I was crazy.... makes me laugh now thinking back to those times, if only I had known then what I know now.... boy!

In a sense, I believe this is what women are on about when they say 'be yourself'.. They are saying don't pretend, be who you are... If I could spot it in women, they sure as hell can spot it in men.
StephenP said it best when he stated that it's very masculine being yourself as you are. It gives your air of unpredictability. It lets the person feel 'safe' in your space, because you are not denying/resisting your own space. <--- I love how you incorporated the word 'space' into this forum. I find myself using the word often to describe some things.

The crucial point I guess is, A DISCONNECT HAPPENED and rather than fighting it, I went along with the flow of it. This gave me a chance to view things from a different perspective.
I had a disconnect, but I fought it. In those times I wished I was like other kids. Now, I'm happy and grateful things turned out the way they did.

He was a friend for a number of years and expanded my mind and thinking a lot, I also found myself authoring many articles for his site and others.
(He is now dead and sorely missed - see
Is this the correct link to the site, or is it long gone?

Thanks for posting and being apart of this forum. You've been an influential person in my life over the past 2 years. Your message(s) have struck chords in me over the past 2 years. Thank you for that.


OMG thank you for sharing it! :cry:



PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:17 am 
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peregrinus wrote:
GoldenBoy wrote:
So, I wonder about the end of the phrase, "leading them to that place" ...

My gut tells me, it's just by being natural, yourself that you allow them this, but that's 'stupid' in the sense me saying the above is natural to me too. And me leading them in any direction seems acting on my part, hence unnatural (maybe that's just for now).

Maybe it's just semantics, so 'forgive me father, for I don't know what I'm doing' :roll: :geek:
Tomato tomato

calling yourself stupid is a really good way to improve yourself ;)

Have a ponder on people who have lead you and the different ways in which it has happened. Have all of them been 'acting'?
Will do sir.

I love self depreciating humor ;)

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:56 am 

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Grinus wisdom always enlightening

Thank you Grinus

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"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:04 am 
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peregrinus wrote:
TML + Kidd :)
Aztecsfinest - Shuush, you'll give away all my secrets :( I did get a good chuckle out of your post :)
Sniper wrote:
Once you and I talked and you said that even before natural grounding you were able to understand the natural character of women and see beyond the matrix....
What made you know and see beyond the matrix (since you live in the UK which is not a natural country....)
Have spent a few days pondering this question, what I write below is an attempt to explain it without writing a full biography which I feel would almost be needed but overblown.
First time I've ever seen this post, fucking fantastic!

The honey doesn't chase the bee.

A wise man once said "I find that a duck's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread."

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 3:03 pm 
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peregrinus wrote: *
When I was about 13/14 I joined a new school in a different area. Thinking back there were two key influences on how things went at this school:
Influence #1 - I was accepted onto a course that had VERY strict admission requirements because of a note of recommendation from my teacher at my previous school. Needless to say I did not meet ANY of the admission requirements apart from the recommendation note. It was a new course that year and at that school and the requirements were based off grades in other classes.
Influence #2 - The summer before the start at the new school my father had been close to death a number of times and had undergone major surgery, this occupied most of the summer break.

These two things conspired to cause a disconnect with my classmates when joining, as I will describe:
Effect #1 - There was a girl who was now rejected from the course so that I could take my place on the course. For some odd reason she was told exactly why she had now been rejected and who (names included) had TAKEN her place.. This pissed her and her parents off immensely and caused many angry meetings in and out of school between teachers and our two sets of parents.
Effect #2 - While a lot of my classmates were discussing what colour their pencil cases were, who was friends with who and who was in the music charts, I was thinking about issues like life and death. What they considered important barely registered on my thinking, they could not relate to what I was thinking about at all, or it seemed like it.

Now comes a very important but minor point :) The girl in #1 was THE social alpha at school in that year. She also happened to be one of the highest graded girls also, so was in with the 'brains group' also. Her influence with both the boys and the girls was VAST at the time, or seemed like it. She took losing her place to me VERY personally.

As you can probably imagine, this cause a few *cough* problems integrating into the new school. For the first month or so I was very much on the outside looking in. Rather than take this badly, for some reason which I am not sure of even now, I took this as an opportunity to take a deep look at things (surprises me even now).

So I found myself watching all the groups within the school, which had carried over from the previous school (it was an age when people switched schools anyway and I had joined them when I switched also, but they already knew each other well from the previous school).
I was not a part of any of the groups, so I was not considered a 'threat' as such to any of them, I was not grabbed by any of them either as they made me well aware that having me in their group would attract too much bad attention from girl #1's groups. As long as I stayed outside they would all talk freely when I was around.

I should also note that I was BLACKLISTED as far as the girls in girl#1's year was concerned, together with those below it as time went on.. Such was her groups influence, if any of them had thought of becoming my girlfriend they got enough shit that they backed off quite quickly. Thanks to girl #1 for that. I was very aware of this but not really bothered as I considered it quite childish at the time (her actions)
Came across the following article earlier today and it certainly rang a bell.
Early loss is another common adversity. In a 1989 study, New York psychologist J. Marvin Eisenstadt scoured the records of 699 eminent Americans and found that 45 percent had lost a parent before age 21. Only two other groups in the general population show that level of orphanhood—juvenile delinquents and depressive or suicidal psychiatric patients.

Running into roadblocks at any age can force psychological growth, and, while that takes time, it ultimately spurs the development of ego strength—the emotional stability, will, and confidence that confer resilience. In wrestling with adversity, individuals learn skills important to success. So those with the greatest challenges can wind up winning from behind. Eisenstadt considered orphanhood part of the price of greatness.

Brick walls may also force a person to take an alternate route. There are many ways to be marginal—through ethnic, religious, sexual, or geographic circumstances—and all are well represented among the eminent, research shows.

Temporary exile from the mainstream may set up an "asynchrony between mind and domain such that the mind encounters significant dissatisfaction with what the domain currently offers," contends David Henry Feldman, a professor of child development at Tufts University. The detour, though time-consuming, may be needed to cultivate one's own "brand" of ideas uninfluenced by the established order. Dissatisfaction with the current conventions of a field may be a key path to revolutionary change. People who are marginalized may excel not in spite of—but because of—experience as an outsider. ... te-bloomer

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it's conformity.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:20 am 
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Interesting article zogler

I was going to reply and quote, would end up quoting it all though. Your second quote I fully agree with.

Personally did not see it that way when I was younger and going through it, it just seemed like one challenge after another, with no break. Looking back on it, the opportunities for growth were in a sense much greater than they would have been without it. Not by choice by circumstances. Or in a sense different from what they would have been, the lessons needed were different ones.
I cannot help but think a key point is that distance is forced on you, perspective wise, it is laid out for you then its up to you to reject or accept it.

imho It comes down to how you react to that.. you can give in, you can muddle through, or you can attempt to thrive and grow in the situation you find yourself in.

I would point out that at various times, I reacted in all three of those ways. In the end I decided only one was a long term option.

This brings up memories of recent posts on trusting yourself and your inner resilience.

Temporary exile from the mainstream may set up an "asynchrony between mind and domain such that the mind encounters significant dissatisfaction with what the domain currently offers,"
In a sense I was pushed outside of the matrix and rather than fighting to get back in, I stopped and had a look around. The more I looked, the less I wanted to step back into the matrix.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

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