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 Post subject: ..
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:35 pm 
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"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

Last edited by Alchemist on Sun May 09, 2010 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:02 pm 

Last edited by Sir_Michael on Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:17 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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Hey Create,

I know that sometimes things suck I have been there.....
be angry feel the anger :x - but then use it for growth :)

Just bare with me until the end of the message:

You said:

"If my real self warrants a lack of interest, I don't see it as something wrong with me, or with them, maybe I'm just not meant to find anyone, fuckit."

But what is your real self anyway?
If you grew up in a different culture or even a different part of the UK, things could look totaly different, wouldn't they?

If I for example, grew up in another part of Israel and I had many friends that were good with women and hang out with them, I would probably be a ladies man now and say that this is the real me. You see what I mean?

We were all 'born with it' but we all grew up in different areas and with different people thus, we have different beleives and abilities when it comes to women.

Let me tell you something funny, I know most women in London are social alphas and pradas
but I have a friend from Israel who now lives in London. He told me that the women in London are much more nice and easy going compared to the women here :roll: .
So as you can see I'm not excaly having it easy right here either. ;)

Now I don't think you should Smile,Wink and keep doing cold approaches.
I also don't think that doing more grounding and trying to trick yourself in saying stuff like:
'I don't want women' (like Marcus said) is going to help in anything.

Take some time off (let's say a month).
Don't date women but use this time to learn....

It is true that we were all born with the ability But it takes more then natural grounding to get back to our natural abilities to be great with women.

You don't need to become someone you are not, chase it or work so hard, but we do need the proper training which Zan doesn't have and Rion has a big part of it, but his system is not complete to provide the crazy results he brags about.

I made some goals for myself of what I'm going to do over the next month, take a look and maybe you can relate to some of it:

good luck ;)

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:37 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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Sir_Michael wrote:
I do not believe it all comes back to negative social programming. It maybe in part that, but it isn't everything. We are not by nature all equal potential mates for every woman. That's a fantasy. Great marketing racket, but it's simply not true.
I do beleive that we were born with it and we all have the natural ability however like I wrote in my post above- I don't think Rion has all the answers in how to get back in touch with that ability.

His system (although very good) is not complete.

Marcus was not bad with women before he came across Rion and Kindered was already a top PUA. So for these guys maybe Rion's material was enough but it's not enough for most people.....

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:58 pm 

Last edited by Sir_Michael on Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:16 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:51 pm
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Did anyone read Bruce Lipton´s book, the Biology of Belief?

Biology is based on Beliefs, there´s a lot in that book. It´s the environment, the outside of the cell & DNA, you CAN make a LOT of difference.

Besides that, you don´t have to have scientific validation for being the Man, you can empower yourself in any which way you choose. Miracles, logic, whatever!

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:33 pm 

Last edited by Sir_Michael on Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:41 pm 

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Sir_Michael wrote:
Some men will find it more difficult, I think especially if you happen to be introverted which is a big part of the blocks that a lot of guys are dealing with. Nature has never been fair.
Even if that is true I don't see that as a limiting beleive since my goal is not to be a playboy and bang more women then Corry Sky or Paul Janka ;)
there are enough women in this world for eveyone......

Also, some women will not like the highly extroverted personality that people like Corry display
just like some guys don't find dark skin women attractive and some do.....

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:50 pm 

Last edited by Sir_Michael on Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:05 pm 

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Sir_Michael wrote:
We are in agreement, Shay :)
good :)
so you see why I don't see any reason at all to say: 'I give up'

If you don't get what you want it means there is more to learn and improve.....
The only difference between then and now is that I now know that Relational mastery and natural grounding is not enough to get me into where I want to be.
And neither is saying: I don't want women or I don't care if I have them or not.

It's not the number 1 goal or the most importent thing, but this area needs to be handled.

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:15 am 

Last edited by Sir_Michael on Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:22 pm 
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I'm severing my ties with the community, and this 'natural' community.

Except for you Shay, I readded you, and Gina Cloud I'm keeping contact with because she's one of the few women I know who gets it, and I feel where she's coming form.

The rest of you don't take it personal guys, I've just had enough of this whole thing and I don't wanna hear anymore about this 'natural grounding' and 'masculine integrity' bullshit.

This forum won't help me and I don't want to keep coming back here for answers.

"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:19 pm 

Last edited by Sir_Michael on Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:17 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:14 am
Posts: 26

I think you need to chill man, I know your not looking for anymore advice or anything which is fine, but obvioulsy you have a flaw in your beliefs and mindset.

I can guarantee you that two years ago I was worse with woman then you or anyone else on the board is for that matter, but I owned up took control of my reality and that is no longer the case. So I can speak from experience that it is possible to change.

But the small yet HUGE detail that allowed me to make that change and keeps you from doing the same thing is simply this.

I BELIEVED I can do it.


 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:55 am 
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create wrote:

The rest of you don't take it personal guys, I've just had enough of this whole thing and I don't wanna hear anymore about this 'natural grounding' and 'masculine integrity' bullshit.

This forum won't help me and I don't want to keep coming back here for answers.

Whether you decide to continue with this forum or not is your decision obviously, and I wish you well no matter what your decision. Let me mention however, this forum is not suppose to be of help in the form of holy grail answers!! When I first started on the RELM forum, I made the mistake of doing that thinking if I could just pick their brains a little more then i'll get it. Well that never happened because I was too afraid to take the step myself!! Once I realized that all the realizations in the world don't mean shit if you don't take the necessary steps and actions to abide by them, what you learn means nothing!

At best this forum should serve as fellowship with a group of like-minded individuals sharing their thoughts, ideas, realizations, and experiences in that pertaining to living a life according to the essence of men that we are!! In that being the case, we all serve as uplifting influences for each other trecking down the road that would otherwise be too difficult. Nevertheless, MAKING THE DECISION to treck down that road regardless of the circumstances. Focusing on what it is that you value most with belief in it like CP mentioned!!

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:26 am 
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Sir Michael: BULLLLSHIIITTT. I'm sorry but that's total bullshit what you are saying. You have a belief system which you are currently locked in, and can't see a way out. That's fine, but you are speaking as if it's "reality" and it's not. It's your reality you just haven't realized that yet. Have we all felt that way - sure? Does it do any good to change your reality, absolutely not. Can you change it instantly - probably not. But can you change it most definitely, but it requires work and consistent development. You haven't yet put the work in.

You see - most people think that a belief is a statement in language, but I assure you it is not. It is something you feel and experience deeply, it goes well beyond words.

You say you have changed your beliefs, well I say you haven't. How do I know? All I have to do is read your words and your beliefs pop out at me like a 3d-movie.

You just think you have changed beliefs. But what you don't see is that beliefs are a way to shape reality and create or manifest what you want in the world. Are there limitations? Sure, but in this arena the limitations are very much limited by WHAT YOU BELIEVE. We're not talking about walking on the moon here, we're talking about being with women.

I could give you examples all day long of people that have transformed there lives using belief and focusing on what they want, but often times it took years. Can it happen sooner? Sure, but that depends on how bad you want it, and if you are willing to stop at nothing to get it. You simply lack focus, it's that simple. You have not yet learned to focus your mind, energy, heart in such a way to do this. It is not easy, but once you learn how to do it, it only gets easier and easier. Bill Harris is one of my best teachers around this, as well as Mark Ivar Myhre (thanks Shay :)) - even Cory Skyy is helping me as of late. And there are many others, just look and you will see...

I am a classic case of an introvert who has gotten control of his dating life. Two men were mentioned here by Shay. Cory Skyy may be an extrovert, but Paul Janka, certainly is an introvert. I wouldn't consider him very personable at all. Being a ladies man has less to do with extravert or introvert. It has everything to do with being a man who knows what he wants and stay committed to getting what he wants in the face of adversity.

You are also currently throwing a temper tantrum, much like a little boy, and that makes it even harder for you to change - "I don't wanna". And most certainly women don't wanna be with boy they want a man. I should know, I was broken up with once by a woman who said I acted like a little boy at times. You know what - she was right. But that was long ago.

You want quit too - then I say quit, nobody really cares but you. Your time is better spent on other projects and developing your life I'm sure. But I'll bet you'll be back! If not here then somewhere else in your life in regards to women.

Create - I say more power to you. Getting off forums is certainly what many guys need to do. I think NG is BS most part too, I actually think it's better to go and change your beliefs with other techniques and use "social" videos and what the reactions in your body as a guide to see where you're at. But if you're going to go into the world thinking that only Gina "gets it" you're wrong my friend and you know it. It's you that doesn't get it. Whenever you think the world is to blame, it's you who are to blame. The world reflects back what you put out. But best of luck.

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." -Master Yoda

Last edited by Bengal on Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:02 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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davidhnow wrote:
I think NG is BS most part too, I actually think it's better to go and change your beliefs with other techniques
I would just add that NG is a nice supplement to other techniques but I don't think it's enough on it's own. At least for me it wasn't.....

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:00 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:14 am
Posts: 26
I really believe in the power of Natural Grounding too attract woman among other things. In a year and a halfs time, I have gone from the most sexually frustrated guy you could ever know. Im talkin real bad, no girlfriends, no sex, heart broken, embarrasment, the works, and through natural grounding, I have completely turned myself around. My current self wouldnt even recognize the old me.

So im telling you that it can be done if you want it too. I have been doing alot of reading lately on how when people get to a certain point, they will actually sabotage there own success because they may be afraid to take that step to success because it is new and they dont know what to expect, so they retreat back into the expected and what they are used too, maybe that is the case here.

But I know from personal experience that natural grounding has changed me completely. There were other things that helped too but natural grounding is what put me on that path and I would say accounts for 70% of my success with woman and just being comfortable with who I am and taking action.

So whether anyone wants to believe it or not is up to them, but that is what it has done for me.

I think that the main problem people are having and not seeing success because of is they are not practicing relational mastery. You can do ALL the grounding you want but if you are still being suppressed and influenced by other sources, it is going to be very limited. When you can TAKE CONTROL over every single relationship you are in and clear all the junk out, that is what makes room for the natural grounding to really have a dramatic effect.

So I have thought and thought for a long time that taking relational control is a big part of the equation, at least 50/50 with natural grounding, and we are not practicing it enough. Natural Grounding clears out limiting beliefs and helps you to attract woman, Relational Mastery slowly moves you toward alpha male status, because you VALUE your state of mind and are willing to do the extra step to make sure nothing is poisoning it.

Natural Grounding, Relational Mastery, one without the other will help, but both combined is where the power is really at.

So for those of us who are doing natural grounding, but are still unsastisfied. Do yourselves a little favor, in fact test yourselfs. For a week or two, turn off the radio when commercials come on, mute the tv when commercials come on, or better yet dont watch it. Roll up the window when someone is playing loud music next to you. Plug your ears when an extremely loud fire engine goes by, or keep your eyes on the road when you pass a billboard on the freeway. IT SOUNDS SILLY! But its little things like that slowly reaches through to your unconscious and moves you too that alpha male status. You come to VALUE your state of mind and are willing to go that extra step to protect your thoughs.

By doing this you are slowly, like people have said in the past, freeing yourself from social garbage and moving yourself closer to nature, where the power is at. When you clear all that crap out you can live consciously and NG has a way larger effect. Little things like that is what makes the difference guys.

I really hope everyone, even the guys that have had recent questions get involved in these action steps that I am going to be making. Lets quit talking and PUT THIS STUFF TO THE TEST!! Especially if you are questioning it, whats there to lose? There have only been a couple posters on the first action step and I cant help but wonder why? With all the stuff that goes on here I would think people would be EXCITED that there is just now an attempt to trigger ACTION in us all and get guys involved through action instead of just words. If you really want it you WILL GO that EXTRA STEP, and if you dont, well then I guess you just keep wondering while others go on to results.

Anybody with me? Im not gonna keep trying to ask guys to be involved, its everyones choice, but I am inviting everyone to. I think if you guys jump on board we will see positive results, me and a couple guys have some great ideas that can really get us moving. The next action step I am working on is going to focus on relational mastery and getting us more aware of it.

If you really want it that bad, youll take the extra step. Whos with me?



 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:06 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:17 am
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CP, thanks for that post, I love it :)
So im telling you that it can be done if you want it too. I have been doing alot of reading lately on how when people get to a certain point, they will actually sabotage there own success because they may be afraid to take that step to success because it is new and they dont know what to expect, so they retreat back into the expected and what they are used too, maybe that is the case here.
This is very important, I haven't thought about that.

I'm with you but I need a few days to really get my goals in order. Actually I don't have real goals at the moment that I know I'm working on (at least on a personal development level). Might also be a consequence of misinterpretating indifference... I'll come back to the mission!

 Post subject: Re: Giving up
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:10 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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Let me just add this because everyhting else has already been said...

If you have been doing natural grounding and relational mastery (of course) and still don't see the results you really want.
If you have been trying to trick yourself into saying stuff like: 'I don't want women' (like Marcus suggested on realm) or doing Zan's smile and wink thing to still see very little results...

Then it's time to move on and look for additional advise and more value from other teachers,
you can't honestly say you have tried 'everything' and still don't see results.

Even David D. realised at one point that he does not have all the answers and made the interivew with dating gurus series...

Sure the social matrix sucks But look at the bright side: In this day and age we have the internet and can learn how to be better and more masculine men (back in the 70's people could not learn this stuff like today).

Most seduction teachers started as AFCs and once they decided they want this area of their life handled they tried and failed until they got to where they want to be. Now they teach guys how to not be in that place they once were and they already did most of the hard work for us.

The only teacher that said he was always good with women is David X, but that is because he started when he was very young (around 14, hehe). If you see him you will notice he is not good looking, he just decided he deserves women and didn't let any limiting beleives stop him from getting what he wants....

So it's ok to feel angry and frustration but use it to kick yourself in the but and rise to a new higher level 8-)

the power is within you :!:

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

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