Which one of you is this guy?
Just kidding. I tried to get him to join the forum. He might one day. Very smart dude, actually doesn't live to far from me. Lot of his concepts are a supplement to the mindset, The Kidd!! conceived here. He takes inspiration from other notable figures in the self-development space. Actually helped me a lot with my mindset last few years or so. He major focus if moving people from prematurely integrated relationships to integrated. Basically pick a side on the sexual polarity quadrant and play the game from that side to the best of your ability, to make the most of that "class" - Most of us here probably aim for masculine dominant or Integrated masculine. He's an Intj, very intelligent cat.
Lot of good game and goodies too, couple of things to get started:
Basics: Feminine and Masculine Energy/Polarity
Masculine Energy VS Feminine Energy Explained in Under a Minute
The Foundation of Sexual Polarity
Sexual Polarity Quadrant MasterClass
What is Premature Integration? #shadowwork
The 3 Levels of Sexual Integration #masterclass
Coach Brodie’s Law of Equivalent Exchange
The Anima, Animus, Sexual Integration, & Premature Integration
Coach Brodie’s Guide To Jungian Shadow Work & Individuation
Cup Theory:
The Parable of The Cup Pt. 1–The Gentleman-Gigolo Complex & Sexual Integration
The Parable of the Cup pt. 2— it takes self esteem & intrinsic reward to be submissive
The Metaphor of the Fork in the Road describes why a chain of command is important in relationships
The Parable of the House and the Storm: Sh*t Tests Exposed
Cup Theory Part 3: When Her Cup Is Low—Why Insecure Women Can’t Be Truly Submissive
When Your Program Panders To Masculine Women—Cup Theory Part 4
Cup Theory Part 5: The Bait & Switch Exposed
Will & Jada Explained: Cup Theory Part 6(These guys are in hollyweird but take it at face value here
Deal with leading wrong, getting over retroactive or post relationship jealously (Non-Stick Principle):
The Non-Stick Principle—Let That Hurt Go P*ssy
Let That Hurt Go D & P: When Bottled up Sexual Energy is Released
The link between leading with non-sexual bait, sexual compatibility, & retroactive jealousy PT. 1
Mansplaining Chasing Amy: The Psychology of Retroactive Jealousy
Chasing Dragons: The Non-Stick Principle Part 2– #SageBurners
Finishing how you start, escaping the friend zone, Clout Circumvention, Getting past security - moving up the levels of the sexual polarity quad as you win the game:
Catch Her Hand In The Cookie Jar—How To Seduce Women On Social Media
Nuances in Dealing with High Quality Low Cup Women
How A Woman’s Desire For Validation Relates To Her Sexual Attraction To Men (Brodie’s Scale)
Treat people accordingly:
Being a “Real” Nice Guy is not the answer
Scale of attraction:
Brodie’s Scale for Women’s Sexual Attraction
Brodie’s Scale to Sexual Attraction, Integration, & Sexual Polarity Erosion —Response to Kzaggin20
Dom energy:
Women Cannot Win The Gender War
The Incubus Game #BDSM
Disrespectful D!ck! The Mind of a Degrader
The Dominant Empath
How To Develop Masculine Sex Appeal
Female dating stragties/Gentleman-Gigolo Complex:
Killing Mary (Anima) - getting rid of Madonna whore complex:
Examples of sexual polarity quad:
Kenshin Himura: A tale of Integration pt. 1
Samurai X— Trust & Betrayal: A Tale of Psychological Reactance
Anakin Skywalker: The Feminine Dominant
Feminine Dominance Explained
The Oozaru—Feminine, Dominant Men, Blue Pill Alpha Males, Flying Monkeys, And Super Simps
Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Masculine-Submissive
The Masculine-Submissive Exercise In Self Control
Qui-Gon Jinn: The Masculine-Dominant
The 3 Types of Masculine-Dominant Men #BiologyFirst #DirectApproach #modeone
Masculine-Dominant Women Explained
The No Limit Soldier (Feminine-Dominant) vs The Leader (Masculine-Dominant)
Polarity In Star Wars: The Jedi, je’daii, & Sith
Darth Brodie’s Rule of Two: The Power of Primary Partners and Monogamy
Mugetsu: A Tale Of Submission
Super Saiyan: The Sexually Integrated Leader