Found another book than Von one, called "Men, It's Your Fault"
Amazon link : ... 197643811X
Didn't find it on libgen, but it's on Z-Library.
1 Getting Started 1
2 Women's Perspective Pg 7
3 Advice to Women Pg 16
4 Logic vs Emotion Pg 37
5 Cheating Pg 54
6 Q&A Pg 61
7 Miscellaneous Pg 92
8 A Few Good Quotes Pg 139
9 Lessons from Dave Pg 142
“This is to help men's happiness. There are a lot of sad motherfuckers out there. I'm not disrespecting the sadness of women but I really don't give a fuck. Her sadness means nothing to me. They cause it. Most of the time, due to the trickle down system, if I'm miserable then shes miserable. But when she's miserable, she really don't even know why. I could tell her why.”
“There are so many people in pain. When I say 'people', I'm trying to include women, but I really mean so many men are in pain. Women have Godly/Nature pain. Periods, pregnancy, well not actually the pregnancy, but the actual birth. Then there's things like rape. That's terrible.”
“I’m trying to get men to cut out their editing system. There’s a system that we have where at the bottom of your gut, you have a feeling. Women can just come from the bottom of their gut. Men have an editing system that comes in before it reaches our brain and mouth where we’re trying to make someone else feel better before we open our mouths. I’m trying to cut that editing system out, so women can really and truly understand what we want. Relationship books written by women are like a fish writing a book for fishermen on how to catch them. Why would I need help from a fish on how to catch it? It makes no sense. It goes against what they are.”
These books mentions specific behaviors that are conducive to getting laid.