So, your saying that negative programming weighs us down and stops us, for that to be true then the inverse would also have to be true. Positive programming alone would have to be enough to make us successful..right?
Yes, however I see Positive programming as more than watching the right TV shows, listening to alpha state music or watching videos of natural alpha models.
The way I see it, 'Positive programming' is to also know your strength as a man And understand the relational dynamics in your own culture\country.
let me explain by an example:
I know a guy who was always a ladies man and he does not know anything about seduction community. He is not that great looking, smart or rich so it's not his 'external' value.
the reason he was successful is because he grew up with 4 sisters and was in good relationship with them (so he knew about the real nature of women because of that- I suppose).
His father was a ladies man and told him a lot of stories on how he used to shag women and how he did it
And his father always told him that he is a sexy mother fucker and that he deserves to shag many women (since his father told him that so many times from a young age- this belief became a part of who he is).
His father also taught him 'inner game' stuff like: don't put women on a pedestal and not to chase or court them.....
So getting off the negative programing is
only the first step, the next step would be to have a strong inner game or natural game (whatever you want to call it, it does not matter).
Strong inner\natural game is what people like The Kidd, Corry Sky and David X are teaching.
Some would say Zan also teaches it but I think Zan's teachings (although some of it is good)
have lack of practical advise on how to change from the inside.
If one does not beleive he deserves beautiful women, does not know how to read subtle signs or puts women on a pedestal- he can smile and wink his whole life just to see very little to No results....