Hello everyone.
Big gift from my past self. Found a document from 2013 where I had gathered MANY Kidd'z Oneliners and gems. (So, everything he said after 2013 is not there...)
Kidd One liners or small gold statements :
https://www.relationalmastery.com/amemb ... t=The+Kidd
A lot of guys would say, "Why didn't you have
sex with her!?!" To them I say, "Because I don't reward or reinforce bad behavior."
So, the whole time she has been acting like a bitch, but the moment SHE decides she is ready to screw, I'm just supposed to deliver the goods? No.
Guys need to learn about THEIR value. Know that when a woman is coming at you, don't give up the ball....maintain possession! If she has eyes for you, make her dance to YOUR song...don't let her convince you to change the radio station.
Morals of this story?
- NEVER accept sex for an apology. All that does is reinforce the power of pussy in their minds. -
Know how to read between the lines and never take what a woman says at face value. They really do have their own agenda.
- Do NOT underestimate your "dick power" as a man. Once you believe in yourself, you will routinely perplex and captivate 99% of the women on the planet.
- If you're gonna bluff, ALWAYS be prepared to follow through. That is the only way you will sell it.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... p=789#p789
1. There is more to your life than chasing after SEX.
2. There is a lot more to interactions with women than SEX.
3. Too much of anything can become boring and unexciting, lackluster and repetitive.
This is the main message I've been trying to get across since I first wrote my articles back in '99.
The less you worry about them....the more they worry about you.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... p=837#p837
All I'm saying is if you build it, they will come. I better myself because I want to and am driven to do it...I also just so happened to notice a nice side effect of doing just that: Women become VERY
So, it's a win/win. You better yourself and reap the benefits of getting your shit straight, and where you once might have been worried about women...they are now worried about YOU.
So, why NOT get your shit together? The bonus is that during that process you become someone that women want to date by default!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... p=854#p854
So, I will say this: If you have yet to have been with a woman, then do what you feel you have to do to make that happen. If you have, then focus on yourself and give them the chance to make it happen for YOU.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... p=913#p913
If you are completely confident in who you are, and can read subconscious body language well, you can build a foundation so solid with very little actual face time, because your presence/aura is so overpowering that it stays even when you aren't there.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1013#p1013
It's time for some of these cats to stop thinking and start ACTING. The KEY is, to act on the right information.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1016#p1016
To just hand over that kind of respect to any pretty girl you meet on the street is like giving a a complete stranger your platinum credit card. That's right...credit is EARNED. This is why I say to treat them accordingly...and not according to how they look either!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1016#p1016
As a general rule for you rookies, treat women (except mom, of course) like a 5 (based on the 1-10
dimepiece scale). This way, if a woman is 1-5 looks wise, she feels like she is getting extra attention, but if she is 6-10 looks wise, she is wondering why you aren't all down her throat like every other man she meets. Once you get a better feel for this ebb and flow dynamic, then you can season to your own personal taste. It will soon become second nature...and the results will ASTOUND you.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1048#p1048
It's normal for me to deal with pretty and beautiful women. They don't phase me, because I don't focus on their looks. I focus on whether or not they are showing subconscious signs that they are attracted to me.
And, because I am not nervous or stressed, I just treat her like a person, not a goddess. This is entirely new to them usually, and they love it and always say how comfortable they feel with me and that they feel like they could tell me anything. It really is awesome!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... =1063#p106
Oh yeah, and I don't do much for fantasy. My motto is, "Less is more". The less blanks I fill in, the harder her imagination has to work. Trust me, it's a good thing.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1063#p1063
Indeed. I am HUGE on compliance. You have to finish how you start, so make sure you get off to a good start
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1081#p1081
I'm not a PUA, I've never done natural grounding, or any of all this other crazy shit you guys get mislead by. I just woke up one day, grabbed my balls and said, "I'm gonna be comfortable in my own skin and treat people how they treat me."
No offense, but most of this stuff some of you guys waste most of your time on is straight up hooey.
You guys want to throw money away? SEND IT TO ME. The free stuff I'm handing out it worth way more than the bullshit you're paying for.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1152#p1152
I'm all about taming the shrews, brother.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1200#p1200
Sometimes you just gotta deal with the Love you're given, my friend. Life ain't fair.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1210#p1210
Just because someone has a boyfriend doesn't mean they cannot truly love you.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1213#p1213
I'm not gaudy and actually dress very conservative. But because I know where I stand with my fellow man, and that I know who I am and what I am capable of, my persona/aura is immense.
THAT is what actually attracts women to me...everything else that pops up in conversation just seals the deal.
It all comes together in the end, my friend. Women do want love and connection...they just so also happen to want you to meet a certain criteria first before they allow themselves to relax enough to get there.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1215#p1215
Here's my natural grounding: If I look at a woman, and I can read that she likes what she sees, I am instantly at ease because I know she likes me already, no matter how beautiful SHE is.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1243#p1243
It's all in the delivery. I'm naturally cocky/funny, so I wear it well. Either it flows or it doesn't...you really can't force it.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1337#p1337
A woman will always put herself into a position for you to "take the lead" if she is interested. I don't really call that approaching, per se...I call it "jockin".
Never second guess yourself...and trust your gut. If you think a girl is putting herself in a position for you to talk to her, 8 times out of 10 she probably is. Just make sure The Most Interesting Man in the World isn't sitting behind you first or something.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1338#p1338
With great power comes great responsibility.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1401#p1401
instead of seeing something you like and just going for it, take the time to hang back a bit and observe to see who may be showing signs that they like YOU. THEN, open THOSE women up. I guarantee your hit/miss ratio will improve drastically. You see, people are generally friendly, so even if you open a woman who is not checking for you with the vibe you describe, best case scenario is you become friends.
However, if you apply the skill of observation (or advance scouting, as I like to refer to it as) to pick a target that is picking YOU...honestly, what comes out of your mouth will be irrelevant.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1454#p1454
You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. Being comfortable in your own skin and becoming your own best friend are key traits to becoming successful with women in ANY
capacity...life in general too as far as that goes.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1459#p1459
That's because women are vain creatures who also happen to enjoy a good power trip. Also, just because they want attention, doesn't mean they necessarily want it from YOU. This is why I usually take the time to place myself strategically in their view to gauge interest before deciding to either approach or move on. If a woman is showing no signs of interest, I don't even bother, first of all because I'm lazy and don't like working hard to try to give a woman she already wants (me), and secondly, the risk/reward ratio is higher than I'd like. I'm not into trying to win someone over...I'm trying to make someone's day!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1461#p1461
NEVER ask friends about how who you are interested in feels about you. It is a waste of time and takes your mystique right off the table as soon as they start gabbing. Trust your gut...if you see it, act on it!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1589#p1589
The difference is, my friend, that YOU picked the woman. When the woman picks YOU, then the magic happens.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1616#p1616
Honestly, I **NEVER** listen to what they say. Talking is just for background noise and distraction while I counter her subconscious communication...CONSCIOUSLY. Once you get that down, the sky is the limit.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1634#p1634
It's simple, really...don't THINK you're awesome...KNOW that you're awesome. Once you believe in yourself, everything else falls right into place.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1659#p1659
Love: An emotional response to a logical subconscious assessment of a target that shows most if not all of the qualities that are desirable in a mate from the observer's perspective.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1759#p1759
They are indecisive BECAUSE they are more emotional. Decisiveness is a trait based on logic.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1802#p1802
When you are "the man", people will treat you accordingly once you have arrived
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1818#p1818
Once you accept your flaws, you can live with them.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1835#p1835
Nowadays, most women NEED to be lead...the problem comes from convincing them of this. They are so into equality and independence that they don't understand that "submitting to your man" is not a bad or negative thing. It is really quite ridiculous.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1868#p1868
The plan should be NOT to give up thinking about women, but to occupy your time with self-improvement type activities where you are preoccupied. Therefore, you are not thinking about women because you are going out of your way NOT to think about women, but rather you are not preoccupied with thinking of women because you are so busy making you the best you that you could possibly be.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1891#p1891
It was at that moment that I then knew that men, not women are the prize...we've just let women socially condition us into thinking other wise. Fact: There are more women on this planet than men.
Once I fully absorbed this concept, it changed my whole mindset and overall approach to women.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1918#p1918
Bottom line: They felt beautiful because someone they considered to be attractive actually took the time out to at least appear interested in them, no matter how fleeting that interest may have been.
3) My vibe of contentment. The fact that I put out zero needy energy whatsoever. Because I don't project neediness, women NEED to talk to me. See?
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 1940#p1940
Basically, women love to talk about themselves, which is great because the more you get them to divulge, the more invested and attached they end up feeling towards you. So I don’t really draw pictures in their heads, but I don’t discourage whatever they decide to conjure up on their own either. If you do it right, THEY become the storytellers…all you have to do is actively listen.
As far as topics go, I just go with the flow and let the conversation go where it will. As a rule, if a woman starts to use profanity around me comfortably, especially the F word, that is a subconscious sign that she was to fuck me. Also, I pay attention to any type of touching, even if it appeared to be accidental. Eye contact is very important, and closeness as well. As I’ve stated before, the conversation is really just a smoke screen so that I can read her non-verbal communication…THAT
is where all the action is.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2062#p2062
I don't NEED to bring up sex anymore. It would make me appear needy. I KNOW she wants it...I just have to wait for her to convince herself that she is ready to do it.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2245#p2245
Oh, and leave the self doubt at home on this trip...the sign above her door says, "Confident men ONLY."
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2246#p2246
**A woman will only get away with WHAT YOU ALLOW HER TO GET AWAY WITH.**
In most other countries, women are raised to respect men, whereas in America, most women are raised that they are equal, if not BETTER THAN men.
So what happens is, most men (like Rion), instead of rising to the challenge of being the best man they can possibly be to supercede these bitches, decide to enter the Konami Code (read: cheat code) and run away to foreign lands where the dollar goes farther and they can portray themselves to be whoever they want to be. That, my friends, is not game...that is taking advantage of a favorable environment, and becoming addicted to it in the process.
If one believes that they have to kiss a womans ass to court her in America, then that person has fallen for the lie of the Matrix...hook, line and sinker. Once men can possess the intuition to give a woman not what she wants but what she NEEDS, then their dating lives will become very ridiculous like mine is slowly becoming. Why is mine only slowly becoming ridiculous?
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2288#p2288
You are absolutely right about most people (men and women) being selfish in the sack...people are just self centered in general nowadays. But, I love this. Why? Because when these women (and they are the majority) run into me, and experience what it feels like to be properly lavished, ravished and fucked silly...they never want to let me go.
But do leave with this: women are not blow up dolls for your pleasure and your pleasure only. Go into sex with the right mindset, and women will turn into the most wonderful creatures you have ever had the privilege of being in the presence of.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2298#p2298
My tactics are designed to disarm women and rip the bitch shield away, if you will. After you do that, it's like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get. Sometimes there is an actual genuine and sincere woman under there who was just scared to get hurt anymore...other times, you remove the bitch to reveal...a bitch.
But that doesn't mean that rare Pokemon don't exist in the wild. With that I mean, when I was younger and fresh in this mindset, I was so jaded and convinced that ALL women were out to get me, that I passed up quite a few rare women...the ones who weren't about bullshit. So now, I pay better attention to what is paying me attention, and if I run into a woman who doesn't come at me with bullshit, and is about something. I give her the benefit of the doubt and overcompensate a little bit and give her the chance to disqualify herself.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2327#p2327
The key is not to stop wanting, or to ground yourself into believing that you don't want...it lies in having the discipline to not be attached to the outcome. For example, there is a woman in my life right now that I really, really want. But, at the same time, if she doesn't come around I can not give a fuck at the drop of a hat, and also in the meantime while she figures out what she wants to do.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2422#p2422
Guess what? WOMEN ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM (indirectly of course...the societal matrix is the root of ALL evil)...and the sooner you learn how to properly deal with the problem, the sooner you get the kind of results that make people say, "Whoa" as they watch you leap buildings and dodge bullets.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2431#p2431
The fact that NG is all about grounding YOURSELF proves my point entirely...to me it's like you are making yourself submit to women (be it certain types of women), rather than owing your shit and making women submit to YOU.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2435#p2435
...and that's the best thing about my mindset. My mindset actually teaches you how to qualify women and also let them disqualify themselves, which aids greatly is finding a real woman to have as a possible long term life partner. That's the difference...my stuff is flexible enough where you can use it to get laid on your terms, or help you wade through the sea of bullshit broads to find one that is actually worthy of your love, time, and devotion.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2589#p2589
Bottom line: By using NG, you are NOT getting her...she is getting YOU. Using my mindset, not only do you get the girl, you get her on YOUR terms, and she is more than happy to submit to YOU.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2621#p2621
Of course...my method does this by default because if you focus on talking to the girls that you can tell like you, you aren't talking to everyone by default. I think it is crucial to keep an air of mystery to yourself in order to maintain intrigue.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2752#p2752
Becoming your own best friend is the key to unlocking the "Vibe of Contentment" that will make women jock the SHIT out of you...it cannot be overstated enough. I don't know about the extremes that this thread appears to be headed into, but as a concept it is definitely mandatory.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2859#p2859
Of course he knew...he could feel it in his gut. Once you really make peace with yourself and the demons within, the background inference will cease and you will able to get much clearer 'gut'
communications and feelings.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2879#p2879
If you know you're in control, then you have control...you have the capacity to influence decision.
So even though the woman has the ultimate say so in pertinent matters, if you are in control, you can always influence her decisions to go in your favor.
So, once again, this gives them the illusion that they are in control, when really, YOU are actually in control.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2887#p2887
The great thing about my mindset is that it can be applied to ALL aspects of life, not just women as El-Chameleon has pointed out. I usually just focus on the female aspect because, well, it is a good motivator to totally get the concept, then, once it is fully assimilated, most guys usually naturally apply it to everything else automatically.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2891#p2891
Worst case scenario? You hear nothing, which also tells you everything you need to know for the moment anyway. You gotta understand...this woman expects you to be fawning all over her. Why?
Because it is what most men do, so why should you be an exception? Besides, since you admitted yourself that you fell into her frame a bit, this is your chance to redeem yourself and abolish that impression.
Best case? She makes the above contact, and you shove the facts down her throat as outlined. She will backpedal, stunned by your show of force. Then, if you maintain this frame and do not falter AT ALL...she WILL submit. GUARANTEED.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2907#p2907
That's odd, because women want...nay...NEED to be checked and put in their place in certain situations. Most of those situations are if they are getting in your face with some power trippin', narcissistic ass bullshit. This resonates well because their own daddies only let them get away with so much before they checked them, and we all know that people tend to subconsciously look for some aspect of their parents in possible mates.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 2940#p2940
Remember...it's the actions you watch...stop listening to the words.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3013#p3013
If you tell almost any woman that you are interested in another woman, and then say, "What do you think I should do?", she will undoubtedly tell you to go for it, pursue her, surprise her with flowers and a card, be sweet, let her know how you feel...blah, blah, blah.
Guess what? If you proceed to do ANY of that bullshit, you will be taken for a yard. It's almost like the broad is setting you up for failure with women, period.
So if you want to take advice from women, for women, here is what you do...whatever she says, do the COMPLETE OPPOSITE...then you'll be fine.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3088#p3088
Come on, man. If you are following my advice and you can read subtle signs, you don't need to do any AFFIRMations...the fact that you can see she is on your shit gives you...(wait for it)...CONFIRMation.
Confirmation. Try THAT concept on, people.
Bottom line: I didn't continually keep AFFIRMing myself that I'm awesome and chicks like me...I CONFIRMed it by the way people actually REACTED to me.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3182#p3182
Guys need to understand that everyone has different tastes, and just because you are not the epitome of what society considers attractive, doesn't mean that you are attractive to NO ONE...if you know what to look for, you will see that there are HUNDREDS of women who like you just the way you are. ^_^
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3230#p3230
Like I always say, the less you care, the more THEY care.
Sly Stallone said it best in "The Expendables": "The man who best gets along with women can get along best without women at ALL."
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3411#p3411
My solution? Learn YOUR environment, and learn to observe and analyze.
Hands down, I have never had a woman treat me better. She will tell me to my face that she would do almost anything for me and only wants to make me happy...and her actions back up her words 100%.
Bottom line: It may be like finding a needle in a haystack, but it can happen if you are patient, picky, and know how to tell when a woman is choosing YOU. I didn't think women like that existed at ALL...and yet here she is in all of her glory. Will it last forever? Who knows? She is not without her personal issues, and I am far from naive, but if she continues to check herself, i feel this relationship has the potential to last for quite a while, if not go all the way.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3443#p3443
The best part is, I'm not worried about her AT ALL...but she is ALWAYS wondering where I am and what I'm up to. Granted, this stems from her past that has made her quite insecure on some levels, but I don't tolerate it...and I TELL HER that I WILL **NOT** tolerate it. After a few talks, I can tell that it still bothers her when I do stuff without 'checking in first', but I'm a grown ass mayne...I don't check in to ANYONE. The best part though is that even though I can tell by her tone and mannerisms that it still bothers her, she doesn't attack me about it anymore since she understands that it's an internal issue that has nothing to do with me.
THIS is the level all men should hope to aspire to...when a beautiful woman is doing whatever it takes to keep YOU...not the other way around.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3792#p3792
Women are women...and women are human. Period.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3846#p3846
What you need to take away from what I'm about to say is this: Women will cheat if they are not getting what they NEED at home. Notice I didn't say WANT...I said NEED. Men of today don't know how to tell what a woman NEEDS, and overcompensate by trying to give her everything they WANT...which leaves them ultimately spoiled and bored. These married women were unfaithful because they were missing something at home...and the crux of the problem is that women of today seek out men that SOCIETY says they should have....instead of going with their gut and picking the man they actually TRULY desire...all because the guy they really want isn't awesomely handsome, well off, etc. It's a sad state of affairs.
So, over the course of my life since my awakening, I have gone from a staunch "Truss no Bitch"
mantra to, with the ability to observe, analyze, apply, and adapt, I'm convinced that if you take the time to marry the RIGHT woman, who TRULY wants you for YOU and has your best interests at heart, you will be fine. It has to be for ALL THE RIGHT REASONS...for BOTH parties involved.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 3926#p3926
Well, the more confidence you have in yourself, the more a dominant position you will assume while executing these maneuvers, which definitely increases your overall success rate.
Remember...it's all in the delivery.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4020#p4020
I feel sorry for guys who take women's advice at face value...I really and truly do.
...and remember, folks!...it's not about thinking what a woman wants...it's all about knowing what she NEEDS...which may not necessarily be what she wants.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4031#p4031
The biggest problem is guys are approaching the wrong women...meaning the ones that could care less about them. Then, when they get dissed, they take it personally like it was their fault instead of realizing that the chick didn't have eyes for him in the 1st place.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4126#p4126
It's really more about learning to be able to spot what likes you versus what you like.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4207#p4207
Agreed...but my methods aren't based on assumptions...it's rooted in evidence based deduction.
I don't *think* a woman likes what she sees...I *know* beyond the shadow of a doubt that she does because she has presented me with enough evidence to convince me. This isn't about knowing that you are awesome...yes, the vibe of contentment works wonders, but the bottom line is if you are reading properly, there are no leaps of faith.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4210#p4210
They can act like they are gold all they want...unless they have their shit together (environmentally based) and/or have aged extremely gracefully (or have kept up with tastefully done cosmetic surgery), then trust me, the guys that are chasing them are nowhere near the guys they truly want.
I have told aging women before...I'm not saying that you wont be able to get a man...I'm just saying that you won't be able to get a man that you REALLY desire...you'll end up having to settle, which is a fate worse than death.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4234#p4234
Arrogance has it's place...but you'll always attract more bees with honey rather than vinegar. Treat people accordingly...and if they ask for it, give it to them!...bit only if they ask.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4244#p4244
See Sniper? You've managed to overcome your seemingly impossible environment. In hindsight, maybe your environment wasn't so much as impossible as it was just intimidating to you. Now you understand what I was saying...that my methods provide results in ANY environment. You are like a totally different person now, and I salute you!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4252#p4252
I'm an extroverted introvert then. I enjoy people and the attention that comes with the territory, but I'm also big on 'Me Time' as well.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4286#p4286
Id still call her a bitch. It's a test by US. If she gets all inflamed, irritated and ignorant, cut your losses and move on. BUT!...if she gets defensive and says, 'Dont call me that!', then all you gotta say is, 'When you stop acting like a bitch, I'll stop calling you a bitch...bitch.'
Works wonders.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4326#p4326
When guys actually take the time to listen and apply what I teach, it works like a charm and involves no trickery.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4351#p4351
They don't really give me any (signs of attraction), am I the exception to the rule or is there something I've missed out on?
Well, that means one of two things:
1) You are so hideously grotesque that no woman alive desires you or
2) You just aren't tuned all the way in yet.
I'd bet it's the latter.
Being able to observe subtleties on the level that I do takes months to years of constant mental practice...putting yourself in social situations ad nauseum for the sole purpose of fine tuning observation techniques. Trust me, it's happening...you just can't fully see the Matrix yet.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4366#p4366
I'll bet you are too focused on women that you WANT to give you signs as opposed to paying attention to signs FIRST...and then who is actually showing them SECOND.
One more time for the latebirds: It's NOT about what knowing what YOU like...it's about knowing what likes YOU.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4371#p4371
Women stopped honoring us because men stopped being men, which in essence means we stopped honoring OURSELVES. Women want to honor US...they were created to complement US...not the other way around. Honoring a woman just makes her lose respect for YOU.
You treat a woman the way she deserves to be treated. Point. End. '.'
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4373#p4373
I don't honor women...I respect them if/when they prove themselves to be worthy of it, but I make them want to 'honor' ME...which fulfills them because all a woman really wants is a man that she can believe in and make her feel acknowledged. The MOMENT a woman even THINKS you may have put her on a pedestal (which is according to HER perspective), she will instantly attempt to shit on your head, since you are still standing beneath her on the floor.
So, what you SHOULD be going for with this honor stuff is, "If you honor yourself, then women will honor you as well."
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4396#p4396
Remember, a woman doesn't have to pay you ANY attention at ALL...
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4400#p4400
Practice and trusting your gut instinct. Stop explaining away everything your gut tells you...learn to EMBRACE IT.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4406#p4406
That's just it though...if you are doing it right, you are too busy dealing with constantly BEING
seduced and persuaded that you really don't have time TO seduce anyone.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4411#p4411
A lot of women are brainwashed by the Matrix to THINK that they want a beta...most end up learning the hard way that they don't. However, most of these women end up just being serial cheaters (with Alphas no less) and even if they do get caught, Mr. Beta just begs them to stay anyway. It's really quite grotesque.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4435#p4435
It is this quest for the quick and easy path that prevents you from ultimately getting your blowjob, ATZ.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4470#p4470
To deal with the the women of today, you need some space age shit. You need...MY shit.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4473#p4473
The path less traveled is not a easy one nor is it a quick fix...it is a total life changing experience...understand this going forward, all of you whom this applies...
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4499#p4499
Women view me as a sex object...so what about them? That's what I don't like about some of these other schools of thought...it focuses solely on what we as men are supposedly doing wrong.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4504#p4504
Get real. The problem with the world in general is no one wants to take responsibility for SHIT
anymore. Stop giving these bitches a free pass on society's dime...they decided to play so when the time comes, they are just as liable and therefore MUST PAY.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4534#p4534
The Matrix I outlined has only to deal with being able to see women as they truly are and to recognize their hidden agendas. It is unnecessary and overkill to shun media just because it is 'force feeding' you a message you don't agree with. Just because you are exposed to something doesn't mean it will become you...you still have your own mind and free will. Yes, it is true that there are a lot of elements out there that, if taken to heart, can be very detrimental to your mindset...so just don't take them to heart.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4535#p4535
Like I've always said, I love little girls and old women. Why? Because little girls are too young to know the game exists yet and old women don't need to play it anymore.
This is a good first step...but know that these two age groups will ALWAYS give OBVIOUS signs that they like what they see. Don't get used to that. The women in your target age range will be MUCH more subtle and crafty...so you must learn to fine tune yourself to THAT. However, attention from the afore mentioned age groups is a great way to build your observation foundation and know that yes, you are attractive. Good luck and have patience!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4536#p4536
Whenever a beautiful woman is overly friendly and forward with you, suspect ulterior motive.
Whenever I'm out and about, and a drop dead chick starts chatting me up incessantly, I always ask,
'So how many kids do you have?'...I'm rarely wrong in this assumption. It's either that, or they are from out of town and have thrown caution into the wind because 'What happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas."...or something like that.
Point I'm trying to make is, most women who chat you up online are either looking for something, trying to get away from something, or both. They prey on men who are susceptible to their charms (aka suckers) and will eventually try to manipulate you into doing something for them, be it send them some money or even all the way up to getting married. There are enough real live women in your immediate environment every day to have to be bother with some long distance internet BULLSHIT.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4538#p4538
I love women!...I just hate them BITCHES!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4546#p4546
Make no mistake...as I've said before, we live in a global society now. Abandon this quest for a utopia, Sniper, for it does not exist. Look no more to escape...instead, strive to EMBRACE, CIRCUMVENT, and OVERCOME.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4552#p4552
Yes and no...you need to work on being more subconsciously aware of both what you are putting out and what you are getting back, vibe wise. Just because YOU are comfortable talking to a woman, does not necessarily mean that SHE is comfortable talking to YOU.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4579#p4579
In a nutshell, being able to discern signals gives you answers to questions that no longer need asking. I'm not saying to only speak to women if they are giving you signs, though if you do the odds of success are heavily tipped in your favor...I'm saying that by being able to notice these subtle subconscious signs of interest, you refrain from the mistake most guys make of assuming a girl likes them when in reality, they are just being friendly or tolerable.
This is the benefit of my method.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4613#p4613
Who said I was working hard? I'm the laziest guy I know! The way I do things, once the foundation is laid, SHE ends up doing all the work. You REALLY don't get how I operate at ALL.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4620#p4620
Bottom line is, women want sex more than we do, but over the years have effectively led us to believe that they don't. This way, they keep us feeling like we have to do all the work to 'win them over' and that we have to put up with them...which is BULLSHIT.
If in fact they want dick about twice as badly as we want pussy, then why are we as men working so hard to give them something that they already REALLY want?
Yep, that's the crux of it.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4664#p4664
Haha! Difference is...there is NOTHING wacky about my shit...it is all logically based, scientifically sound, pimp tested and Kidd approved!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4749#p4749
Never improve yourself for women...improve yourself for YOU...to improve YOUR quality of life.
The women that will fall effortlessly at your feet after the fact are merely a pleasant side effect of your self improvement.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4763#p4763
...and of course I am very much at peace with myself...I know who I am and what I am capable of...I'm sure this goes without saying, but I just wanted to put it out there.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4785#p4785
The things I felt that I could never change, I worked on accepting and even embracing as things that made me unique. The things that I felt I could improve on, well, I worked tirelessly on them...and still do till this day. THAT is how you become comfortable in your own skin, NOT by whispering sweet nothings into your own damn ear.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4792#p4792
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4862#p4862
Bottom line: Improve yourself for YOU...because YOU deserve a better life and lifestyle. This will attract women to you like flies to shit by DEFAULT. Become borderline self absorbed...then you will see some unbelievable shit.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4864#p4864
An X-Factor is created when a woman meets you and decides that beyond any shadow of any measurable doubt that you are, and ever will be, the best option for HER. IF she comes to this realization, there is nothing...and I mean NOTHING, that she won't do you attempt to convince you that you are for HER. She will basically take on the traditional male role (if you let her)...taking you out, calling you up, keeping tabs on you, doing whatever you say.
Now, I'm not saying that she won't ever try you...every woman has to check periodically if her
'pussy power' is wearing you down yet. As long as you put your foot down when you NEED to and are not afraid to remove yourself from the equation for an indefinite period of time (until she is ready to act right, basically), everything will eventually normalize. Best part is, when you do check her, it only reinforces in her mind that you are indeed a REAL man...and DEFINITELY the man for her. This means that when she does rebound from a good checking, she is even better than she was BEFORE she tried you.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4872#p4872
Moral of this story? Don't be afraid to move first if you see that she digs you...if you know what you are doing, you will be able to steal the ball and turn things around in your favor soon enough.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4883#p4883
For the record, I wasn't chasing. She was obviously VERY interested...she was just used to being approached a certain way (most beautiful women are). So, I played the comfort zone card until she
'let me in'. This is the essence of what I refer to as 'Ball Stealing'.
It's a calculated risk...but then again so is investing in the stock market. Bigger risk = greater possible payoff. Difference is, by using my methods, you have access to the best insider trading tips in the world.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4886#p4886
Your gut instinct will help you differentiate the real from the phony...just make sure you listen to it.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4894#p4894
Haha! She is trying to steal the ball from YOU. In this situation, if I know that she is into me and that this is just a 'power play', I enthusiastically agree...she's only making it worse on herself in the long run.
Agree to be her friend then remain aloof...let her get in touch with you and make no attempts. You will discover soon enough that either she is into you or if you just saved yourself a lot of time and effort.
Best part is, it will take ZERO effort on your part to arrive at a conclusion...in the meantime, let your main girl, who obviously deserves your attention, keep you occupied.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 4969#p4969
If you're in the right mindstate, your presence will be stimulus enough.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5017#p5017
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5063#p5063
I've always said that too...it is a woman's **NEEDS** that you tend to, not her wants...and most times,a woman isn't really sure WHAT she needs...and that's what separates the men from the boys...an man's ability to know what a woman NEEDS, whether SHE thinks she needs it or not.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5067#p5067
Women are like snowflakes...no two are ever the same.
That said, a snowflake is STILL a snowflake, and unless you break out a microscope, the naked eye can't tell the difference.
This is why you MUST learn to trust that primal, gut instinct that screams at you when you're fucking up and gives you a warm fuzzy when you're on the right track.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5076#p5076
Well, my friend, that comes from endeavoring to become the best man you can possibly be. Once you truly know who you are and what you are capable of doing, everything else just falls into place.
Good luck on your journey of self discovery.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5103#p5103
Less is always more.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5105#p5105
The more you say, the more they think you care. The less you say forces their imaginations to fill in the blanks.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5150#p5150
Stop hating on me.
My shit works...point, end, period...and it doesn't involve any peepee pullin, hypnosis, sublimal MP3's, or any other kind of hooey or tomfoolery. If someone wants to spend some money for some personalized skype sessions, that's fine...other than that there is NO financial investment necessary to gain long and lasting results with my methods.
Maybe you got taken in by some of this seduction bullshit and I can't help that shit...but don't project your bullshit experiences onto me and what the fuck I'M doing...it's not fair to me or the others who would really benefit from injecting some LOGIC into not only their interactions with women, but how to map their road to self improvement and realization as well.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5189#p5189
To subconsciously determine if a man is 'man enough' for her. If you put your foot down like you're supposed to, then she ends up liking you even more, though she may never admit it or really show it. I believe it goes back to a primal type of natural selection.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5191#p5191
My confidence _stays_ up.
Why, you ask? Because like I have stated before, I have gone through enough trials and tribulations in my life that I know **WHO** I am and **EXACTLY** what I am capable of...and because of my supreme confidence in myself and my abilities, coupled with my vibe of contentment, uncanny observation/analyzation abilities and a well tuned gut instinct, I am able to pick up subtle CONfirmations of my overall societal status/attractiveness everyday.
I don't need to tell myself how awesome I am...I have friends who remind me of this daily.
I don't need to tell myself how attractive I am...I have women in my life (and perfect strangers as well) who remind me of this daily as well, be it blatant or subtle.
Now, this doesn't mean that I **NEED** CONfirmation...I'm just saying that I have no problem picking up on the fact that it is there.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5195#p5195
Makes sense...if you have enough presence of mind to not let her get away with bloody murder, then chances are that you would discipline any possible children impartially as well. But, that is a bit down the road. In the interim, her 'testing' helps her to narrow down her suitors and select the best possible mate for her.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5196#p5196
Always take answers from women with a few grains of salt.
It's like asking your opponent what is the best way to beat them...you really think they are going to tell you in plain straightforward terms?
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5210#p5210
All you have to do is treat them according to how they treat you.
TREAT THEM ACCORDINGLY...it really is that simple.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5216#p5216
Never doubt yourself. Everything I preach works WONDERS in square relationships...and if you and that woman are trying to do something meaningful, then she shouldn't be doing that anyway. It's not something you need to check her on...it's something for you to be aware of and then check YOURSELF.
You gotta ask yourself...is this really the kinda woman I should get serious with?
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5283#p5283
The golden rule is: As long as pussy wants you more than you want pussy, everything else will fall into place...and if you are not in a 'place' within yourself where pussy wants and aches for you?
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... t=20#p5309
It's just punishment/reward basically. Treat 'em how they deserve to be treated.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5342#p5342
Contracting your bumhole on a regular basis is actually great in helping to delay orgasm.
That is all.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5349#p5349
Quit droppin the ball man...hang on to that shit and DUNK IT!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5384#p5384
If you're not interested, then you're just not interested. You are not OBLIGATED to acknowledge any and all such acts of jockin'...you do what you want to do.
I get jocked all the time...ALL THE TIME. Do I approach every single woman every single time?
NO. Is it because I'm intimidated or afraid of rejection? **NO.**
Sometimes, knowing is good enough for me. I have a lot going in in my life right now...things that I'm working hard on to accomplish certain goals I've set for myself. I know that involving myself with someone new right now would only bog me down, so I don't bother.
See the difference? I'm not needy, desperate, or actively looking...but it doesn't mean that I don't notice what is going on around me at all times.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5422#p5422
Actually I am quite pleasant and easy to talk to...you'll always attract more flies with honey than vinegar.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5425#p5425
it's all in your stance and delivery.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5428#p5428
Being Pimp Tight minded isn't about fucking lots of girls (though a by product of this mentality precludes it to happening)...any fool with a dick can do that. It is about dealing with women your way and on your terms. You fuck them when you feel they DESERVE to be fucked.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5451#p5451
It's ultimately all in the delivery and initial meeting. If you set the tone correctly, and she is jocking you tough enough, then believe me she'll call...she may even call the same day. However, as you have alluded to, sometimes you may HAVE to call first because they impose societies rules upon you. In those cases (as with my ex), if you feel like it is worth it, you go along and steal the ball later.
Bottom line: You have to respect whoever moves first. If I say, 'I look forward to hearing from you.'
and I leave without a complaint from her, then it is implies that she is going to call me. That's not standoff that's common sense. If she takes the initiative before I do and says, 'Call me sometime tomorrow', I'm not going to stand there and retort with, 'Uh no...you can call ME tomorrow'...I will respect that she beat me to it and call first.
Everything eventually works it's way out.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5456#p5456
What we as men have in our favor is that while women are ruled by emotion, men are ruled by logic. The social matrix attempts to make men more emotional, which puts us at women's mercy, because they OWN the emotional realm.
Logic > Emotion...be a man, trust your gut and good things will happen for you.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5472#p5472
Whatever...you go ahead ahead and keep telling yourself what kind of man you wish to be while I keep on being that man and having women tell me that they wish their man was more like ME.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5502#p5502
Whatever...you go ahead ahead and keep telling yourself what kind of man you wish to be while I keep on being that man and having women tell me that they wish their man was more like ME.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5561#p5561
The gist is doing whatever it takes to make you confortable in your own skin. If those guys are fully comfortable being overweight slobs, then more power to them. After all, the Vibe of Contentment is what you are ultimately after, and different men obtain it in different ways.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5564#p5564
It is emotion that tends to overrule logic. I will say tho that logic, when used properly, can keep emotions in check.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5574#p5574
It's all relative perspective...some people tell me I think too much...
I think those people don't think **enough**.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5578#p5578
Okay...but the REASON why women seem drawn to me and that I'm awesome isn't because women are MY main goal. My main goal is just the be the best man I can possibly be...mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially. Simply put, I strive to max out my potential by any means necessary.
...and as I've said before...the pleasant side effect to all of this focus on self improvement is that women become more and more drawn to me.
Bottom line: Stop focusing on women so much and focus on YOURSELF. The more you focus on yourself, the more women will too. BUT!...do it FOR yourself...not for them (women).
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5586#p5586
Oh, and the Matrix DOES have control over those who let it control them...like Cypher, who even though he knew better just couldn't handle the truth. A LOT of people can't handle the truth, and would rather have their ignorance served with a side of denial and steak fries.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5592#p5592
I can't help how you feel about me...those are your insecurities manifesting themselves as hatred and jealousy...and I'm not going to change who and how I am because you are butthurt about it.
if I'm cocky?...I EARNED THE RIGHT TO BE.
Read between the lines and glean what you need from what I write...don't sweat the technique.
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5605#p5605
Symps ultimately get what they want (pussy), so they feel like there is nothing wrong with how they do things since, to them, they usually get a favorable outcome. Sure, they are fucked medium and long term, but they don't think that far ahead enough to care.
All they know is, sympin' works, so they could care less about the other possible ways you could skin a cat...they have a sure fire method that works and they are sticking with it!
https://www.naturalfreedom.info/viewtop ... 5642#p5642
I also endorse intuition as well, as evidenced by me always saying 'trust your gut!'...and Scarf is correct...the two go together like chocolate and peanut butter.
The reason why I stress logic so much initially is because in this day and age, people need proof.
They get gut feelings but don't trust them and/or explain them away. As they become more logical, they (hopefully) soon discover that their gut ALWAYS concurs with the logic. Then, hopefully in time, the learn to trust their intuition wholeheartedly and feel and use the Force.
I myself am very intuitive and probably borderline clairvoyant. Bits of this is evidenced in some of my stories (like the one when I saw the girl at the bus stop and my brain told me that I was going to fuck her...and eventually, with little effort on my part, I did).
Bottom Line: Logic is the training wheel for intuition.