fufe wrote: * | Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:19 pm |
About what Peregrinus said, my belief is that if you lead by example, your kids will catch up on it.. Subconscious level is insanely influential but most people don't know it.
Just look at how subconscious things from our parents fucked us up in a way lol, demons we had to face (and also good things passed onto us subconsciously)
Altair wrote: * | Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:16 pm |
You've got me stumped lol
I was stumped about why the time thing came up.. If anything your value would continue to rise and hers would fall. Unless you let yours fall faster than hers, which is kinda counterproductive.
If anything, time re-enforces this strategy/thought/idea/concept. Also points to the failings in the taught thought.
I have been quite careful to keep children and parenting out of this so far, as muddying the waters too much confuses things. If you are her choice for genes, so be it.. That is a small thing in the total picture.
Would there be any difference in how you are around her if she did or did not have children?
or if she did and they were from your sperm?
and as for sheltering children, I would much rather educate them as to the reality of things rather than shelter them. At some point they would have to leave your 'shelter', what then?
is my finger too small, or is the moon too bright to look at?
The questions looked like you looked away to me
as zogler said:
zogler wrote: * | Thu May 31, 2018 11:07 pm |
The person that has the least amount of interest in continuing a relationship has the most power over it.
And that person has to be more valuable than the other.
But that person should also care less about commitment.
Which side of that equation would you rather be on.. I know which I would choose for myself.
A lot of things in that quote, a lot of dynamics and concepts, all flipped depending on which side you are on.
A thought occurred to me: In case I have not made it clear, I am not talking in this subject about any specific woman, relationship or partner.. I am discussing all your interactions.