Firstly thanks to Altair and TheDude for making me think
Altair wrote: * | Fri May 11, 2018 2:58 am |
I think on the larger scale since it's multiple motives being played out on longer time scales than one human life it's probably too complex to completely unravel though.
I peel onions one layer at a time and take a pause when my eyes water too much
Altair wrote: * | Fri May 11, 2018 2:58 am |
It could work, although I've always viewed their drive for commitment as a way to lock up their current maximum attainable value, while they search for a better option subconsciously. In such as way as to avoid negative competition from other women.
This is the bit that has been bugging me (previous to your post). It sounds good, my gut disagrees.
As the second and third parts are visible and observable, the first is kind of an assumption (their drive for commitment). I will come back to this.
For example, are they covered by the commitment (watching their actions) as their male counterpart is?
I would argue not, from what I see around me.
Commitment was an attempt to counter briffaults law (or rather to counter the visisble effects of it), there were things put in place by society to try to enforce or encourage that. The male felt more secure in that the female concerned would not be affected by those drives, because she had made the commitment in return for his commitment, or so the thinking went.
I say those commitments are not and never were even vaguely equal in action or thought and cannot be.
I was meaning as a way for males/society to deal with briffaults law. An antidote to briffaults law in nature, without the definition only by observing the results. (And drawing incomplete conclusions)
As you point out, the application of briffaults law in females means it is acted out in the moment. Surely this is contrary to the whole concept of commitment, together with the rules of the law?
I would see oneitis/orbiting, as the option where male provides the value without receiving anything in return. Which in effect looks like females triggering males commitment circuit without providing value or very low value for short periods of time, the males are providing value in an attempt to gain commitment, the females obviously take advantage of that because - free value.
I keep coming back to, if the female wants the males commitment (ie continued provision of value), there needs to be a counter value offered. Some societies view part of this counter value as assured paternity and sexual access. (This is a male view)
We know this is not valid, from various studies that have been done on paternity and named fathers. The males may think they are the fathers however in some cases, they are not.
Now society when it put in place its restrictions and rules, gave females a structure to work within. People of both sexes are very good at finding ways to work around and break rules, also to take advantage of them.
Is it possible that females apparent drive for commitment is a tactic to use those boundaries around them to their best effect.
It is a mask as effective as their makeup.
The sad part is the complicity of the majority of males and their complacency in not noticing things are a changing.
Which brings me back to the original post and why the phrase 'Men are the gatekeepers of commitment' bothers me so much every single time I see it repeated.
My gut is shouting NO!
They may very well and are the gatekeepers of their commitment, because of their own actions... Is this the message that you want to pass with the phrase though, as though commitment is the key to everything... I think not... value is the key...
Repeating this message is adding to the fog, not removing it, imho.
Get men to understand their value and value themselves and this discussion takes on a different note, with the same rules and boundaries but entirely different results.
females do not need or require a male to solely commit to them, all they need is to know that their needs for value are being fulfilled and where that value is coming from *now*.