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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:30 pm 
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Hi there. I've just been gifted with finding this post, from a seduction forum. The original link is ... 57&start=0 , but you cannot read it without subscribing... well, but Google can! :) So you can read it from here: ... 11&ct=clnk

I'll quote it here, nevertheless:
Gashy wrote:
Hi guys how are you. I'm willing to share some valuable information with you. I have a friend girl (a solid 9) which really shook my world yesterday night. I've spoken to her for hours and it was very hard for me to bring her to a state to confess about attraction with a woman's perspective. And I swear it will be very hard for me to extract that information here. But I'll give it a try. There you go.

I've known this friend for 4 years, she's been a hard catch for me all the time. I wasn't in love with her, and I'm not, but I'm attracted to her like hell, I want to lie in a bed with her more than anybody. She's that kind of girl that I don't feel myself comfortable around her, I forgot how to sit, I forgot how to talk with confidence. I become blank screwing all along. Anyway, LJBF!!! Fuck it!

I decided to use it on my own advantage, and I begged her to tell me about ME and other guys, how she feels around them, how is she attracted to them and how she acts about them.

My first question, WHY AREN'T YOU ATTRACTED TO ME???

To this question she said that my game smells from thousands of miles away. I was completely amazed how she really got me on every aspect. She said: I know that you are trying to project somebody else, I smell it I feel it. I know that you can't talk with me things that your really would like to talk, I know that you are afraid to touch me, I know that you're constantly trying to impress me, I know that you're struggling to hold eye contact with me, I know that when you walk you try hard to project yourself like a confident cocky shit and that I suck at this, I know that when you talk you try to lower you sound pitch to sound more confident... At this point my jaws dropped. I can't really remember what else she said but I was about to cry. I thanked her and continued.

My second question, DOES LOOKS COUNT, HOW DO YOU FEEL AROUND GOOD LOOKING GUYS!? *(I swear to GOD I'm very truthful about this conversation).

She said: I don't give a damn about a guys face. I don't give a damn how tall or short he is, I don't give a damn if he's bulked up or ripped out like a skinny stick. The first thing that I look is in a guys eyes and how they project their masculinity. The second thing, fluidity of body language!!! - I asked to be more specific. She said: I don't care if he's crossing his arms, or he's widely open, I only look if he is centered and if he is present at his own state with comfort and liquidity.

I asked if she knows a guy in her life that really takes her breath away and that he's not handsome. I swear she flushed, she became red like a tomato and said that she doesn't want to talk about it. I stressed it out to mention that it is very important for me to have knowledge about this situation. She finally agreed to show me a picture of guys that looks like BRAD PIT's inverse (like in mathematics, which means an ugly son of a bitch). I was shocked to understand that the picture was taken indirectly and that the guy doesn't even know that he's been photographed. She said that I know this guy from school and that she literally flushes and can't talk around him. She said that he makes me so turned on with only a look, and that she really doesn't want to talk about it anymore. I pushed her away and I begged her to explain what is that she thinks that makes her attracted to him!???
She said that he's so masculine and have eyes that really penetrates like alpha particles and slices my head in two, and that he has a body language so fluid that I can't help myself not observing him!

I was really really really really depressed at that point, I forgot what else we talked because I've had to much drinks after the conversation but I remember asking here to give me a tip to be more real.

DLV- Demonstrating of Lower Value (not that she said DLV but I understood)

She said: I like guys who are open and speak about their humanity and their weak points. This gives me and idea that this guy doesn't care about the others opinions and he's not afraid of vulnerability. THEY REALLY PROJECT THEMSELVES WHO THEY TRULY ARE in contrary with you (speaking about me and my game) that you're always trying to demonstrate higher values above all and that you're "GOD" and there is nothing in this world that could touch you because you're "PERFECT". She went on...: Don't be afraid to speak freely about yourself and who you are, because you are you! YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE, ain't nothing changing it. Just accept yourself and be free to be your true self!

I said that I've developed techniques that really brought me success with women by not being ME! What do you think about this?

She said: I know about this fact, but this is an illusion. Just that you're screwing different chicks every night it doesn't mean that you're being successful with women! - ***(At this moment I started to feel like she really got inside of my head)*** -I asked what do you mean: -She answered: HOW CAME I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU WITH THE SAME GIRL MORE THAN TWICE??? - I answered: Because I always brake up within a week! - She said: REALLY??? - Me: yeah really! - Her: WHY IS THAT? - I said I don't know, I just do! - She asked: DO YOU BREAK WITH HER, OR DOES SHE BRAKES WITH YOU??? - **(she really got me)** - I said mostly she breaks with me yeah! - Her: MOSTLY???!!! - Me: all right for God's sake, they always break with me, or they don't break just don't return my calls and I never see them again! - Her: See, you don't know anything about a woman, you've learned some gambits, memorized some fake stories and live within your squared world of yours. And when the times goes by and you run out of fuel, the chicks become bored of you trying hard to project other you and so they run!!!

I was breathless, no comment. Said good night and went for the drinks. I think I'm paradigm shifted about sarging now! For the first time in my life, I'm switching to direct-game. Wish you luck boys, and I hope I helped . There has been much more talk, but this is all I can remember.

Do you have any input on this?

"We do What we Have to Do, in Order to do What we Wanna do"

Let the angel that you are embrace with love and tame the demon that you are, and let the demon that you are kick your angel's ass, so he awakens.

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:47 pm 

I just ahd the whole epiphany about revealing insecurities myself.

This girl is very aware, and it lets us know we CANT FAKE IT

Do that natural grounding guys ;-)

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:38 am 
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This is absolutely precious! Thank you very much. This is just amazing, wow.

I can easily without any problems connect the message of that text with the direction me and some others here are heading to.

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 10:15 am 
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Damn she must be natural she picked all of that up from hanging around this guy but they have also known each other for four years its like he got stripped down to his very core.

So women are really intuitive after all that was intense it makes me want to sit down with a woman and get their opinion of what I'm like and what I can do from there to be more centered within myself

~There's weakness in the hearts of all humans are you afraid to acknowledge yours... ~
Mr. Todo

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:18 pm 
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The sad part is that she was attracted to him initially...then his bullshit persona turned her off BIG time...and the whole time he had no clue. How fucking sad is THAT? :|

But yep. She just gave him a glimpse into the Matrix. This has always been my biggest problem with PU/Guru shit. I will sum it up with a quote from Iceberg Slim.

"Chase a whore, and you get a chump's weak cop.
Stalk a whore, and you get a pimp's strong cop."

Translation: All of this chasing, "sarging", or whatever else you want to call it, ends up giving you a foundation that is about as solid as a wet noodle. Guys don't have any damn patience...they are convinced that unless they hound a chick to death, someone else will be doing just that and making her forget about him. This couldn't be further than the truth!

If you know how to read body language well, you can plant subconscious seeds that may take a little while to blossom, and while it is growing, she probably will be dealing with other guys. But guess what? I promise you, if you did it right, she will still be thinking about you constantly. Every guy she gets with in the interim will only serve to show that you are REALLY what she wants. The key is balance...ebb and flow.

I have a situation going on right now that is so complex, I really don't think it would make much sense to some of you guys. Let's just say that I've been fucking this chick who has a long term boyfriend for the last 7 months. She will call me up and ask me straight up if she can come over and fellate me. She brings me my favorite dish from an eatery clear across town, cleans my house, and basically does anything I ask within reason. I also convinced her to become friendly with a chick at school that I have a thing for...this chick likes me too, but is very insecure and keeps going back and forth with her ex. I've read that she really digs me, and my "downlow" has confirmed my hunches on many an occasion by forwarding me text messages to me (between her and my target) and basically giving me the rundown on conversations where she brings me up to gauge her reaction.

The short version: The chick I am sexually involved with, who is taken and treats me like gold, is also my wingman, trying to push the chick I REALLY want over to my team. It's really a lot more complicated than this, but this is the gist of it.

Bottom line: When this chick finally gives in to what she really wants (me) versus her comfort zone (her ex), because she is emotionally engaged, it's over. According to my lover's recon work, she is already practically in love with me...and I haven't even touched her yet, and prior to yesterday, hadn't spoken to her in 2 months. Now...THIS is what I define as STALKING, versus CHASING, and hopefully makes Iceberg's quote make a lot more sense.

Like I've said, my fact can be stranger than fiction. :lol:

Now, I said all of that to illustrate this: If you are completely confident in who you are, and can read subconscious body language well, you can build a foundation so solid with very little actual face time, because your presence/aura is so overpowering that it stays even when you aren't there. So what if she decides to deal with other guys in the meantime? As I've illustrated, my sex life hasn't ALL. Plus I'm having no problems focusing on my schoolwork (other than being invited here :lol: ). Learn to multitask, fellas.

The best part? It really is up to me. Today is my last final exam of the semester, which finally gives me some free time to be able to follow up decently. If I put in a little bit more effort than I usually do (which, since I normally do nothing, isn't saying much ;) ), it's a wrap.

Hmmmm....I may have said too much... :oops:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

Last edited by The Kidd!! on Sat May 08, 2010 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:42 pm 
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First off, thanks Morgul for posting a good post, from an enlightened woman who chose to show a male some of the behind the scenes workings of the matrix.
Guys on the forum should pay real attention to what she says, especially regarding her feelings around the guys in question.
The Kidd!! wrote:
Bottom line: When this chick finally gives in to what she really wants (me) versus her comfort zone (her ex), because she is emotionally engaged, it's over. According to my lover's recon work, she is already practically in love with me...and I haven't even touched her yet, and prior to yesterday, hadn't spoken to her in 2 months. Now...THIS is what I define as STALKING, versus CHASING, and hopefully makes Icberg's quote make a lot more sense.
This to me is really important, something I have tried to explain many times over the years to friends and have given up on until they reach a certain epiphany in their lives.

I have one that has been circling for about 6-9 months at the moment, she literally cannot talk around me, falls to pieces, her friends almost have to carry her off (and they do). I have spoken to her a few times, many months go, she just freezes and goes like a lost little girl. I have now left that alone for the time being, purely floating out a few non verbals a night now. Whenever I am in the place I run into her at, my friends always comment on her proximity to me, however she is not at the point of leaving her comfort zone - I can see her cling to it metaphorically. She will be close, but not close enough, she has a range that she sticks within. Quite interesting and curious to watch.
(This is a mature woman who runs her own business, successful and is very much socially the center of her group - see her around other people and no problem, around me she just acts like a lost girl)

Thing is , as Kidd says, under the surface we both know what is going on. We both know what will happen when she admits it to herself, lets go of her comfort blanket and engages with me. The effect is very powerful to see and experience and very hard to deny.

One of her friends told me one night (when she was not there) that the woman in question cannot talk to me as she knows she will be sunk and it will be over. That scares her, not because it will hurt her but because she has felt that before and knows how it feels and what an effect it will have on her.
The Kidd!! wrote:
Now, I said all of that to illustrate this: If you are completely confident in who you are, and can read subconscious body language well, you can build a foundation so solid with very little actual face time, because your presence/aura is so overpowering that it stays even when you aren't there.
Like moths to a flame, the good part being you do not even need to feed your flame. She will fill in all the blanks in her mind without you having to, she will build you up until she cannot help but wonder about you.

When she is standing in front of another male she WILL be comparing him to you in her mind, her memory of you and her fantasy image of you. It almost is not fair

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:37 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am
Posts: 5112, my friend...GET IT! :D

She told my friend as well that, and I quote, "He makes me feel vulnerable, and I don't like that because I've been hurt so many times." Like you said, she is scared shitless of me, and does whatever she can to try to avoid the inevitable...even if that means getting drunk and fucking her ex.

What she fails to comprehend is that she is stuck in quicksand...the more she fights it, the faster she sinks. You are really isn't ALL. :lol: ;)

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:40 am 
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Gold, guys pure gold - thanks for giving a story and details too.

One other subtle thing going on here, is that as a true lover of women, you can't be jealous that she's with a boyfriend other guys. Because of course, you will be with other women, most definitely. :) Once she's hooked like Kidd said, it's over. And most likely she won't want to be with other guys when she's hooked, though she will probably thrash around when you won't be exclusive with her. Attracting her even more.

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." -Master Yoda

PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:54 am 
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davidhnow wrote:
Gold, guys pure gold - thanks for giving a story and details too.

One other subtle thing going on here, is that as a true lover of women, you can't be jealous that she's with a boyfriend other guys. Because of course, you will be with other women, most definitely. :) Once she's hooked like Kidd said, it's over. And most likely she won't want to be with other guys when she's hooked, though she will probably thrash around when you won't be exclusive with her. Attracting her even more.
*kicks his feet up*

Now...THIS feels like home. 8-)

UPDATE: My target has just confirmed that she is taking me out on Tuesday. Yes, I worded that correctly. :lol: ;)

Here's hoping that she doesn't chicken out and flake. :|

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 1:27 am 
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Dont you love that when they take YOU out, kidd?

The facebook page for modern libertines now with accessibility!

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:31 am 
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TheModernLibertine wrote:
Dont you love that when they take YOU out, kidd?
I'm kinda used to it...but they sure seem to love it. ;) :mrgreen:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:50 pm 
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peregrinus wrote:
I have one that has been circling for about 6-9 months at the moment, she literally cannot talk around me, falls to pieces, her friends almost have to carry her off (and they do). I have spoken to her a few times, many months go, she just freezes and goes like a lost little girl. I have now left that alone for the time being, purely floating out a few non verbals a night now. Whenever I am in the place I run into her at, my friends always comment on her proximity to me, however she is not at the point of leaving her comfort zone - I can see her cling to it metaphorically. She will be close, but not close enough, she has a range that she sticks within. Quite interesting and curious to watch.
(This is a mature woman who runs her own business, successful and is very much socially the center of her group - see her around other people and no problem, around me she just acts like a lost girl)

Thing is , as Kidd says, under the surface we both know what is going on. We both know what will happen when she admits it to herself, lets go of her comfort blanket and engages with me. The effect is very powerful to see and experience and very hard to deny.
My initial thought was she's coming half way (proximity), now it's your turn engage and pull her in...BUT

I have a feeling from posts to come that this is incorrect.

My old habitual PUA mindset is telling me in a situation like that PULL/Engage/Be the man...any thoughts?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:57 pm 
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My old habitual PUA mindset is telling me in a situation like that PULL/Engage/Be the man...any thoughts?
[ img ]

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:55 am 
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There is no spoon : 8-)

~There's weakness in the hearts of all humans are you afraid to acknowledge yours... ~
Mr. Todo

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:17 pm 
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Nice! I like these insights.

I had always believed that a man could love only one woman. I have been badly misled. It is absolutely incredible to me that just a few hours ago, Dona Julia was the only woman who existed, and now, now, there is the magnificent Sultana Gulbeyaz.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:09 am 
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Great post Peregrinus! I've always had a belief that you can't ever really talk a woman into falling 4 you... All you can do is set the conditions for her to talk herself into falling In love with you. Basically, all you gotta do is chill, reciprocate, and let her break herself mayne!!

Smoother than satin, jukin' tricks like madden... It's yo pimpin' ass playa patna Scottie Pimpin'!!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:34 pm 

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Great insight into the female mind. Thing is guys have to be careful not to use vulnerability as a technique because the girl will sense that you're being vulnerable for a reason. I'm actually quite good at both sides of the field. I can talk in a way that girls get and I can switch it up when I'm around the boys. One of my close female friends would constantly ask for my input into what a guy meant through what he said or did and I could translate it in a way that she actually got.

I especially liked the nugget where she said he can't talk to her about things that he wants to talk about. This is so true for most of us. I'm only just starting to take this on board. What I'm realising is you can make anything interesting. It's all about the subtext. And if you are vulnerable first, then she will feel more comfortable sharing with you.

See, as guys we think that being vulnerable is weak/unmasculine. Yet perhaps a better way to look at it is that by being vulnerable first we're leading. Which is a masculine trait.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:23 am 
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The Kidd!! wrote:
My old habitual PUA mindset is telling me in a situation like that PULL/Engage/Be the man...any thoughts?
[ img ]
I wish I could see what this image is... :ugeek:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:25 am 
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StephenP wrote:
The Kidd!! wrote:
My old habitual PUA mindset is telling me in a situation like that PULL/Engage/Be the man...any thoughts?
[ img ]
I wish I could see what this image is... :ugeek:
An observation:

If you observed how this conversation underwent, you should have noticed the things this guy was doing when he was inside all the pua dumb-shit, so when he asks about any thoughts about getting "out", TheKidd!! points out with a simple "Theres no spoon" because all this shit this guy learned was invented in his brain and gathered by people inside the matrix to be able to cope with that context of reality, thus never really existing "out there"

And, also if you really observed the post and looked about the direction of the image, you could cheat and find out the link of the image, have in the adress the name of the actor in the photo; who is Rowan Witt, the bald child that tells Neo in the first movie that... Guess what?: "Theres no spoon"

Also, on a side note if you checked the next comment Resonance did, after TheKidd!! response was a repetition of the image above... Thus "Theres no spoon"

There is your spoon... :)


PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:53 pm 
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Dali :D

I LOVE that reply, brought a smile to my face...

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

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