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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:06 pm 
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rant wrote:
IulianC wrote:

@rant - stop watching sexual humiliation porn and give it as an example :)) There are websites that are specifically made to promote crazy situations like really small dicks or really really fat guys... because what's not normal sells and people pay money to see weird shit. People watch child-porn because it's out of the ordinary and because they're a bit sick. Same thing about the website you mentioned... it's mostly made for humiliation and for the guys that have that problem... because many porn addicts are guys with small dicks... Women in real life would not go for guys with 2 inch dicks...
that was not my point :|

no need for the brlliant speech about porn and how it works

why are you so "attention whore"?
Because he is attention starved. :|

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:18 pm 
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What should I have gotten out of what you guys wrote?
I'm sorry but you got the best possible advises from the guys here. We tried to make everything as clear as possible, gave practical tools/methods to change your self-image, tried to make you see points from a more neutral and not limiting-belief-filtered point of view and still you draw the same conclusions over and over after everything that we tell you.

We really do speak against a wall with you. You think that your limiting beliefs are the objective reality and you defend it like I haven't seen defending a person his own limiting beliefs so far. Well, thanks for that demonstration.

But at this point, it doesn't make sense for me or anyone else here to try to widen your perspective. I have the feeling that you simply don't want to change at all. I don't remember who said that but I say it again "Stop being a victim!". But its pointless to say things like that to you since you will find a thousand of reasons why this doesn't apply to you.

Maybe you simply have to wait until your 30/40s until you realise how much time you wasted complaining about your looks and your life.

Daddys out...

I still wish you just and all the best tough ;)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:23 pm 

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thanks Dr. Awesome you read my thoughts ;)

Iulian, come back when you want to help yourself change.....

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:40 pm 
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Oh guess what, guys? He ain't leaving! :lol:

You thought we were gonna get off easy? Think again! Imagine how hard Zan's crew is laughing right now knowing that they unloaded an undesirable on US? Oh, I bet it is pure fucking comedy! :lol:

Get used to it...Iulian is here to STAY! :D

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:45 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:52 pm
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Hello IulianC,
why would she go for someone like me when she can probably have Mr.-close-to-perfect?
i take it you mean perfection in looks. Since when were looks the deciding criteria in going in a relationship? Never, my friend, it's the character that counts. What girl would want a tall, handsome but arrogant selfish guy? In this case, an average looking but nice guy would be much better. By the way, only the fact that you are aware of who you are, makes you much more than average.

Now let me ask you, why would you want a super good looking girl to go for you? To be happy? Well, if it isn't a long lasting relationship where both sides love and understand each other, you probably won't be happy, no matter how good looking the girl is. In my opinion, looks are only for one night or short term relationships, and such short relationships would never bring you happiness. So since good looks of girls don't play a role in making a guy happy, good looks of guys don't make girls happy too.

We talk alot about the social matrix and how it affects us, but i think we still don't know the whole story. I see this "obligation" in having a relationship (especially with good looking girls) is one of those effects too. There are much more important things in life than girls and relationships. If you want my advice: If you are looking for happiness, it would be better to live and enjoy your life without girls and relationships in mind. You only live once anyway, and it would be a pity to waste your life at this age in investing alot of time and energy for girls. Plus, as i mentioned in previous posts, it would be much better and happier to have one good long lasting relationship, than having lots of short term relationships with very good looking girls. Enjoy your life and concentrate on your studies and improving yourself if you want to, and there will come a right time, and a right girl to have a serious relationship with.

So my answer to your question would be: If you're looking for a long lasting relationship, then there are many girls (also many good looking girls) who have similar character and interests with you, so they have every reason to go for you, rather than going for a perfect looking guy who doesn't share interests or mindsets with them.

Best wishes mate :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:55 pm 
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I just realise this disapperaed from my mind long time ago

It's kind of funny actually

This will disolve in some time dude, act instead of thinking about it

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:31 pm 
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Iulian, I got the gym advice firstly from Kidd, then later on you suggested it to me, eventually I got off my ass and started going regularly.

I don't have a limiting belief about my looks, I never really did, my limiting beliefs are/were based on ME, confidence and character are vital, not just for women but [more importantly] life in general, being internally strong and appreciating myself is important to me, working out tests my endurance and discipline, my improved physique is a bonus.

I know you'll still be posting here but the last thing I will say to you is this, until you decide you're ready to change: your limiting beliefs are not reality but a contradiction OF reality, you're willingly feeding and strengthening them by making excuses for them, you crave mysery and attention and believe me when I say this, this negative attitude is more harmful to you than you may realize and will only make your life more miserable if you don't make the decision to move forward and address these issues internally, there will be things you will find that you won't like and may even scare you but that's part of the process, so man the fuck up and dig deep.

Peace, and good luck. 8-)

"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:49 am 

I was here to GET ADVICE you fucking idiot... That's the reason I made that post. What's with the pompous twit, douche-bag? Are you SO FUCKING INSECURE that. It's so extremely ridiculous to see a guy that says he does so well with women be so fucking insecure and put people down at the slightest comment :| You have serious issues dude...some day you'll meet a guy that's bigger than you who'll kick your ass for being such a cunt-face.

Dude, you'll never be succesful in this field, you'll always be on forums giving free advice. Even if your stuff is better, people will go for guys like David X, Zan and so on. Face reality and stop bitching about it. And I'll be here for the sole purpose of reminding you that... I'll grow succesful in time....and I'll be asking you "Hey Kidd, what's up? Did you see the new Esquire? Brent Smith is on the cover. No? Too bad...But you must have seen that popular TV show with David X as a guest? No? Wtf? I was wondering what's up with you...still being nobody? Aww...that's too bad..."

Do you always feel the need to make fun of guys for having lesser physical qualities than you for some weird reason? For someone as smart as you you sure are a dumbass :)

I already mentioned I'm not here to give advice. I'll quote Immortal Technique "I'm unemployed and we're making the same shit" :)) If I get 10 girls in 3 months and you get 40 I'm more qualified to give advice than your black-ass :))

You're a disgrace to black people everywhere....if I were a bit more stupid I would tell you to go back to the plantation. I'm off to reading Alan Roger Curie's Mode One ... cause Alan Roger Curie would never call someone "small dicked self rightous scumbag" for asking specific dating advice or for telling people to work out :)) He even had David X on his show who practically teaches the same thing and didn't tried to discredit him like you did with Brent and other guys...

Admit it wanted me out if here from the first moment I told Sniper that you get laid that much cause you're black. After 2-3 posts you wanted me out of here

You're an ego-centric maniac that can't take competition... that's what you are. Otherwise you wouldn't feel threatened by the "Reviews of Seduction Material" section where you have to bitch about everyone...

BTW - you say you did nurse school...but you're treating a person in a serious medical condition with "small dicked scumbag"... now what treatment do people like you deserve? :)

WHY DIDN'T YOU SIMPLY ADMIT THAT YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO HELP ME? You wanna work in this field and give guys advice like "get your shit together" and that's all, you're a seduction guru? That's shit man. Hypnotica works with guys for hours... David X doesn't take phone calls shorter than an hour... and you're comparing yourself to people who have authentic compassion for other egocentric validation seeking pseudo-seduction-guru? Go ahead and blackmail Sniper into banning me if that's what you want!

@rand - what is an attention whore and in what way am I an attention whore?

@Dr Awesome. I asked a pretty reasonable and valid question, dude. I really don't understand you. I did at a point in my life everything that you mentioned there and it didn't work... All I did was mention that it didn't work and ask for solid advice if someone can give it me when all else backfires...a "we can't help you with that" would have been a much better answer. :) I don't think I wrote anything offensive...I just said it doesn't help, I gave you specific situations, specific problems where I'm facing difficulties and you kept bombarding me with "you have limiting beliefs".

@Alchemist - I see that you don't remember that we talked about working out way before The Kidd became a member of naturalgame dot com... I told you that I'm working out and I swim at the early beginning ...but you were too caught up in the amorati shit. Now you throw away everything we talked about and say that Kidd did everything for you. That's ok...I don't need credit for anything...If I say something to someone I say it cause I want to share and help....and back in your amorati days or right after ...when you were approaching and not getting anywhere I was stressing the importance of putting some muscle on you... Anyway...forget it :)

What you fail to understand is that I can get average girls ...that's not a problem...but the really hot ones don't go for is something that happens in my life not in my head (well...happened..cause I'm sick now.) I came here to gather information to have a better life when I'm healthy. I didn't ask help with my insecurities nor did I try to convince you guys of anything. I simply asked you guys what can I do

I DON'T FEEL MISERABLE ABOUT MYSELF. My neurological problems practically disable my emotional I don't really feel anything. You know that I never felt miserable about myself... except when applying some concepts in a lame way and feeling lame for it after realizing what a lame thing I did...but that was a short period. You know I always strived to be more insightful and better at this. Now I'm facing this challenge... how can I get rejected less by women that I really like? ...and you guys are calling me insecure and shit. What's this any different from the guys on the other forum where unsuccessful guys were advised to not care about it...

@Barca - Hey man. Messi kicked Ronaldo's ass again =))) Looking forward for the next El Classico. Indeed, my friend... you are definetly right in the sense that personality plays an important role and it might be more important than this. But you see, we Romanians are smart people... the second language @ Microsoft is Romanian. I'm not saying this to brag...I'm saying this to make a point...and that point is that there are LOTS of guys who have great social skills...charm and stuff like that. The idea is that there are MANY guys that have both the physical characteristics that the media presents as attractive (Ask any woman...all things being the same she would go for the taller and better looking guy if she was of average height and didn't have fears like "if he's too good looking he's cheat) AND the personality and character traits that you have mentioned. It is NOT AT ALL rare in Romania to have this combination.

EXACTLY! You got my point! I want one night stands with really hot women... not to be happy...but because I simply want them....for the same reason people light a joint when they go to Amsterdam. Good looks don't make a guy happy....but tell me, friend...can you be happy with a girl you're not attracted to? I doubt it. You have to get along and be attracted to each looks matter...not Adriana Lima looks...but enough to be attracted and desire her. Ok, I get your point and your advice is valid and mature (onlike someone else's...yeah, you!). BUT, I'm at an age when I want to experiment things... fly like a bee from one flower to the next one... etc :) I'm not looking for happiness in women...I'm looking for sex (occasionally with a super hot girl), fun and connections and all the good things you can do with girls. I have my hobbies and my professional accomplishments. Women can't make you happy but an unsatisfactory personal life can make you sad... The reason I started this thread is mentioned earlier in this post but I repeated it: (occasionally with a super hot girl). Thanks for dropping by, I answered myself some other questions with your posts....although none of the questions I asked in this thread were really answered.

@fufe - Thanks man. I hope things will change in time and I will have different RESULTS not just a different MINDSET. It disappeared from your mind because you accomplished your goals. I just can't feel really successful until I really have success... nobody can. It's like in my profession...until I will be paid with 1000$ per month I won't feel like I rock at programming... I have to get there and I'm on my way... it's just that I don't know if I can make it to 1000...just to 800. You get my point.

The idea is that this thread can be taken as purely can easily not be about me at all (not saying that it isn't).... but some of you guys missed the point. I came here to start interesting discussions for a better understanding and a more open mind. I mentioned in my introduction that I didn't come here to give advice...I came here to learn and share my thoughts.

All best wishes to everyone, even you, kid. Karma will take care of you like she always does ;) ...and contrary to popular belief, she ain't a "bitch".

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:59 pm 
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The Kidd!! wrote:
Iulian...I have never in my life known anyone who was so preoccupied with his dick size. If you would read other threads, I already gave the advice you need: Accept what you can't change as work like hell to change what you can.

Your dick size is NOT GOING TO CHANGE...LET IT GO.

That said, you never know who is going to like stop beating yourself up with limiting behavior and enjoy life. Celebrate the fact that you beat that serious illness of yours and LIVE! 8-)

Edit: Sorry I was short with you, Iulian...but you just frustrate me. It's been almost 2 years since I popped up in Zan's forum...and you are STILL asking the same dumbass questions like they are brand new and STILL preoccupied with your teeny weenie. Have you really learned nothing at all in the last 2 years except to keep on defending your false idol? :|
Well actually few days ago I talked with my friend in a gym. Guy told me that he could get it erected (was taking some medicine, not steroids;) and girl felt almost nothing. She left him because of that. He is fairly congruent guy, not needy, almost a womanizer, and I was thinking could this be really the reason? I saw them together few times and she was completely into guy, to the point it looked silly. She told him after few times that she starts seeing "him as a friend not partner".So it basically comes down into aquestion:
Could poor sex ruin their relationship?

Laying on the floor in a pool of blood and cum
My demons lay beside as I kiss them one by one
Then on that day I met a force that nothing will compare
I was born the son of evil when I fuck the devil there!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:12 pm 
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rekieter wrote:
The Kidd!! wrote:
Iulian...I have never in my life known anyone who was so preoccupied with his dick size. If you would read other threads, I already gave the advice you need: Accept what you can't change as work like hell to change what you can.

Your dick size is NOT GOING TO CHANGE...LET IT GO.

That said, you never know who is going to like stop beating yourself up with limiting behavior and enjoy life. Celebrate the fact that you beat that serious illness of yours and LIVE! 8-)

Edit: Sorry I was short with you, Iulian...but you just frustrate me. It's been almost 2 years since I popped up in Zan's forum...and you are STILL asking the same dumbass questions like they are brand new and STILL preoccupied with your teeny weenie. Have you really learned nothing at all in the last 2 years except to keep on defending your false idol? :|
Well actually few days ago I talked with my friend in a gym. Guy told me that he could get it erected (was taking some medicine, not steroids;) and girl felt almost nothing. She left him because of that. He is fairly congruent guy, not needy, almost a womanizer, and I was thinking could this be really the reason? I saw them together few times and she was completely into guy, to the point it looked silly. She told him after few times that she starts seeing "him as a friend not partner".So it basically comes down into aquestion:
Could poor sex ruin their relationship?
HO LEE SHIT. :shock: that you? :|

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:15 pm 
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The Kidd!! wrote:

HO LEE SHIT. :shock: that you? :|
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I re-read this thinking there might be some gems in it, only to...

[ img ]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:18 pm 
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lol no, just need your answer seriously. Most things you say are different from what people think in general and i wanna know. Don't know why asking questions become funny.

Laying on the floor in a pool of blood and cum
My demons lay beside as I kiss them one by one
Then on that day I met a force that nothing will compare
I was born the son of evil when I fuck the devil there!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:36 pm 
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Short answer: If the relationship was established on the grounds that good sex was expected, then yes. :geek:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:21 am 
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thank you:)

Laying on the floor in a pool of blood and cum
My demons lay beside as I kiss them one by one
Then on that day I met a force that nothing will compare
I was born the son of evil when I fuck the devil there!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:11 am 
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peregrinus wrote: *
IulianC wrote:
I'm having this question in my mind. I don't know if it's a limiting belief. I don't know what it is...but here it goes.

I'm as average as one can most. I'm 5'7, average penis size, I look like I'm 16-17 although I'm 22, I'm broke (student), I am average looking at most. My question is...why would a super-good looking girl go for a guy like me when she has so many options? (guys that are taller, better looking, have bigger dicks, more money etc) I do have the right mindset of not worrying about it and not acting like she's the bomb and I'm nobody (which would make me seek approval or be extremely shy which sucks)...but still... why would she go for someone like me when she can probably have Mr.-close-to-perfect?
Is this 'mr close to perfect' really that.. He likely has many flaws, which will surface given time.
There’s a saying – I don’t know whose – that an expert is always from out of town. It’s similar to the Bible quote that no man is a prophet in his own country. That one has deeper meaning, but they both get across an important point: Everyone’s human, everyone’s flawed, nobody knows everything. So it’s easiest to convince people that you’re special if they don’t know you well enough to see all the ways you’re not.


A friend recently complained about how inefficient his employer is. Processes are poor, communication is bad. He then said a competitor company had its act together. I asked him how he knew that – he’s never worked there and has never been inside the company. Fair, he said. It just seems that way from the outside.

But almost everything looks better from the outside. I guarantee workers at the competitor find flaws in the way their company operates, because they know about their company what my friend knows about his: how the sausage is made. All the messy personalities and difficult decisions that you only see when you’re inside, in the trenches. “All businesses are loosely functioning disasters” Brent Beshore says. But it’s like an iceberg, only a fraction is visible.

It’s the same for people. Instagram is full of beach vacation photos, not flight delay photos. Resumes highlight career wins but are silent on doubt and worry. Investing gurus are easy to elevate to mythical status because you don’t know them well enough to witness times when their decision-making process was ordinary, if not awful.

Of course there’s a spectrum. Some companies operate better than others, some people are more insightful than average. A few are extraordinary.

But it’s always hard to know where anyone sits on that spectrum when they’ve carefully crafted an image of who they are. “The grass is always greener on the side that’s fertilized with bullshit,” the saying goes.


Everyone’s dealing with problems they don’t advertise, at least until you get to know them well. Keep that in mind and you become more forgiving – to yourself and others.
Harder Than It Looks, Not As Fun as It Seems

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it's conformity.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:44 pm 

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Problems or crutches...

I can cook decently w/ a cookbook, but no recipe sticks with me.

It's amusing, I can remember 10000 Chinese and Japanese characters,
learn thousands of preposterously difficult guitar pieces,
speak 7 languages, make lots of money, but this cooking thing
doesn't stick. It's as if the real estate in my brain for food recipes
doesn't exist. Either the part in the brain is damaged or
I was born without it. There's a Boötes Void there.

"Let's boil some water."

"Ok, let me open my recipes book." :oops:


PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:42 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2020 12:29 pm
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I can cook without a cookbook - even baking.

I look in the fridge, on the shelves.. imagine and mix flavours.

Every time it's different and usually delicious.

But fuck I hate trying to learn Chinese characters.


You may follow one stream. Know that it leads to the Ocean, but do not mistake the stream for the Ocean.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:25 pm 

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How Do You Compare to the AVERAGE Man?

by Vitruvian Physique
~19 min
From a health standpoint, light comedy, stats


PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:23 am 
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1.) "What is the average penis size?" It is impossible to definitively say what the average penis size is because (1) no one has ever studied it with a truly representative sample and (2) people don't necessarily agree on what the best measurement method is. That said, the best information I can offer is this: in a review of the literature on penis size that took into account over 15,000 measurements from around the world performed by trained health professionals, the median (50th percentile) erect penis length was about 13.1 cm (5.2 inches) with a circumference of 11.6 cm (4.6 inches).

4.) "Do women prefer men with larger penises?" According to several studies, most heterosexual women do not necessarily believe that bigger is better. For one thing, survey studies reveal that the vast majority of heterosexual women report being satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis. For another, research has found that penis size makes little to no difference in likelihood of reaching orgasm for most heterosexual women. In addition, when asked to select the penis size they think is ideal, women tend to go for one that's pretty close to average...I should also mention that of the two major penis dimensions--length and girth--girth (or circumference) tends to be rated as more important by women.

5.) "Is there anything I can do to make my penis bigger?" The internet is rife with advertisements for supplements, exercises, stretching devices or extenders, and surgeries claiming to successfully increase penis size. However, almost all of these products are scams that do little more than exploit men's insecurities for financial gain (except the extenders, which may offer very limited benefits). I mean, think about it this way: if these products really worked so well, don’t you think researchers would be writing about them in scientific journals and big pharmaceutical companies would be cashing in on them big time? The reality is that penis size does not have much potential for change after puberty stops. Also, while penile augmentation surgeries do exist, there is no standard technique and there are a lot of risks and potential complications. As a result, rather than trying to change your penis, you're better off learning to be comfortable and confident in your own skin.
5 Common Questions About Penis Size, Answered

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it's conformity.

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