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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:44 pm 

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I just finished reading 'Leading by Example' section
great stuff man, you rock!!

I have two questions and if you already answered them in the next section: 'Covert Tactics'
then just let me know cause that's the next thing I'm going to read this evening....

you wrote:

'If the woman doesn't react according to your read, that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. There are a lot of factors to consider. Some one close to her could have just died or is very sick and she is just not in the mood. She is in, just got out of, or has just started a relationship. SHE IS NOT EVEN AWARE THAT SHE IS ATTRACTED TO YOU. (side note: I have a theory on this as well...if anyone wants to hear it, let me know.)'

I would like to know that theory if it's not mentioned in the 'Covert Tactics'.

you wrote:

'This was when I still had a lot of respect for marriages. Little did I know....'

what do you mean by that?

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:54 pm 
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Sniper wrote:
great stuff man, you rock!!

I have two questions and if you already answered them in the next section: 'Covert Tactics'
then just let me know cause that's the next thing I'm going to read this evening....

you wrote:

'If the woman doesn't react according to your read, that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. There are a lot of factors to consider. Some one close to her could have just died or is very sick and she is just not in the mood. She is in, just got out of, or has just started a relationship. SHE IS NOT EVEN AWARE THAT SHE IS ATTRACTED TO YOU. (side note: I have a theory on this as well...if anyone wants to hear it, let me know.)'

I would like to know that theory if it's not mentioned in the 'Covert Tactics'.

you wrote:

'This was when I still had a lot of respect for marriages. Little did I know....'

what do you mean by that?
To answer your 1st question, here we go:

My theory is that everyone, men included, has a conscious/subconscious checklist (very debatable) that must have 50% or more of it "checked off" before attraction moves from subconscious to conscious. Men's lists are usually much shorter and physically dependent, whereas a woman's list may include more provider type things (i.e. career, education, car, status, etc.). HavPlenty (hope you can find it!) has a great example of this list in action.

A layman's example: You might be friends with a chick in high school, who swears up and down she only likes you as a friend. Meanwhile, she is dating half the football team or what not. Fast forward to the day you graduate from college and have a promising career ahead of you...and she KNOWS it. Then, all of a sudden, she professes that she just realized that you are what she has been looking for the whole time. Coincidence? NO. However, since it is subconscious, I wouldn't deal with it too harshly because she probably honestly didn't know until you realized your potential.

As far as respect for marriages go, I've been seduced by enough married women to be officially jaded by the institution of marriage. To all the guys that think that marriage is the Final Frontier, and think just because she is wearing your ring and has your child that you have nothing to worry about, the statistics speak for themselves. Bottom line: If she doesn't respect her marriage, then why should I?

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:09 pm 

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The Kidd!! wrote:
My theory is that everyone, men included, has a conscious/subconscious checklist (very debatable) that must have 50% or more of it "checked off" before attraction moves from subconscious to conscious. Men's lists are usually much shorter and physically dependent, whereas a woman's list may include more provider type things (i.e. career, education, car, status, etc.). HavPlenty (hope you can find it!) has a great example of this list in action.

A layman's example: You might be friends with a chick in high school, who swears up and down she only likes you as a friend. Meanwhile, she is dating half the football team or what not. Fast forward to the day you graduate from college and have a promising career ahead of you...and she KNOWS it. Then, all of a sudden, she professes that she just realized that you are what she has been looking for the whole time. Coincidence? NO. However, since it is subconscious, I wouldn't deal with it too harshly because she probably honestly didn't know until you realized your potential.
I see, well this is something I have been saying for some time now to some guys on realm and because that contradicts some of the BS Rion was trying to sell they kept telling me that 'I'm the one who does not get it'. There are other factors besdies energy that come into play in the attraction factor (like geography and social status). If you are an AFC or a real wuss then even with high social status you will still have problems (unless you are at the top of the social hierarchy like a movie star or a rock star....)

If for exmaple Rion went to the third world countries without the 500$ boots and he stayed at some shit-hole and not at a luxury apartment, his success rates would drop dramatically. He does not attract women just by his 'Energy' like he says on his sales pages...
As far as respect for marriages go, I've been seduced by enough married women to be officially jaded by the institution of marriage. To all the guys that think that marriage is the Final Frontier, and think just because she is wearing your ring and has your child that you have nothing to worry about, the statistics speak for themselves. Bottom line: If she doesn't respect her marriage, then why should I?
I don't think I would mess around with a married woman cause that's going to screw my Karma. But that's just how I see things..
you want to hear something funny:
Zan acts like he is very pure and moral but someone told me that he messes around with married women and somehow convinced his followers that it's ok.

I don't know if this is true but if it is then I see this as a very hypocrite act.
If Zan was messing around with one of his followers wife or girlfriend I bet they would not say:
Oh this is OK ;)

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:33 pm 
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The Kidd!! wrote:
'If the woman doesn't react according to your read, that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. There are a lot of factors to consider. Some one close to her could have just died or is very sick and she is just not in the mood. She is in, just got out of, or has just started a relationship. SHE IS NOT EVEN AWARE THAT SHE IS ATTRACTED TO YOU. '
I agree with you here Kidd.. Have seen this myself.
You can see it and she does not react how you think she would. Then sometimes at a later point she does when one of your circumstances have changed. Sometimes all it takes is for them to be clear of things that were distracting them, but while they are distracted it is like they are lying to themselves (to you), however when I have asked them they really seem unaware of it until later, it is really like they have not noticed then suddenly this light lights in their body/mind.
The Kidd!! wrote:
As far as respect for marriages go, I've been seduced by enough married women to be officially jaded by the institution of marriage.
I agree wholeheartedly with you on this Kidd. Have watched enough over the years to see the effects.. Have not been one to play with married women but have been approached by quite a few over the years, sometimes I think I should have, then I remember why I do not. They really do not care if they are in the right place in their lives to cheat, it does not bother them at all, no remorse, no regret.
I would say that in my view they are much more successful at hiding it and putting it in a box than men are or ever will be.

I have been through periods in my life where all I seem to attract are married women seeking a fling, it did become quite annoying at some periods, especially those where I knew the husband. Used to puzzle me, it does not anymore.
The Kidd!! wrote:
To all the guys that think that marriage is the Final Frontier, and think just because she is wearing your ring and has your child that you have nothing to worry about, the statistics speak for themselves. Bottom line: If she doesn't respect her marriage, then why should I?
That is assuming it is your child.

I was part of a group that ran a study in a few counties in the UK doing DNA analysis on newborn children, for inherited genes, it was based around tracking certain hereditary conditions, whether they were passed more along the maternal or paternal gene lines. Quite interesting stuff.

The results did not match up, some things that should have been passed down the paternal line were missing from the children in some cases, these are conditions that ARE passed down, so it was odd that they were not. So a thorough investigation of the samples was started.

Anyway, one of the things that did come out of it was that around 32% of the children's DNA did not match that of the father who's DNA was given as the father. This ended up invalidating the study as it affected the results so much.

The samples were anonymised, ie no names or ages or stuff, but kept together in family groups (mother/father/child), at first we thought that some of the samples had been mixed up but it was such a percentage that there was doubt about that.

They re-ran the study a year later and came up with a similar figure then as well, after using much more rigourous conditions for collection and storage of samples.

Needless to say, that little result was not passed onto the parents. (or onto the authorities, though I believe that through other studies they are aware of it and have been for a LONG time)


Quite apart from the divorce cases and the occurrences of cheating within marriage, in the society we are a part of (particularly the US/UK) this is a very valid concern. It happens way more than people like to accept.
I firmly believe this is why men in the past were so protective of women, also female family members tended to police other female family members. It has become a lot easier for this to happen nowadays that this practice is relaxed, but it has gone on all along.

Why do you think so many women go to great lengths to assure a father that the child looks like him, has his eyes, his hair, his smile or something similar. It is something that has been ingrained over many generations, prior to DNA tests, now DNA tests are around more and more the truth is starting to come out and more people are recognising it.

I am not saying all women, but there is a fair proportion who do for whatever reason seem to do this. My gut says it has happened all along just no one could check until recently.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

Last edited by peregrinus on Sun May 30, 2010 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:35 pm 
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Sniper wrote:
The Kidd!! wrote:
My theory is that everyone, men included, has a conscious/subconscious checklist (very debatable) that must have 50% or more of it "checked off" before attraction moves from subconscious to conscious. Men's lists are usually much shorter and physically dependent, whereas a woman's list may include more provider type things (i.e. career, education, car, status, etc.). HavPlenty (hope you can find it!) has a great example of this list in action.

A layman's example: You might be friends with a chick in high school, who swears up and down she only likes you as a friend. Meanwhile, she is dating half the football team or what not. Fast forward to the day you graduate from college and have a promising career ahead of you...and she KNOWS it. Then, all of a sudden, she professes that she just realized that you are what she has been looking for the whole time. Coincidence? NO. However, since it is subconscious, I wouldn't deal with it too harshly because she probably honestly didn't know until you realized your potential.
I see, well this is something I have been saying for some time now to some guys on realm and because that contradicts some of the BS Rion was trying to sell they kept telling me that 'I'm the one who does not get it'. There are other factors besdies energy that come into play in the attraction factor (like geography and social status). If you are an AFC or a real wuss then even with high social status you will still have problems (unless you are at the top of the social hierarchy like a movie star or a rock star....)

If for exmaple Rion went to the third world countries without the 500$ boots and he stayed at some shit-hole and not at a luxury apartment, his success rates would drop dramatically. He does not attract women just by his 'Energy' like he says on his sales pages...
As far as respect for marriages go, I've been seduced by enough married women to be officially jaded by the institution of marriage. To all the guys that think that marriage is the Final Frontier, and think just because she is wearing your ring and has your child that you have nothing to worry about, the statistics speak for themselves. Bottom line: If she doesn't respect her marriage, then why should I?
I don't think I would mess around with a married woman cause that's going to screw my Karma. But that's just how I see things..
you want to hear something funny:
Zan acts like he is very pure and moral but someone told me that he messes around with married women and somehow convinced his followers that it's ok.

I don't know if this is true but if it is then I see this as a very hypocrite act.
If Zan was messing around with one of his followers wife or girlfriend I bet they would not say:
Oh this is OK ;)
I make it a point to attempt to dissuade them, but if they want it bad enough, then sometimes I gotta give it to 'em. Most of the time, the ones I did end up horizontal with did not let me know they were married until after the fact...sneaky bitches. Makes you wonder sometimes...

Also, you are dead on with your thoughts that Rion's forum poo-pooed. Some people have all the social status in the world, but no skills to really maximize it. It is a shame, really.

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:40 pm 
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Peregrinus, once again we are in complete agreement. Women can be truly devious. I believe that even now, they are behind the scenes keeping the pressure on having society paint us as the cheaters and wrong doers, and while all the attention and focus stays on us, they go on about their business in the shadows, with no one the wiser. Despicable.

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:41 pm 

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peregrinus wrote:
Anyway, one of the things that did come out of it was that around 32% of the children's DNA did not match that of the father who's DNA was given as the father
Dam, I heard Johnny Soporno talk about this once. I thought he was bluffing

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:45 pm 

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The Kidd!! wrote:
Peregrinus, once again we are in complete agreement. Women can be truly devious. I believe that even now, they are behind the scenes keeping the pressure on having society paint us as the cheaters and wrong doers, and while all the attention and focus stays on us, they go on about their business in the shadows, with no one the wiser. Despicable.
of course when they have all their TV shows, talk shows and people like Zan telling them how perfect they are. How could they think they are not perfect and that it's the men who are

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:13 am 
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The Kidd!! wrote:
Peregrinus, once again we are in complete agreement. Women can be truly devious. I believe that even now, they are behind the scenes keeping the pressure on having society paint us as the cheaters and wrong doers, and while all the attention and focus stays on us, they go on about their business in the shadows, with no one the wiser. Despicable.
Don't even get me started on that subject :lol:

I have lots of views on how women are pulling the strings behind things. One of the prime examples is various religions, especially Catholicism (there is a reason that historically all the main figures were men and it is not what you think it is :shock: )

Shaming men and idolising women, women are all things good and men are bad and corrupt.

As you say Kidd, any man who thinks women cannot be devious is sadly mistaken. Put this together with how much more indirect women are and things tend to be hidden more with them, under the surface rather than more plainly in view as with men.

also reminds me of some rhymes from childhood, particularly this one:
What are little babies made of, made of?
What are little babies made of?
Diapers and crumbs and sucking their thumbs;
That's what little babies are made of?

What are little boys made of, made of?
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails and puppy-dog tails;
That's what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of, made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and everything nice;
That's what little girls are made of.

What are young men made of, made of?
What are young men made of?
Sighs and leers and crocodile tears;
That's what young men are made of.

What are young women made of, made of?
What are young women made of?
Rings and jings and other fine things;
That's what young women are made of.

What are our sailors made of, made of?
What are our sailors made of?
Pitch and tar, pig-tail and scar;
That's what our sailors are made of.

What are our soldiers made of, made of?
What are our soldiers made of?
Pipeclay and drill, the foeman to kill;
That's what our soldiers are made of.

What are our nurses made of, made of?
What are our nurses made of?
Bushes and thorns and old cow's horns;
That's what our nurses are made of.

What are our fathers made of, made of?
What are our fathers made of?
Pipes and smoke and collars choke;
That's what our fathers are made of.

What are our mothers made of, made of?
What are our mothers made of?
Ribbons and laces and sweet pretty faces;
That's what our mothers are made of.

What are old men made of, made of?
What are old men made of?
Slippers that flop and a bald-headed top;
That's what old men are made of.

What are old women made of, made of?
What are old women made of?
Reels, and jeels, and old spinning wheels;
That's what old women are made of?

What are all folks made of, made of?
What are all folks made of?
Fighting a spot and loving a lot,
That's what all folks are made of.

According to Iona and Peter Opie, this first appears in a manuscript by the English poet Robert Southey (1774–1843), who added the stanzas other than the two below.

The relevant section in the version attributed to Southey was:

What are little boys made of made of
What are little boys made of
Snips & snails & puppy dogs tails
And such are little boys made of.

What are young women made of,
Sugar & spice & all things nice ... Made_Of%3F
Sniper wrote:
Dam, I heard Johnny Soporno talk about this once. I thought he was bluffing
Far from it, I have always been quite shocked how men seem to deny this as part of their reality in society. It has gone on for centuries, if not forever.

Just think why men felt the need to invent chastity belts, they were very popular in past centuries and were VERY widespread amongst the wealthy and better off classes, they were protecting the eggs of the women from other men. This has been mis-read, it was not the men that were untrustworthy otherwise it would not happen.
A woman has to let a man in in order to reproduce with her, it does not happen by accident. (apart from cases of rape, obviously)

Remember human females have concealed ovulation, so men unless they really take the time to track the female's cycle are usually unaware of when they are ready to conceive.. That alone should make you wonder as to why they have evolved this mechanism by which they conceal their ovulation cycle, not a conscious thing but something that they have evolved with, it has deep historical roots.

Also think about it, women have MANY methods of contraception, men really only even nowadays have 2 - condoms and surgery, just think about the number of methods that women have available to them. It is very unbalanced.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:26 pm 
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As you say Kidd, any man who thinks women cannot be devious is sadly mistaken. Put this together with how much more indirect women are and things tend to be hidden more with them, under the surface rather than more plainly in view as with men.
...and THIS is why Zan's forum turns my stomach. :?

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:38 pm 

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The Kidd!! wrote:
...and THIS is why Zan's forum turns my stomach. :?
I don't think Zan really beleives that women are such perfect creatures. He does not seem so
naive to me.

I think it's a part of the image he shows on stage since a big part of his audience are women....
Someone sent me some of his old posts from the fast seduction archive (before he had his natural game business). If you read some of those posts, he talks about women a lot like those players in the mainstream.

Also, there is a reason why he keeps his private life entirely secret. When he is not in the spotlight 'performing' I bet he does a lot of PUA stuff to bed women and I'm sure he does not treat them like they are 'perfect creatures'.

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:09 pm 
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...I said his FORUM, Sniper! :? :lol:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:29 pm 

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The Kidd!! wrote:
...I said his FORUM, Sniper! :? :lol:
Yea right. His 'loyal followers' beleive all the bullshit he is telling them and since they control the forum they won't listen and even delete posts that contradict anything that does not go hand in hand with whatever bullshit Zan has told them.

I think one day they will wake up though and realize they have been pranked :lol:

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:45 pm 
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Sniper wrote:
The Kidd!! wrote:
...I said his FORUM, Sniper! :? :lol:
Yea right. His 'loyal followers' beleive all the bullshit he is telling them and since they control the forum they won't listen and even delete posts that contradict anything that does not go hand in hand with whatever bullshit Zan has told them.

I think one day they will wake up though and realize they have been pranked :lol:
If it is any comfort to you Sniper, quite a few of the women have recently quit his forum.

Also there are people on there recently saying that not all women are angels, the tide is starting to turn and it started around the time of the 'purge', that really pissed quite a few people off.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:16 pm 

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peregrinus wrote:
If it is any comfort to you Sniper, quite a few of the women have recently quit his forum.

Also there are people on there recently saying that not all women are angels, the tide is starting to turn and it started around the time of the 'purge', that really pissed quite a few people off.
did you say: 'women quit his forum'?
but according to Zan's 'gospel' they are 'perfect' and it is the men who are at fault. So why would they want to leave? (they are probably getting their asses kissed over there :lol: )
But I have not been into that forum in ages so maybe you can expand\explain why women left his forum :?:

Sorry I didn't understand:
what is "the time of the 'purge''?
and who did it piss off?

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:56 pm 
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Sniper wrote:
Sorry I didn't understand:
what is "the time of the 'purge''?
and who did it piss off?
Thanks for kicking me into answering this Sniper.

The purge was when they 'cleaned up' their forums and kicked/banned quite a few users, including Kidd (I got away with a warning). They also tightened up their rules on posts and what content was considered good and what was bad.
Since then they have been a lot tighter in their control of content and posts.

It pissed off a lot of the less Zan like members, who were exploring other mindsets and ways of looking at things, those who were looking to push the boundaries a bit more.
Sniper wrote:
But I have not been into that forum in ages so maybe you can expand\explain why women left his forum
The ones that I got a reply from stated to me that they felt there was no reason for them to be there anymore, they were not getting anything from it, since the time of the purge. They had quite liked some of the more 'challenging' posts and views, rather than just thinking women are all things good and men are slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails.

Quite telling I think.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:28 pm 
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It was inevitable that the true nature of that forum and its moderators would be brought to light.

Eventually more people will catch on, and its weak foundations will cause it to crumble onto itself.

"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:29 pm 

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peregrinus wrote:
Sniper wrote:
Sorry I didn't understand:
what is "the time of the 'purge''?
and who did it piss off?
Thanks for kicking me into answering this Sniper.

The purge was when they 'cleaned up' their forums and kicked/banned quite a few users, including Kidd (I got away with a warning). They also tightened up their rules on posts and what content was considered good and what was bad.
Since then they have been a lot tighter in their control of content and posts.

It pissed off a lot of the less Zan like members, who were exploring other mindsets and ways of looking at things, those who were looking to push the boundaries a bit more.
Sniper wrote:
But I have not been into that forum in ages so maybe you can expand\explain why women left his forum
The ones that I got a reply from stated to me that they felt there was no reason for them to be there anymore, they were not getting anything from it, since the time of the purge. They had quite liked some of the more 'challenging' posts and views, rather than just thinking women are all things good and men are slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails.

Quite telling I think.
Thanks peregrinus ;)

It does make sense because women that actualy want to help men know that in order to help men to be strong and masculine you need to say the truth and not live in some new age bubble. Women know that not all women are perfect and it's not all the men's fault.
If this mindset keeps going it's like you said: we will be going along With the matrix and nothing is going to really change. Men will continue to be emasculated and as a result, women will continue to 'be men' and won't be able to be feminin or really open up.
Women deep inside want to escape that reality and have choices with strong masculine men-
which is not going to happen the way Zan is teaching things...
Between you and me: you know that when Zan is not in the spotlight 'performing' he is not this pure romantic guy.
If Zan and Hans have a fight one day and go on their own separated ways. I'm sure a lot of the secrets will be revealed.......

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:51 pm 
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Hans is merely Zan's lackey, that is all. I guarantee that dude gets NO chicks, and the ones that do decide to give him some sympathy action are probably Zan's leftovers or picked overs. What an idiot.

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:45 pm 
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The Kidd!! wrote:
Hans is merely Zan's lackey, that is all. I guarantee that dude gets NO chicks, and the ones that do decide to give him some sympathy action are probably Zan's leftovers or picked overs. What an idiot.
I wouldn't be surprised, considering he's the one that came up with all the 'run after women' bullshit. :lol:

"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

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