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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:11 pm 

Joined: Thu May 09, 2019 4:57 am
Posts: 29
Is there anyway to control them or get rid of them?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:23 pm 

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If you can accept the rise and fall of all and every emotion,
do you have a problem?


PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:21 pm 
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Why would you want to do such a thing?

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:35 pm 

Joined: Thu May 09, 2019 4:57 am
Posts: 29
For one It would be nice to not feel anything
Second it would be easier to have a more intellectual mind without emotions being in the way
Three it would be impossible for females or anyone to get any rise out of me

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:39 am 
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You can indeed get rid of your emotions. I spent years suppressing my "bad emotions", and found myself in a deep depression praying to not wake up every time i went to sleep.

You can't choose which emotions to get rid of; if you stop feeling sad you'll also stop being able to feel happiness.

If you never get angry, how will you know what things in life you don't accept or tolerate?

What you resist persists. You'll find that pushing down emotions will fill your life with anxiety instead. And you can of course get rid of that with the help of drugs, alcohol and self harm, among other things. Trust me: Feelings are the better deal here.

Self harm is not just physical, by the way. I learned that I could get relief from my anxiety by telling myself things like I wasn't worth being happy anyway, or that there obviously is something wrong with me and I'll never be loved. It's so effective against anxiety that I still battle with that mechanism ten years later.

Since you can't like or dislike anything without your feelings, I had no real personality for anyone to be attracted to. It was only when I began owning my emotions that people started noticing I was a real human being. One of those people were me.

Your emotions are the very essence of who you are, and your subconscious is working hard in the background trying to be your friend.
If you say that you don't like your emotions and that they only get in the way, you'll on one hand feel sad because it's a very hurtful thing to say to someone, and your subconscious will take your words to heart and try giving you what you want.

If you instead reciprocate the effort and be kind to the most important person in your life, you'll find that your emotions actually work for you and they are a very powerful tool.

There are many threads in this forum on this subject. Your "gut", for example, won't work if you only value your intellectual mind.

Instead of screaming at the clouds when it starts raining, try opening your umbrella

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:19 pm 
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Kiwis: the wait was worth it :)

A similar thread, there are others: ... it=emotion ... 001#p42001 ... 691#p38691 ... 058#p38058

Newguy69: which emotions? all of them? some of them?

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:02 am 
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The below is a post that I shared on my blog quite some time ago.

Emotional Maturity or One’s Psychological Age
In most countries, one is an adult as soon as one has reached the age of 18. Right? As far as it is about the legal age of being considered adult, which means to be entirely responsible and of legal capacity that’s true. However, on the other side, we all know that there are people whose conduct of behavior when they are 20, 30, 50 or even older, has not reached the state of someone that age, as one would reasonably expect. So, we see when we talk about “maturity” we are dealing with different aspects which must be distinguished very clearly.

Different sorts of maturity

There are three different sorts of maturity in human beings, which are usually reached at various times during our development:

1. Physical maturity
2. Mental maturity
3. Emotional/psychological maturity
Physical maturity is generally entered in the early 20s and reaches its peak in the mid-20s. Mental maturity goes way beyond and is achieved somewhere between the age of 30 and 50. The different points of view relating to this topic are way too different to make general and reliable statements. Also, the individual differences are quite vast. When it comes to emotional maturity, we come to the most problematic one of them all. Psychological maturity usually is only reached when an individual enters a higher age, if ever. The most prominent part of humanity never reaches this kind of sophistication to its fullest and dies without having enfolded this natural ability of human beings entirely.

To recognize one’s emotional maturity is way more difficult than detecting others. The reason for that is that the most significant part of our immature activities and in particular our non-adult motives are not conscious to us but are buried deep in the subconscious mind. Nevertheless, there are a few signs which help us to get clarity about our psychological maturity:

Signs of emotional maturity

• The ability to distinguish between what is under our control and what is not, as well as the acceptance of the result which concludes from this distinction.
• Respect for our boundaries as well as for the ones of others.
• Concentration: Emotional maturity is also characterized by the ability to entirely concentrate on a given task for a more extended period. Related to that is the ability to fulfill unpleasant responsibilities as well as postponing rewards.
• The capacity to be the master of one’s emotions. To control the actual feeling in a given situation only works if there is no “emotional burden” left in a person. That means that there are no banked up emotions from the past which are triggered by the present situation. If for example, an individual shows an amount of rage which cannot be explained by the current situation there is always something from the past involved which gets addressed in such moments.
• Difficulties with distinguishing between right and wrong and a strong tendency to give in to relativism, in the worst case believing in a purely materialistic or even cynical-nihilistic worldview is a sign of immaturity.
• Another mark of immaturity is an existential restlessness in one’s life, an “uneasiness within a culture” as Sigmund Freud called it.
• The lack of empathy, the incapability to understand the emotional life of others and not being able to feel what others feel, points towards psychological immaturity.
• Narcissism–malignant “self-love” is another sign to be mentioned here. This should not be mixed up with a healthy dose of self-confidence, which is the exact opposite of immaturity but a sign of emotional maturity.
• Awareness of one’s personality and one’s actions show maturity. One that lives life mainly on “auto-pilot” only possesses a limited amount of freedom and is not even aware of it.
• Responsibility: Psychologically mature people accept responsibility for their actions. The search for scapegoats is a typical mark of immaturity in this area.
• To be satisfied with oneself; to be “enough.” One would permanently look outside for the fulfillment of his needs (material, respect, rewards, etc.) is like a child that needs to be nurtured by his parents.
• The ability to deal with critique. This means to distinguish between constructive and destructive ones. The first one has to be taken seriously to improve oneself the second one is a personal attack and shouldn’t make us irritated or angry.

The biggest obstacle to emotional maturity is not to know oneself

Now we come to the most serious stuff; the real hard stuff! Here we have the core of most of life's problems on the whole: Most people have no idea who they are! In early childhood, we close off a part of ourself. We call this process of alienation “education” and “socialization.” Sounds pretty harmless, or even good, but in effect, it is the worst thing that can happen to a young human being; at least, in a sense, normal society understands it. This alienation is what's commonly considered normal–even psychologists and psychiatrists don’t consider this to be a problem because, in most cases, they are befallen by the disease themselves. The alienation from oneself results in the alienation from others, from one's profession, and in the end, alienation from nature. That aspect is the biggest part of humanity in the early 21st century. Therefore it is no wonder that emotional maturity is not very common. This applies, especially, to the so-called “civilized” people; Native people, “primitive races,” on the other hand, have the highest degree of emotional maturity observable! However, the solution for the individual to reach emotional maturity consists of one big thing: to reconnect with oneself! What one needs to do this is to have compassion for oneself. Without this reconnection, every attempt to achieve psychological maturity will stay incomplete.


Should we be ashamed if we find out that our emotional maturity doesn’t match with our physical and mental maturity? Alternatively, should we blame ourselves and feel miserable? Of course not; that wouldn’t help anybody. Feelings of guilt and shame only maintain a given state of mind and make it harder or even impossible to change for the better. This starts with stopping the deception of ourselves and the reality about ourselves, our spirit, and our psyche. We have to take an honest and sincere look into the mirror. As painful as the recognition of one's emotional age may be in the beginning, it's helpful and healthy. It makes us work on ourselves to improve and grow. The old proverb that is so often true also applies here: Medicine has to taste bitter; otherwise it does not work. -Oliver Maerk, Courtesy of Freedom, Power, and Wealth (April 30, 2016)

You are the company that you keep.

Smart people learn from their mistakes. Smarter people learn from others' mistakes. Stupid people don't learn from anyone's mistakes including their own.

You get what you deserve.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:56 am 

Joined: Thu May 09, 2019 4:57 am
Posts: 29
Thanks mane all this helped

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:07 pm 
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Find out if your personality is feeling dominant or thinking dominant.
If you r feeling dominant lot of the advice here will be contradictory to your personality and it could be like shooting yourself in your foot - I learned that the hard way..

The fact that you have to deal with your emotions yourself, internally, applies in either case

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 4:24 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2020 12:29 pm
Posts: 107
If you can accept the rise and fall of all and every emotion,
do you have a problem?
The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

— Jalaluddin Rumi
When eating an apple - do you ask why it isn't an orange or a fish?

What shows up?

Can you savor it like an apple?

You may follow one stream. Know that it leads to the Ocean, but do not mistake the stream for the Ocean.

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