Natural Freedom

Solemn Thoughts
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Author:  AlexJ [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Solemn Thoughts

(Edit by admin: the opening thread about the book is here): ... =17&t=1288


This is a long read.....

I have just finished reading the Manipulated Man (I'm in progress with the other 2 books: The Female Con & the Polygamorous Sex) & I don't feel I've read a book that has affected me like this book has. I've read quite a few more books than the average, single man in his 20's among differing topics.

It has tore down (or made me question) everything that I thought to be true & has made me take a close look at myself, my thought patterns, and my gut instinct for doing things. If I'm doing stuff to try to get something, for approval, for attention, etc. I'm sure other subconscious stuff will brew up to the surface as I'm ready to accept it. In due time, patience, grasshopper.

My biggest realization in light of the fact that I now know that women are not the be all end all of the universe, is that most of actions during my adult life have been indirectly or directly trying to get attention from women to gain an advantage with them. Whether it be sex, dating, contacts with her friends, an ego boost. I'm not ashamed to admit this, I see this as part of the growth process. I was caught up in the matrix, thinking that an idealized life with tons of women would be the ultimate.
The reason I'm not ashamed to admit this is that in his book, The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence, Dr. Robert Anthony says, "You're doing the best you can given your level of awareness. If you were more aware, you'd do better."

Usually what happens, is I get excited about a new topic or whatever, spend cash, get disillusioned after a while when it doesn't work, quit, and then move onto the next new fad.

It's buy this or do this, this will solve your problem.

Here are some examples:

I've taken private salsa lessons, why? To impress women with my dancing skillz, because I thought getting women would make me happy. Result - I quit the lessons after 2 lessons, my heart was not in it.

Took a bootcamp with Juggler in San Francisco. Ahh, this is it, put down $1600 and these guys will solve my woman problems. Result - somewhat insightful at the time (I was completely oblivious then), mostly weird, these guys don't seem suave to me. They seem dumb. Cost with airfare and expenses around $2400.

Lifting weights. Oh yes, get buff and the ladies will want me. Result - blood, sweat, and effort. I did get results, but I quit because my primary reason was attention & approval, not to be healthy and look good for myself. Needless to say, it did not increase my attractiveness towards women. I'm on and off at the gym now-a-days.

Buying all these damn PUA CD's & Programs: David D., Brad P., Stephane Hemon, Paul Janka, Mystery, Rion, Etienne, Tony Ryan. Much of the same regurgitated garbage, waste of cash on an occasional insight. But all come from the same frame of mind.

But my personal favorite: PURSUING WOMEN!!! I can't tell you how many times that THIS has NOT worked FOR me!!!

Listen, Paul Janka seems like a highly intelligent cool guy, but how the hell do I have the time or energy to approach all these women and he estimates he has sex with 11% of the girls he gets numbers from! And he is an expert! Seems like way too much work for me.

I enjoy a beer of 2 and partying with friends just as much as the next guy, but generally speaking (90%) I would go out with guy friends to a bar or club at night to "Sarge." Normally what happens is that we are anxious because we are in pursuing mode, don't do anything, or make an ass out of ourselves.

I used to go out during the day looking for women to approach & I won't see any or if I do I'll be too nervous to do anything because I'm in the pursuing mode.

Ultimately, I've spent a boat load of cash on pursuing women, instead of what The Kidd says to spend it on MYSELF!

Do things you want to do, because you want to do them. If you like to cook, take a cooking class.

If you want to learn yoga, do yoga. If you like bowling, join a bowling league.

Another insight: is pussy really worth all of this effort? Is/was my self worth so low that I felt I had to spend all this shit just to get a shot to sleep with her?

Shake my head in disgust.

Better late than never.

1 Quote that I do remember from one the CD's, "Don't make women the focal point of your life. Develop hobbies."

After reading the Manipulated Man, I finally understand what he meant.

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

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You have chosen brace yourself for everything that happens next...because you only get one time to take it alllll in. :ugeek:

Author:  urgirlzwitme [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

Awesome stuff dude

Author:  Ruffneck [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

You're learning man. Give yourself credit though, because nothing teaches better than the hard way.
New York 152 wrote:
I've taken private salsa lessons, why? To impress women with my dancing skillz, because I thought getting women would make me happy. Result - I quit the lessons after 2 lessons, my heart was not in it.

I myself listened to a DYD Interview with some dude named Tari. This cat was using his knowledge of the Italian language in his day-to-day game (No doubt choosing the right venues to scope... a university library perhaps?) Any way... my take-away from this was; "I Need to learn Italian". So I got my hands on some mp3 Italian lessons. 45 hours of lessons later.... Did my new handle on a new language help my game? No. Fuck no. Fuck no, motherfucker. In fact, I was so fixated on working this angle that I KNOW (in self-observationnal retrospect) that I just came off as weird. Actually I kinda blew it with a very interesting woman my age... Oh well whatevs... Despite that failed experiment in lady-killing I ended up successful over-all; I now speak decent Italiano. Knowing Italian gave me the impuse to seek work overseas. I'm not overseas yet, but chasing that work put me in touch with a new Outfit which has work around the world and I've upgraded my income level to what I like to call 'doctor money'. I suggest you go back to your salsa lessons. I suspect you quit because 2 lessons didn't give you the immediate gratification (hot latina puss`/) you were expecting. Try 45 hours of salsa lessons and see where it takes you. You might be surprised.

Took a bootcamp with Juggler in San Francisco. Ahh, this is it, put down $1600 and these guys will solve my woman problems. Result - somewhat insightful at the time (I was completely oblivious then), mostly weird, these guys don't seem suave to me. They seem dumb. Cost with airfare and expenses around $2400.
Ultimately, I've spent a boat load of cash on pursuing women, instead of what The Kidd says to spend it on MYSELF!

This summer I had a brainstorm... My little brother and I both got into this (that, actually) material around the same time. He's a sweet kid, as sweet as can be, not too experienced, and has a lot to learn. I though "Hey... why don't I try to hustle the hustlers..." Since one of the LSI salesmen was trying to pitch me on one of their bootcamps I thought I could try and swing a deal on two seats. You know... Buy one get one half price... They didn't agree, so I said fuck it. Instead, I browsed around and bought one of these for roughly the same money

[ img ]

I have different rims, and my interior is white. I've thrice (so far) taken women for a 1-on-1 midsummer midnight cruise in this sled. The "Impaler" is 3-for-3.
It's REALLY that easy

Author:  Sniper [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

you know New York 152,

after I read those books everything The Kidd was talking about was much more clear.

Then I was wondering: I was in the community (like you) and no one in the community ever mentioned these books. The community (for the most part) puts women on a pedistal, tells you to chase women and come from the frame that women are the most importent thing. Yea for them it's a business- and truth to be told:

a lot of the so called 'sedection Gurus' don't want you to have success. Why?
marketing- plain and simple. It goes like this: Women are perfect and are the most importent thing....

so You:

1. suck with women
2. Get a product
3. not make a lot of progress OR still suck with women
4. get the next best product

start from 3 again....

[ img ]

as far as the 'seduction community':
There are a few good teachers who don't sell shit and want guys to have success, such as David X. and Cameron Teone. But these guys are not a part of the community and are even making fun of it.

Author:  peregrinus [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

Bravo New York 152

Your honesty is a good step, follow the path it leads you along.

Thanks for posting.

Author:  AlexJ [ Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

@ Ruffneck - That's a sweet ride. I always like the classic cars. I'm glad to see your bootcamp money was put to good use!!!

@ Sniper - Yes, totally agree. They want me to fail so then they can hook me with new marketing for another useless e-book, program, etc. Every notice how all the marketing pages from different companies are virtually the same format??? All that text, too much information, in fact, with these outlandish claims.

@ urgirlzwitme, @ Peregrinus, & @ The Kidd - Thanks, I just have these insights/thought and figured I'd share the more honest I am with myself the better. Plus others can get value in this because I'm sure they dealt with or are dealing with these issues.

Why try to deny it? It retards your growth and you waste time.

It's analogous to an young sports team with talent. Generally, they don't automatically win the championship on their first try. Year by year they have their growing pains & each year they progress to the point where they have enough experience, wisdom, etc. and they are able to win the championship (like going from a totally, needy, spineless wuss bag to an indifferent, self-confident, self-assured man who the ladies love - takes time, doesn't happen overnight).

The most worthwhile things in life take time, dedication, and a favorite word around this forum PATIENCE.

Author:  Sniper [ Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts


that's a great car man. Money well spent ;)
I did a seduction boot camp a few years ago- it wasn't that expensive because it was done by a seduction company that was just starting out here so it was like a promotion thing. But that was a waste of money and time, Only left me more confused.

One thing I remember very well is that after the weekend ended a lot of people felt 'high' - like they could go and get women easily. But two weeks later the 'high' was gone and they went back to the same place\level they were before the boot camp.

A seduction boot camp could be good if a guy is very shy and never talked to women. But of course he doesn't need a boot camp - he can just chat with girls he meets and he doesn't need someone to stand behind him and tell him: 'Go talk to her', 'you can do it'

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Author:  AlexJ [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

Another insight...(as I'm half way through the Polygamous Sex - I'll have to read both a few times b/c there is a wealth of information that I'm sure I missed or misunderstood the first time around)....there is a key theme for me...Patience/Long Term Approach.

While being indoctrinated by garbage (PU and related ideologies), there is this underlying theme that you have to get the woman that night or within a specified amount of time (less than a month). Screw what type of effort, cost, and drama unfolds and just get your dick wet.

There is no thought to the long term ramifications of this strategy.

Well Esther echos, be careful what you wish for. It's like emotionally you want to get your rocks off, but after gaining awareness of woman's potential for manipulation, your logical jumps in and says, "Whoa, hold on a second buddy." So your logical keeps your emotional system in check to ensure the best possible outcome for you.

Author:  Sai [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

like sweet Jones said to Iceberg Slim :"you have the hate to pimp"

glad you found your way here New York 152, welcome to the board.

@ Ruff Neck, that's a sweet fucking ride. 8-)

Author:  Sniper [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

New York 152 wrote:
While being indoctrinated by garbage (PU and related ideologies), there is this underlying theme that you have to get the woman that night or within a specified amount of time (less than a month). Screw what type of effort, cost, and drama unfolds and just get your dick wet.
what I saw in that sense was that if someone thinks sex is the most importent thing and can't control his sex drive- it doesn't matter how many women he had sex with, once he hits a dry spell he could be at the same place a virgin is...

I have a friend from school who slept with around 180-200 women in the past. Right now he is in a 'dry spell' accoring to what he told me. And he is so eager to have sex again he goes out a lot and dates a lot just for the shot of getting laid and it hurts his studying. So I told him: since you had sex with a lot of women already: is it really a big deal if you focus on your studying now and let it go for the time being?

him: I can't, because I slept with so many women I have to get some... and then he added:
I wish I was a virgin and didn't know what sex feels like... :(

I didn't have sex with so many women (like him) and I'm not that eager to chase it - I work and study so if I did what he did- my studies would get hurt.

so even if someone had sex with lots of women it doesn't necessarily make him more indifferent- like I used to think in the past...
only when a guy changes his mindset he can be indifferent.

Author:  Ruffneck [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

Interesting, Sniper. I hadn't imagined that a scenario like your friend's could exist.

Author:  AlexJ [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

@ Sniper - good point. Doesn't matter how many women if you have the wrong mindset. Similar to a druggie who needs another hit. Makes sense when people say to have the indifferent mindset it doesn't matter if you've been 100 girls or 0.

Author:  Thebest [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

LOL SNIPER stop the foolishness. Guys that slept with around 200 women do not hit dry spells their game must be high to hit that kind of number their experience alone won't allow that to happen. The only way I see your friend hitting a dry spell is if he on hes own decide not to sleep with anymore women for the time being or that he ordered 200 hookers.

Author:  Sniper [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

Thebest wrote:
LOL SNIPER stop the foolishness. Guys that slept with around 200 women do not hit dry spells their game must be high to hit that kind of number their experience alone won't allow that to happen. The only way I see your friend hitting a dry spell is if he on hes own decide not to sleep with anymore women for the time being or that he ordered 200 hookers.
No, the reason he has a dry spell is simple: He used to be rich and used his money and social status to get women. That was his main crutch...

Then his business went down, he got into debts and sold it. Now he has a low paying job and not a lot of money. Once his main crutch was gone so was the success...

Author:  Thebest [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

okay I missed that part apologies.

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

Thebest wrote:
okay I missed that part apologies.
You're missing a lot of parts, man. Be easy...Rome wasn't built in a day. :geek:

Author:  peregrinus [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

Thebest wrote:
Guys that slept with around 200 women do not hit dry spells their game must be high to hit that kind of number their experience alone won't allow that to happen. The only way I see your friend hitting a dry spell is if he on hes own decide not to sleep with anymore women for the time being or that he ordered 200 hookers.
I completely and utterly disagree with this post.

As with snipers friend, i knew someone who was a d.j. that was his crutch, he never needed to learn anything or work at it. so he didnt.

When that dried up he was like a fish out of water.
Before that he was always swamped and thought it would carry on forever.

Author:  Dali [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

The thing is:

Not be desperate enough as to use a crutch to attract females, but do that apparently "crutch" because you love it, more like an organic and natural reason for doing it, and more important: The right one. Because it will happen to you what those pals suffer, they where attached emotionally and had so much investment in that crutch to have a free flow of girls, and because they don't have the power or status that crutch gave them, they feel doomed for life. And also and more important because they don't have sedimented the right mindset they think they have the permanent "curse" of the dry spell, until another crutch will function as a patch to a problem. (solving a symptom and not adressing the cause).

Author:  Thebest [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Solemn Thoughts

okay idiots learn how to read before you start talking shit. First off read snipers first post about hes friend he never said he was rich okay? Now reread both posts then see why i said apologies okay? I assumed hes friend didnt have a crutch like hes riches he never got into those type of details and the idiots that responded after sniper and agreed even without knowing hes friend's situation is retarded. Any man that has slept with 200 women would have atleast 30 girls he can call anytime he wants in hes phonebook stop trying to find rare occasion, yes a person that has cancer can beat it but its not a great possibility.

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