Natural Freedom

How to be more disciplined
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Author:  Aragorn [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

caster wrote:
Unfortunately for that pelican bay anecdote the prison system doesn't seem terribly effective at preventing repeat offenses. Even in places where the punishment for stealing is hand amputation and death for adultery, people still steal and have affairs. Being able to see the negative long term consequences and adjusting our behavior accordingly is the definition of willpower. So is not being ruled by the pursuit of pleasure or avoidance of pain. I don't disagree with you star, its just that what you prescribe is willpower by a different name.
Nah, he's right. Saying that a potential future punishment that you deem threatening enough doesn't stop somebody else is just bad logic.

Willpower means fighting yourself, which as you can notice, is quite the opposite message that this forum brings.

The thing I bolded is human nature. You can't stop being ruled by pain or pleasure. You can definitely tell yourself that you aren't though. Isn't that a pleasant thought?

Author:  Star_Above [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

caster wrote:
Unfortunately for that pelican bay anecdote the prison system doesn't seem terribly effective at preventing repeat offenses. Even in places where the punishment for stealing is hand amputation and death for adultery, people still steal and have affairs. Being able to see the negative long term consequences and adjusting our behavior accordingly is the definition of willpower. So is not being ruled by the pursuit of pleasure or avoidance of pain. I don't disagree with you star, its just that what you prescribe is willpower by a different name.
Maybe not for them, but for others it could be, it's a personal thing.

No it's not the same, when someone's in a panic attack because their biggest fear is lung cancer and they just got diagnosed at stage 3, and if you have one more cigarette you're fucked but if you quit and do chemo you'll live, you don't need willpower, you ain't touching another cigarette. Forcing yourself (Willpower) ain't got nothing to do with it.

Author:  caster [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

You guys are bringing up excellent points. Why do negative consequences work better for some than others? What is the attribute that separates these people?

I agree with not fighting or forcing yourself, willpower is about alignment. Get comfortable with your demons, get them on your side and avoid situations where you will be prone to fighting them. Like in the buffet example the key to victory is in not fighting the battle at all.

While you nay never stop being "ruled" by pain and pleasure short of enlightenment, you can become more indifferent to those things you cannot control and work on that which you can. I work on accepting that I will not always be comfortable, and not trying to change or fight basic human nature. There is a world of difference between accepting things like pain or pleasure and fighting them.

Author:  Leo [ Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

Every night write down the 6 most important things you have to do the following day, from highest to lowest.

Start at number 1, and don't go further until It's completed.

That is how to become more disciplined.

Author:  Altair [ Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

All you gotta do is plan your route calculate the variables and risk....strategize carefully. :ugeek:

When you have spent much time considering everything and are ready...proceed to cut all escape routes...sink or swim 8-)

Author:  Jared [ Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

From theory to practice; (music lesson for free here!)

There is a type of discipline that involves patience.
Let´s say that I have this awesome musical passage
that I know I can play well enough at tempo 120BPM
but fall apart when trying it at 128BPM.

I know I have to slow it down to 90BPM and work my
way up +1BPM per day to be able to play the piece clean
and flawless at 128BPM. It´s the details in the movements
that screw up playing that passage. I know I can play it
at 120BPM and by setting up a practice like this, I have
to discipline myself not to do 100BPM until day 10,
( and 110BPM by day 20, 128BPM by day 38. )

To never play 120BPM until day 30 when you know you
can, is the discipline and patience.

* BPM = Beats Per Minute, metronome

Author:  Meraki [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

Altair wrote:
proceed to cut all escape routes...sink or swim 8-)

Author:  Altair [ Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

That always worked for me, you really need to give yourself that desperate edge.

Author:  DMD [ Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

Altair wrote:
That always worked for me, you really need to give yourself that desperate edge.

And remove all distractions.

Author:  Dali [ Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

DMD wrote:
Altair wrote:
That always worked for me, you really need to give yourself that desperate edge.

And remove all distractions.
Doesn't matter. Distractions become imperceptibles once you get to a dead end. Fight Flight or Freeze.

Corner yourself psychologically.
I do this because I cannot not do anything fucking else.

that's what I got.,

Author:  Aragorn [ Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

Yup. Making failure an option that you're fine with taking (due to obvious short-term benefits) will give you a very, very easy route once things get uncomfortable.

I still believe that discipline/focus/work ethic is something that needs to be worked-out and excercised, like when you go to gym. Challenge yourself with things (doing something for an hour straight, sticking with something for a week) every day and they'll slowly become easy. Move on, make "gains" (doing something for 2 hours straight, sticking with something for a month) and then you're good.

Or do the 30 day cold shower challenge. I might write a post about that, because it was crazy and educational.

Author:  Jared [ Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

moose35 wrote:
Or do the 30 day cold shower challenge. I might write a post about that, because it was crazy and educational.
Yes! Please do. 8-)

1 week trial
10 day trial
30 day trial
100 day trial
365 day trial

Motivation does not guarantee results, only action does
(or our non-action).
(weak, medium, strong, excellent)

Author:  DMD [ Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

Discipline is something that is lacking in many men today. Did I say men ? I apologise, I never meant any disrespect for Kidd and peregrinus. My bad ! Males is what I meant. Discipline is aquired and earned. Here is how:

1. Figure out what u want to accomplish, who u want to be etc. Make a decision.
2. Develop the best plan on how to achieve it, but also be open and flexibile with it.
3. Follow that plan daily, especially when u don't want to. Make no excuses. Women men excuses, MEN don't !

When u conquer yourself and conquer that voice in your head that will tell u a bunch of bullshit and lies like "let's do this, let's go here, let's party now, u will do it tomorrow, u have enough time", when u know deep down that u have to stick to your plan, then u become disciplined. The more u do it, the more disciplined u become.

I did this and that's how I lost weight almost effortless, if u ask me. 15 kg in 5 months. One day I was minding my own business and i didn't had a clue how much I weight so I said "let me jump on the scale to check myself out". Boom! 80 kg ? I'm like Whaat ? I was happy the rest of the day. But I followed instructions. There are a lot of guys that have what u want, tell u what u have to do, but u have to follow the damn instructions.

Hope this helps !

Author:  eldora [ Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

...will power..cutting escape routes...removing distractions.

all these won't help squat . why? because you are internally fragmented ! each one of your aspects are pulling you in different directions. Better work on yourself, integrating your selves, aspects, subs, whatever you want to call them. Once you get a relatively strong internal cohesive integration, you will be ready to perform what you know see as hard or difficult to do.

Author:  Jared [ Mon May 25, 2015 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to be more disciplined

Will always directs you toward the image you are emotionally
involved with.

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