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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:05 pm 
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Vast subject, prone to hooey, so forgive me in my attempt to make sense of it / explain it as much as I understand it.
Please note that I'll "have to" mix what is "proven" / scientifically valid, with some "less accepted truths" here, due to how I want this post to be sorted.
Also, I sometime quote one or two phrases that stand out sometimes, otherwise you can click on the links to read further on.

0. A well known quote :
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ― Nikola Tesla
1. Two definitions :
Vibration is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. The word comes from Latin vibrationem ("shaking, brandishing"). The oscillations may be periodic, such as the motion of a pendulum—or random, such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road.
When body particles are displaced by the application of external force, the internal force in the form of elastic energy are present in the body, tries to bring the body to its original position.
At equilibrium position, the whole elastic energy is converted into kinetic energy and the body continues to move in the opposite direction of it.
The whole of kinetic energy is again converted into elastic or strain energy due to which the body again returns to its equilibrium position.
In this way, vibratory motion is repeated indefinitely and exchange of energy takes place.
Thus, any motion which repeats itself affect an interval time is called Vibration or Oscillation.

2. A couple of real life examples :
- Earth frequency aka Schumann resonances :
The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.[1]
- Ricochets / rebounds on water, seisms, ...

- Tuning forks sympathetic vibration / resonance experiment

- Music :
Some threads on it here (don't think, FEEL):
The Art of Listening
Tension and release in EDM - Thought exercise
We are the Thousand

- Quantum mechanics / Wave - particle duality : ... le_duality
Wave–particle duality is the concept in quantum mechanics that every particle or quantum entity may be described as either a particle or a wave. It expresses the inability of the classical concepts "particle" or "wave" to fully describe the behaviour of quantum-scale objects. As Albert Einstein wrote:[1]
It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do.
3. The biological body :
- Ears / Hearing Hearing the vibration :
The researchers point out that the auditory system is well suited for the processing of "vibrotactile" information, because of the similarity between the timing and nature of physical vibrations and sound waves.
- Brain
Neural oscillations, or brainwaves, are rhythmic or repetitive patterns of neural activity in the central nervous system. Neural tissue can generate oscillatory activity in many ways, driven either by mechanisms within individual neurons or by interactions between neurons. In individual neurons, oscillations can appear either as oscillations in membrane potential or as rhythmic patterns of action potentials, which then produce oscillatory activation of post-synaptic neurons. At the level of neural ensembles, synchronized activity of large numbers of neurons can give rise to macroscopic oscillations, which can be observed in an electroencephalogram. Oscillatory activity in groups of neurons generally arises from feedback connections between the neurons that result in the synchronization of their firing patterns. The interaction between neurons can give rise to oscillations at a different frequency than the firing frequency of individual neurons. A well-known example of macroscopic neural oscillations is alpha activity.
From Grinus : Neural Synchrony

- Heart (YES, the heart has neurons too) : ... 0%5B149%5D
About Heart Rate Variability and mental illness

Maybe hooey territory : ("linked" to Heart Rate Variability link above)

4. How does it apply to us ?

Thoughts :
About thoughts having a frequency and being energy, the most detailed / comprehensible explanation imo is from J.M. Terdjman (maybe hooey ? :lol: scattered in, linked to Quantum mechanics / Wave - particle duality, while being "INCLUSIVE", meaning not separating both as quantum mechanics do, but trying to make sense on how they're the same and only humans through ego/self make the distinction) :
Impressions, when they echo on themselves become mental events. But a mental event does not mean that the material substratum is no longer there. It has simply changed. From an electro-magnetic wave, say, it has become a neuronal structure or pattern, based on chemical and electrical transfers. The main difference between an impression from the outside and a mental event is that the mental event is based on energy provided by its own environment, a biological nervous system, whereas the impression got its energy from the external environment. This difference is therefore the mark of what is objective and material on the one hand, and of what is mental and subjective on the other.
Man, or the human brain, does not have a monopoly on the processing of information. Information is being processed everywhere and all the time in nature, in mineral matter as well as in biological matter, every time there is a change in matter. Neither does man have a monopoly on consciousness, which is everywhere and co-substantial with matter. The human brain is different only in its greater capacity to abstract and to store information. The human brain is only the place where information is stored, and then reflected on itself, thus becoming reflected consciousness. The brain creates neither the information (although it processes it, thereby bringing about information in a new form) nor the consciousness (although, by making the reflection of consciousness possible, it brings about consciousness in its reflected form). The brain does not create the color red. It just processes the information, which is already both a wavelength and the color red. It's just that nobody knows it till there is an I (a human being) to perceive the color red. Which brings us to the second aspect of the confusion.
Mental events, like everything else in nature, don't need an entity to start or to do the action. Mental events act on themselves, because everything in nature is matter, energy, and consciousness all at once. Mental events take place because of themselves, not because of an entity (the self) that would precede them. Mental events happen for a cause (networks of neurons, chemical exchanges, etc.) They are events in nature, just as the wind blows, the rain falls, plants grow, continents drift, and a cat scratches. We do not infer any entity as the cause for those events, although we did in the past; nowadays this type of explanation is no longer valid, but in the case of man's subjectivity we keep using the same obsolete view that has been rejected in the study of everything else in nature.
Once consciousness is separated from matter and focuses on itself through the individual self, the meaning of things comes to the fore. Meaning is the savor that the consciousness-matter-energy has of itself at the level of the determinate and the multiple. But the self has no awareness of any consciousness outside itself. The self relates everything to itself, and thus the meaning of things simply reinforces the sense of the self of being something (the entity for which things have meaning). The self gives a positive or a negative value to its own perceptions. By identifying with the positive and taking a stand against the negative, the self acquires more being and more worth in its own eyes.
"Levels" of consciousness : - More detailed image version
Another similar image, a table / Map of consciousness

(Whether you think it's true or not,) why is it important to think / inquire about it?
I'll quote an article from Delusion Damage :
That’s the sort of thing that this mental model of “levels of consciousness” can help you with – being able to label your mental states and the products you’ve created from those states, and showing you the way to where you want to go next. It’s extremely useful for a whole bunch of everyday applications, and I’ve actually printed out the levels and put them up on my bedroom wall to look at and think about now and then. I suggest the same to you.
This is HEAVILY related to the concept of "Vibe of Contentment" / befriending your demons / being yourself :

Some threads on it :
Application of the Theory of Perpetual YOURSELF!
It all boils down to how you feel about YOURSELF...your un/subconscious vibe is what really does all of the work. The message I preach is so simple yet so powerful it boggles MY mind sometimes.
Fear of conflict and clarity after bullshit clearing
For average guys
I like my life. I like what I'm about. That is all.
I'm getting back in to PU
By becoming your own best friend...because then you give off what I refer to as "The Vibe of Contentment". This is the same vibe most guys give off when they are in a relationship, and they wonder why when they finally have a girlfriend that it seems that every woman in the world wants them then.
flirting with women
It really is all about the non-verbals, vibe, energy. Because before we had verbals, we all fucked to get where we are today. Talk is the bridge to transfer the important information of non-verbals.
Spend Quality Time w/Yourself
Women seem to Have No Standards
The 'divider line' you speak of is, put simply, a lack of congruence with self. Without self congruence, you see the world from your eyes and not others...or you THINK you know what others think of you but it's really still just a projection of yourself. Once you have attained self congruence, you can then accurately see how each person views you REGARDLESS of how you view yourself...your ego will be removed from the equation, which will allow you to act appropriately and awarely in ALL situations. Once you get to this point, the only reason why you won't get a favorable outcome in a given situation is because YOU didn't want one. ;)
Motivation? No thanks
The place of innate power is where you are when you are at peace, quiet and calm inside and truly you – at this place you can serve, sell, speak, write, guide… easily and effortlessly from the inside out and you know this for sure, 100%.
Motivation, getting revved up are temporary fixes, nothing more, nothing less and your inner wisdom guides you to this truth. Your Innate Power is permanent, always on and has no conditions and requires nothing to be done to get it.
Other quotes about vibrations / consciousness :
Thaddeus Golas:
Meanwhile we should realize that we tend to return to the vibration level where we feel stable, something we can "live with."
It's the level of stability, the level where we feel ourselves to be comfortably on the same vibration with others, that needs to be changed.
And that can be done only through an unresisting state of mind, a constantly expanding love.
No matter what others are doing, you are the only one who is responsible for what happens to you.
There is nothing in the external event that in the least way determines your feelings and experiences: your life is entirely governed by your vibrations, what they tell you and how you respond.
The slower your vibrations, the more unpleasant your life: you will contend with more conflict, mass, and pain.
Events will happen too fast for control, yet time will seem interminable because you can see no way out.
But when you raise your vibration level, you can neatly sidestep collisions, both psychic and physical, and quite literally change the world for the better.
Love is the strongest magic of all.
When you learn to love hell, you will be in heaven.
There is absolutely no external evidence that will tell me how much you love yourself, because I am seeing you with the limited vision of my own vibrations. In that sense, what I see is myself.
UG :
Accepting whatever there is is courage. That is intelligence. "I don't want to be other than what I am --" that is the courage. It is there! It is not a thing to be acquired.
- You just don't have the courage to be yourself. That means you have to be alone in this world -- one without a second.
Man is always seeking something--money, power, sex, love, mystical experience, truth, enlightenment--and it is this seeking which keeps him out of his natural state.
And although I am in a natural state, I cannot help someone else, because it is my particular natural state, not another's.
Some threads on the impacts / effects of this (SPACE, mirroring) :

"You've already got it"
peregrinus wrote: *
ginacloud wrote:
The REASON you found the less grounded woman more attractive was because you were resonating at the same frequency. Everything is energy and communication is more than 90% non verbal. She was literally more your frequency. And because you are open and seeking answers about yourself as a man you were able to get the incredible gift that is always present in others as a mirror. You were able to see that part of you as reflected in her. When we are ready, we can see what we need to see about ourselves in others.
Also, she will see parts of herself reflected in you, parts you may not even be aware of.

You both can show each other parts of each other that you were not aware of, or possibly were but on a different level, it is truly a deep learning experience when you see it for what it is.

If you want an analogy, think of it like two sound frequencies, some sound good together and harmonise and some just sound wrong together and clash. If you have two outputs the same frequency then they amplify each other and the volume increases, they compliment.
A Typical Weekend For An Alpha, a Life Ruined For A Beta
Bowing their heads down
Regarding the other point - mirroring.. it is a subconscious mirroring yes.. They are not doing it consciously, it just happens. You could say you are leading them with your vibe and they naturally follow it.
Fuck It
What does a woman get mentally from "Testing" a Man?
Why we seek to complete ourselves in our partner.
Cloaking isn't innate?

Other quotes :
Thaddeus Golas :
There is no being in the universe more powerful than you, but there are also none less powerful than
you. This should be the starting point of all your behavior towards other people. I often say to myself: Let my intentions not attempt to contradict the necessary laws of our relations as equal beings. (A long sentence, but I do say it.)
Since every being is self-determined, you cannot change anyone else's vibration level against his will, nor are you obliged to. You cannot in reality hurt or help others without their agreement to play the game, nor can anyone hurt or help you without your agreement.
I will probably add much more to this later on.

Feel free to chime in the discussion.


PS: I didn't put it in Gems due to some subjects / quotes being "sensitive" :mrgreen: .
Feel free to move it where you want.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 6:24 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2020 12:29 pm
Posts: 107
Long read I'll leave for 2022, looks intriguing. :)

Appreciate the recent activity. Have a good new year ;)

You may follow one stream. Know that it leads to the Ocean, but do not mistake the stream for the Ocean.

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