Natural Freedom

Watched Hav Plenty
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Author:  Star_Above [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Watched Hav Plenty

For anyone reading this, it's free on youtube so check it out, there's so many messages in it that it's no surprise it's based on a true story.

Like you said Kidd, she only confessed to Lee that she loved him (Or realized....bullshit) when he made the movie and got the chedda.

Another scene that really struck me was after Hav's sister tried to kiss him in the kitchen and later that night they were going to bed, Hav wanted him to go to her room, he refused which made her basicaly pull him out of his bed and then while they were laying there she says "Wow, 4 girls tried to kiss you in one weekend, look at you" knowing that Lee rejected all of them, so if she could get him to kiss her it would fill her ego showing to herself she was better then the other girls...female's sense of competition kicking in hard; then when she got him to kiss her she told him to go back to his room grrrr...I didn't think he was gonna give in, fuck! Can't give the bitches everything, I thought he was gonna kiss her but kind of act like he didn't want to or some kind of mixed message...but he went all in and gave her exactly what she wanted then it was game over. Any other observations?

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Very good...what else you got? ;)

Author:  Star_Above [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

A few other ones...

1. Knowing where you stand with women by how older women and little girls treat you....Hav's grandmother loved him!

2. His vibe of indifference and not giving a fuck was extremelly attractive to all the girls who tried to get with him.

3. He basically acted like an authority figure and ran Hav's sisters shit when he was telling her about herself which made her want him.

4. He played hard to get, or rather really didn'ty care about hooking up and had high standards which made them crazy.

5. He had total confidence in himself and didn't give a shit what anyone thought about him, even cracking on himself at the dinner table just to amuse himself = very attractive.

6. That most men are beta's...Hav's sister tried to kiss Lee, then when her husband finds out the motherfucker says "I'm confused, I love you, are you coming home?" lol Bitch please, pack your shit!! And when he put his tail between his legs she went from apologizing to saying "I don't know". Gotta be a man or the bitch is gone.

7. Get your clout and the bitches will come, there will be no chasing on your part at all.

8. Have a purpose more important then woman, his writing was the most important thing in his life and bitches didn't matter to him...which women find attractive.

9. He can't fight worth

Anything else?

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Well done, my knowledge you are the only person in the last 11 years who has actually watched that movie. So much good stuff in there...

You pretty much crossed all the T's and dotted all the I's...main thing to take away from it is Hav always SUBCONSCIOUSLY had a thing for Lee...but it wasn't until his front and clout arrived that it manifested itself CONSCIOUSLY. When he was homeless, she toyed with him...when he arrived she submitted so fast it's mind blowing. BUT!!! wasn't until he became the best option that she submitted.

Also, he didn't make his movie to get chicks...he did it because it was HIS dream...his dream girl was just a pleasant side effect to the proceedings. Lastly, how he 'sold out' and changed the ending? He wanted success so bad that he was willing to alter his original vision...and because he wanted Havilland so bad be made a concession for her as well.

SHE USED HIS WEAKNESS FOR HER AGAINST HIM. If it were me, I'da made that bitch jump thru some SERIOUS flaming hoops as payback before I accepted her...he gave in waaaaay too easy. Why would I still take her?

Because ultimately, she is the best option for ME (Lee's perspective). 8-)

Author:  Star_Above [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Nothing I can really add to that :)

Author:  Resonance [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

This guy just gave control to this girl. she commanded him to kiss her when it should've been the other way around man he said it himself he got suckered right into that one he did the right thing by not tripping about if he beat it up or not.....

but he should have maintained his composure not had let her affect his state the way he did

Author:  Resonance [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

I'm pissed its just like you said kidd she realized how she(said ) feel about him once he start making them duckets wow, well hey it is in their nature now. All of a sudden she realized her feelings for him when made his come up, now that I understand what's going on and your train of thought kidd I would have definitely made her jump through hoops of fire and have her sitting on her hands like she did me when I felt like that for her back when I was still trying to figure it out.

She definitely would be eddying up before she even have the pleasure of getting on her knees to slob this knob, the way she was just acting out before the blow up she definitely needs a check to understand what I had to go through before I got the clout There is definitely alot I took from that movie now watching it in your mindset.

Bitch don't act right kick her to the curb don't be like those other suckas talking about how you feel and shit she thinks you are wrapped by then.

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Way of a Natural wrote:
I'm pissed its just like you said kidd she realized how she(said ) feel about him once he start making them duckets wow, well hey it is in their nature now. All of a sudden she realized her feelings for him when made his come up, now that I understand what's going on and your train of thought kidd I would have definitely made her jump through hoops of fire and have her sitting on her hands like she did me when I felt like that for her back when I was still trying to figure it out.

She definitely would be eddying up before she even have the pleasure of getting on her knees to slob this knob, the way she was just acting out before the blow up she definitely needs a check to understand what I had to go through before I got the clout There is definitely alot I took from that movie now watching it in your mindset.

Bitch don't act right kick her to the curb don't be like those other suckas talking about how you feel and shit she thinks you are wrapped by then.
Welcome to my world...enjoy your stay. 8-)

Author:  Star_Above [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Way of a Natural wrote:
I'm pissed its just like you said kidd she realized how she(said ) feel about him once he start making them duckets wow, well hey it is in their nature now. All of a sudden she realized her feelings for him when made his come up, now that I understand what's going on and your train of thought kidd I would have definitely made her jump through hoops of fire and have her sitting on her hands like she did me when I felt like that for her back when I was still trying to figure it out.

She definitely would be eddying up before she even have the pleasure of getting on her knees to slob this knob, the way she was just acting out before the blow up she definitely needs a check to understand what I had to go through before I got the clout There is definitely alot I took from that movie now watching it in your mindset.

Bitch don't act right kick her to the curb don't be like those other suckas talking about how you feel and shit she thinks you are wrapped by then.

Author:  Sniper [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Ok I watched it :)

Everything was already said here but it was funny how all of a sudden she 'realized' her feelings for him once his social status rised...

he was still the same person as before, his looks or personality didn't change- the only thing that changed was his social status. In real life you can sometimes see women attracted to you but they only want to be with doctors or lawyers so when they hear you are not a doctors\lawyers they lose interest.

The funny thing is: most of the time these women don't have anything to bring to the table besides their pussy so doctors or lawyers only play around with them and then when they hit their 30's no one wants them anymore or they settle with men who are much less than what they could have had if they were not shooting only for doctors\lawyers while in their 20's....

Author:  Alchemist [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

<-----In that case send the cougars this way. :lol:

Author:  Sai [ Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

I can't deny it, that Actress who Played Havilan was/is a Baaaaaaaaaaad chick!
I wouldn't mind having plenty of her :lol:

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

enelkei wrote:
I can't deny it, that Actress who Played Havilan was/is a Baaaaaaaaaaad chick!
I wouldn't mind having plenty of her :lol:
Indeed! :lol:

Author:  Sniper [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

he should have just done this:

Author:  Thebest [ Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

The movie wasnt that great, but it provided some game. What I liked about lee most was hes ability to be happy even during shitty circumstances and like you say kidd he owned it he wasnt ashamed of the position he was in. In my opinion I felt he did way too much just to get hav, I would have made her go through alot just to make it even. Lee had crazy discipline, I would have done some dirty things with hav's sister.

Author:  Resonance [ Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Thebest wrote:
The movie wasnt that great, but it provided some game. What I liked about lee most was hes ability to be happy even during shitty circumstances and like you say kidd he owned it he wasnt ashamed of the position he was in. In my opinion I felt he did way too much just to get hav, I would have made her go through alot just to make it even. Lee had crazy discipline, I would have done some dirty things with hav's sister.

Yeah he did good on being content in his circumstances he was an idiot for not knocking down Ms. Savage first sister when she gave him the opportunity. Revenge at its finest :twisted:

He did waaay too much in my opinion and she did too little which is the standard nowadays pititful :|

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Resonance wrote:
Thebest wrote:
The movie wasnt that great, but it provided some game. What I liked about lee most was hes ability to be happy even during shitty circumstances and like you say kidd he owned it he wasnt ashamed of the position he was in. In my opinion I felt he did way too much just to get hav, I would have made her go through alot just to make it even. Lee had crazy discipline, I would have done some dirty things with hav's sister.

Yeah he did good on being content in his circumstances he was an idiot for not knocking down Ms. Savage first sister when she gave him the opportunity. Revenge at its finest :twisted:

He did waaay too much in my opinion and she did too little which is the standard nowadays pititful :|
Well, that's why the movie ended the way it did...both is his movie and the movie itself. The end of the movie is VERY symbolic. :ugeek:

Author:  Slim Titan [ Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

I finally watched this movie, and I'm glad that I did.

Edit: I don't feel like Hav is pimp tight in the earlier scenes of the movie. At times, I wonder if his self-deprecating comedy is coming from some weakness in him. Although, I must say I had a huge aha :idea: moment.

2nd Edit: Being staunch doesn't work. Maybe my vision of how he should be is different from what should take place in a square lifestyle. If Lee Plenty just dropped Haviland Savage the moment when her fronting came to a head and she was bitching at him he never would have got her. He had to bend something in himself to take that punishment.

I do like his response though. After she finishes bitching at him he's like ok Iceberg Slim, lady ratchet. After all her talk, she has the nerve to kick the you can't talk to me that way crap, and Lee just responds, "Who do you think you are that I can't talk to you that way."

Author:  Altair [ Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Watched Hav Plenty

Slim Titan wrote:
2nd Edit: Being staunch doesn't work. Maybe my vision of how he should be is different from what should take place in a square lifestyle. If Lee Plenty just dropped Haviland Savage the moment when her fronting came to a head and she was bitching at him he never would have got her. He had to bend something in himself to take that punishment.
Being staunch will work it's just too rigid to allow yourself the fluidity that will make you feel at peace with yourself.

More space is, the answer. :ugeek:

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