Natural Freedom

Waaaaait a minute...
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Author:  Jared [ Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

The Kidd!! wrote:
You gotta have a taste for elephant first... ;)
"Elephant, mmm..... elephant..."

Author:  Alchemist [ Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Aztecsfinest wrote:
But I'm not doubting myself, I honestly don't know if thats an IOI or not, I'm not getting any gut reactions or anything.
If you didn't doubt yourself you would be seeing more signs.

Author:  Azriel [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

I don;t understand, why can't I know wether thats an IOI or not?

Author:  peregrinus [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Aztecsfinest wrote:
I don;t understand, why can't I know wether thats an IOI or not?
does it matter?

Author:  fufe [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Dude stop wanting absolute certainty.. You will never know 100% anything, embrace that and you will see it's kind of exciting, when you are not sure about it. It doesn't matter

Author:  Azriel [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

I still want to know!

Author:  Azriel [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

peregrinus wrote:
Aztecsfinest wrote:
I don;t understand, why can't I know wether thats an IOI or not?
does it matter?
No, not really. I answered the question for myself today as I was passing a bus stop I made eye contact with a girl who looked down soon after and once I passed her I felt a smile appearing on my face. She knew how sexy I was and how I could give her a very good time. Thats what the feeling told me anyway, I normally listen to my intuition its what stops me from doing silly things when talking to people.

Author:  Azriel [ Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

I've been getting more looks on the street lately and I get it now. I woldn't look ata woman unless I'm attracted to her, what other reason would a girl have too look at me? I'm good looking!

When I make eye contact with them they look down and thats a form of submission I don't know if its an attraction signal, only one way to find out, I'm going to smile at every woman that gives me eye contact.

Author:  scarface [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Jared wrote:
scarface wrote:
Jared wrote:
Self-confidence is the product of accurate
Or delusioned knowledge (Read; Thinking one knows, or thnking one is ...........
While in reality it isn't/your'e not that good/smart/skilfull/etc.....)).
All suffering and fear is created by a fundamental
misunderstanding of the true nature of Reality.
Buddha said that a good many years ago.
I 100% agree with your quote.
People with "delusioned knowledge" in this context, I would say are people misunderstand their true nature, and substituted it for a false nature which they offcourse percieve to be the real nature.

To add, some people have a big ego. And thus appear (very) confident at first sight, since they derive it from their perceptions of what they are, achieved, postition in society and/or the skills/competences they have. But a big ego, often is a fragile ego I found. Because if they loose their postition/status in society, or someone questions their past achievements or they do something where the result doesn't fit in with the view they have of themselfes. Or if something happens that is their cause/fault, they often become super defensive becasue they can't handle an hit on their ego, or what the persona they created in their head that they themself are.

And imo, confidence derived from knowing your true nature. Is more unshakable. And holds firm, and doesn't feel attacked or deminished. Whence faced with crtisism, failing at something or whatever.
In the face of failure and/or cristisism, one can most easily seperate the self-confident from the not self-confident.

At least, that's my opinion and experience.

Author:  scarface [ Thu May 05, 2011 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Aztecsfinest wrote:
I woldn't look ata woman unless I'm attracted to her, what other reason would a girl have too look at me? I'm good looking!
Ime, it's either 1 of these 3:
1. You look good;
2. You look like (or are) someone famous;
3. You or your clothes look very weird, different in an freak(y) way.

Author:  Jared [ Sat May 21, 2011 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Pain and suffering are not equals...
Fear and suffering are not equals...

That´s just a collective human belief.

If George Lucas (or Yoda) had known this...

Author:  Scottie Pimpin' [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

The answer is 2 always assume attraction. In my reality, if she's making eye contact with the pimpin', she's choosin'... No questions asked. Once you catch her ass wreckless eyeballin' the ism, step to that chick and lay out your contract.

Btw: the quicker you approach the better! Both of you will be forced to be spontaneous, and in the moment + your inner critic doesn't have enough time 2 pour salt in your game.

Whatever you do, just don't let her see you hesitate... Women can smell fear!

Author:  Alchemist [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Scottie Pimpin' wrote:
Whatever you do, just don't let her see you hesitate... Women can smell fear!
If she can smell it, would she not also be able to sense what you're trying to hide?.

Author:  Altair [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Alchemist wrote:
Scottie Pimpin' wrote:
Whatever you do, just don't let her see you hesitate... Women can smell fear!
If she can smell it, would she not also be able to sense what you're trying to hide?.
I like this :)

Author:  Scottie Pimpin' [ Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Alchemist wrote:
Scottie Pimpin' wrote:
Whatever you do, just don't let her see you hesitate... Women can smell fear!
If she can smell it, would she not also be able to sense what you're trying to hide?.
What would I be trying to hide... The fact that I'm a Tru Player?
It's not like I'm sympin', running behind some broad trying to get some pussy! If anything I'm trying to offer her some dick. If she doesn't accept my gifts... What do I have 2 lose?

Author:  Alchemist [ Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

Scottie Pimpin' wrote:
What would I be trying to hide...
Your fear from trying to not 'let her see you hesitate'.

Women can sense any instability in your core, you can't hide that shit from them, that's why we work on the core, once that is stable there are no fears to try and cover up, no insecurities and no distractions, that's how I see it anyway.

Author:  Scottie Pimpin' [ Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waaaaait a minute...

The thing is, if I make the decision 2 approach... I'm not gonna hesitate. I've been about this shit since I was 17... So I already invested a lot of time and energy tweaking my mindset and coming to terms with my intentions.

No matter how tight your inner game is.... The odds of the type of woman you are attracted to coming up and starting a conversation with you are very slim... 2 me, if a woman makes eye contact with me on the street, in my mind, that's her way of approaching me. A good amount of the women that I chat up send me messages right after, thanking me for stopping them! This has been working well for me, but I guess different strokes, 4 different folks.

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