Natural Freedom

How many of you guys are happy with life?
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Author:  freespirit422 [ Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  How many of you guys are happy with life?

Some days I'll be good and other days I'll be miserable. The ups and downs of life I guess, I've never been consistently happy. I've come to the conclusion that some people are naturally happier than others and I'm not one of those people. It's easier for me to accept the day where I'm miserable instead of trying to get to a state that I can't reach.

Does anyone else feel like they have to try too damn hard to actually enjoy life sometimes? My only life philosophy is being and not trying to change anything so when I feel like crap I feel like crap and I don't push it away. Too often in the past I'd be depressed and then make myself more depressed by trying to be happy. It's not like I've given up or stop trying, I still push myself and try my best but it still sucks at times.

So be honest, are you guys happy with life? This is one of those questions that I think about and being honest with myself I'd say I'm not completely happy with life. I'm done pretending and pushing it aside because I need to look deeper and see what's really going on.

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many of you guys are happy with life?

Everyone has crap days...that said, I'm finally very happy with my life. 8-)

Author:  Sniper [ Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many of you guys are happy with life?

There are good days and bad days and there are still things I have not achieved. But I am happy with my life because I enjoy the journey and try to live in the moment.

Author:  peregrinus [ Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many of you guys are happy with life?

freespirit422 wrote:
So be honest, are you guys happy with life?

If I was not, I would do something about it, as I have done to make my life one I am happy with.

Author:  Matty [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many of you guys are happy with life?

Fuck yeah!

Is my life perfect? No.

Do I have bad days where I feel like shit? Yeah

My life isn't how I would ideally like it to be if a genie jumped out and granted my every wish. But I can be comfortable with that. Why? How?

Because life is a journey. I'm progressing towards things I want, and I'm enjoying my time along the way. I don't have to have everything right now.

Don't put off being happy until you get whatever it is you think will make you happy, 'cos when you get it you'll still be unhappy, only you'll want something else now instead because you think that new thing will make you happy. If you're lucky you'll get some shit that you want pretty quickly so you can realise it won't and can't ever make you feel good, except temporarily.

So go for things, and make your life how you want it to be, but do it for the enjoyment of it and have fun along the way.

The other huge piece of this puzzle is realising, that no matter what the situation, or where you are, how you feel is always a direct reflection of how you are thinking about it. Your life can be utter shit, and you can think a pesimistic thought. Or your life can be utter shit and you think a hopeful thought, a confident thought, an optimistic thought.

'FML, I've got no women and no money. I'm gonna eat this tub of ice-cream and masturbate furiously while hating myself, my parents, and the school bully'.


''I got no girls and no money. Sweet, loads of free time. I'm going out for a jog and getting my flabby ass in shape."

I do not believe at all that some people are 'naturally' happier than others. It's just a matter of focus. If you are unhappy it's only because of the WAY you are looking at things, not the things themselves.

P.S freespirit, I hope that example above didn't seem like a dig at you, was just trying illustrate the point. Love

Author:  freespirit422 [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How many of you guys are happy with life?

Interestingly enough that post was written on a bad day, so the negative outweighs the positive. It's funny how one bad day can change your whole outlook on life and the next day it's all different. I guess that's part of the confusion for me.

Author:  Jared [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many of you guys are happy with life?

There is 100% happiness with life.

The "Now" and the Past and the Future are all
illusions. "Always-ness."

Author:  Ryan [ Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How many of you guys are happy with life? I grow I have many bad days at the moment, but I've also been extremely high on my life and 100% happy being alone and that in turn manifests an abundance of women in my life. I'm hardly ever alone but I still have my moments of growth where my bad, old beliefs come to the surface. What makes me happy is knowing that I love myself and I feel confident enough to do what I want in my life, and having trust that everything will 100% work out as long as I believe it will. That's the point I'm at right now.


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