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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:03 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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When I first strated to study 'game' I saw a lot of adds about 'AFC Adam Lyons'. He is supposed to be the number 1 pick up artist in London. He used to work at Richard Gambler's company But I think he has his own PUA business now. Anway, he brags a lot that he gets beautiful women because of his 'game' where in reality it was all about his social status and not 'Game'.

Here is just one (out of many) testemonials from people who paid him a lot of money and saw the lies behind his marketing.

For those who read my posts you'll know that I had dealings with Adam
Lyons and that he admitted to various counts that PUA is a SCAM, 98%
of PUA instructors (including those at PUA Training) don't get laid
and that the true reason he had "success" was the fact he was already
popular with women before he got into Game-because of his high paying
Job in Public Relations in London- and that all of the girls he laid
(all 30 of them- yep just 30) were because he was friends with them
prior to Game.

He even mentioned that his method of Cold Approaching women during
Daygame onto successfully inviting her out to a Nightclub later (even
as a "friend") was a hoax.
I knew the above point to be true as he always mentioned in his
seminars that "numbers closes aren't anything" and that the chances of
a woman following you up later are next to none (which has been
reported widely across the board on PUA Hate AND even PUA Companies
own forums).

Some other pointers I'll put in my review

1) I saw Adam Lyons get turned down infield by 3 women in a row. One a
genuine HB9, one a HB8 and one a HB5!
When I got 4 sets and numbered closed them all.

2) Adam admitted he was an "un-official" club promoter. He claims he
had a Database of 3000 willing women.
However in the "party photos" I've seen on Flickr- Google "Project
Entourage" in Images and you'll see its the same 10 girls over and
He also said that he doesn't lay that many girls for those who did
bother turning up.
I made the mistake of exposing which has
since been taken down- as it was proof that "Social Circle" was

3) I caught Adam Lyons plagerising Neil Strauss, Mystery Method- with
him quoting things off of their websites and passing them off as his

4) During a Nightclub visit only two girls from his "Entourage" turned
up (so much for the "ten girls only" claim) and they are the only ones
that feature in his promotional literature.
In my view both were under 5 foot 5- both HB6 and HB6.5.
Obviously they were trying to take me down a peg or two by saying I
"wasn't good looking" or "I was hitting on them" which was bullshit-
they just didn't want to have a conversation like normal people
because they were trying to "big up" Adam as the only man they'd talk
I left them to it and......

5)...I was then approached by 5 seperate Club goers in the same
Nightclub where Adam supposedly had "Social Proof" to point out that
Adam is a known charlatan that invites relatively good looking- but
girls with low "Social Economic" Value into Exclusive Clubs.
Adam himself only got into the club because he made the requisite
minimum of $73,000- $90,000 (£50,000-£60,000 GBP) per year as a PR
man- but even more as a PUA.
Most girls in the club don't like him due to his known PUA reputation
as "sleazy" who'll shag anything.

6) Although the above should've been enough, I did some background
research into "Social Economics" what it was etc.
Brad Ps "Club CD" is good "theory" on the subject.
When I qustioned Adam Lyons about our previous encounter- he cracked
and admitted that Entourage Game- was merely having social skills and
understanding that the majority of "normal guys" have.
He admitted that a) fancy nightclub invites were good for attracting
the girls- even though he didn't sleep with the vast majority of them
b) his job in Public Relations did indeed mean he had higher "Career
Networking Value" and this "helping" girls often lead to sex. Because
women do fuck guys for Networking Value.

7) I met his girlfriend/wife Amanda Torres during the above. In three
words how would I describe her?
Icy- Materialistic-Emotionless
She came across as very "stepford wives" despite me saying a friendly
hello and trying to build a normal conversation (again like all Adam's
girls- she wasn't very co-operative- nor responsive- nor interested in
adding anything to the teachings0. I found her rude so I rightfully
ignored her for the rest of training0 trying on occassion to get her
to chip in her "extensive PUA knowledge as a world class female
After I handed my Money to Adam (cash in hand) I went to the toilet-
as I came back she was leaving with my money (I saw Adam hand it to
her). I asked where she had gone Adam said "Shopping".
Wow, you go girl! What a way to prove you are a credit to all women.
You go shopping halfway during a Bootcamp! Adam said "she felt you
only wanted to speak to me" WTF!
I'd been encouraging her to chip in- but she gave one worded answers
and looked bored- as well as lying about her profession. When I asked
what she wanted to be in High School (I knew she was planning to be a
Cheerleader) she said "Writer".

Anyways after the bootcamp ended she didn't even say goodbye-and said
"I'm going to spend the rest on a brand new IPOD." before fucking off
the Oxford Streets Apple Store, not even saying thank you or good

8) Adam's junior trainer. When I talked about what we (Adam and
myself) had discussed "Networking Value" and "Entourage*" (*read-
normal Social Skills) I made the observation.

"You know Neil Strauss. He had a lot of powerful connections/
networking value within the music industry. In fact come to think of
it people were suprised he pulled Lisa Leveridge (HB8)- when in fact
she was in a shitty band and probably needed a big break. So come to
think of it he didn't need Game. Also Lisa Leveridge's next boyfriend
was Robbie Williams (mega UK popstar and former member of Take That)
so she was continuing with the "music networking" boyfriends"
(as another point Neil Strauss' current girlfriend is a pornstar.
Whats the connection? Answer- he wrote "How to Make Love like a
pornstar" with Jemma Jameson. Again powerful connections in the porn

"so my question to you (Jenk). Is that we don't need Game at all do
we? Its all about Social Career/networking Value"

Jenk "Yep. Neil Strauss already had the connections. He didn't know
his own worth or how to apply them. Thats where Mystery came in"

Me- "So whats your Networking Value Jenk?"
Jenk "Adam Lyons"

Says it all really doesn't it?

And another post by another smart dude:
Tell me about it. My friend was at his bootcamp, and he said it was like watching Joseph Goebbels in action. Here is good example about what I mean (I’m quoting myself from Puahate):

“Adam Lyons has claimed that he has slept with more than 500+ women during his career. Well, I must say that is quite bold claim. As a matter of fact, based on what Adam himself has said, it is impossible. Let’s do the math.

If we are to believe Adam himself, he started doing his journey shortly after he read The Game. Canongate Books first published the book in UK 1st of September 2005. US release was six days later. To help Adam out little bit, let’s assume that he got book during its release day, read it, and started to train immediately. Adam has many times said in his bootcamps that it took three months to get his first number close. If we believe this (and why we wouldn’t, he said this himself), he scored during January 2006, at earliest. For purpose of this message, we can assume 1st of January is “starting point” for his laycount.

But when did he quit? According to interview Adam did for The Sun, it took him a year to make Amanda believe he wasn’t part of the Game anymore. The couple married 15th of July 2009. We can suppose for purposes of this message, that ending point is at 15th of July 2008.

So… even in the best possible scenario, this gives our hero 926 days find new girls, date, and then sleep with them. If we calculate average, this means 0.54 girls a day. This calculation, naturally, doesn’t count holidays, days when Adam was sick, that he was supposedly dedicated his Saturdays for single girl for six months (Adam’s own story from bootcamp), and so on. But basically Adam needed to sleep with three new girls a week.”

People are so caught up by the boldness of the lie, that they even fail at using even most simplest and basic logic.

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:11 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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here is more by a guy from Chicago who went to Adam's bootcamp:
I shelled out the $1,000 and attended AFC Adam's DC bootcamp over the weekend....

Friday: I arrived at the hotel, the lecture portions were held in their actual hotel room, not a conference room rented out at the hotel or anything, so it was me and like 12 guys crammed on a couch, for over 6 hours each day, it was really uncomfortable and hot as hell.

So the bootcamps are labeled "AFC Adam's US Bootcamps", but Adam was largely nowhere to be seen for the bulk of the bootcamp. The sales website talked about Adam agreeing to do another US tour, but we learned that he lives in Austin with his wife, and has like a 10 year visa....

A good hour or so of day one was all about how Adam telling us how awesome PUA Training is, how they're the best, etc...

Then he told us that although usually the instructors do demo's, since Adam's married and his wife will be out with us, it'd be wierd, but this is something they can show us: then they put on a quick, 10 second video showing 5 girls in their bras and panties in a hotel room jumping on beds and throwing pillows at each other. It looked like something that could've just been cut from one of those "girls-gone-wild" videos. And Adam said, "This is what we've actually gotten." I thought that was pretty lame. There were no guys to be seen in the video, much less any of the instructors.

So now, I'm a little disenchanted, b/c I thought, as the sales site pitches, it would be about watching Adam work, b/c he's so awesome. What a coincidence that he suddenly can't show us what's really going on....

Adam said that over the weekend, he will personally consult with each of us, one-on-one, at some point, to help us each get over our sticking points. Yeah, this never happened...a few guys each night were paired up with Adam as an instructor, and they rotated it, but this 1-1 thing never happened...

Adam did take quite a bit of time to let us know that a lot of the claims made on the sales site were things we just weren't gonna see. Too bad, b/c I was pulled in by a headline on the website about "girls pounding at my door, begging for me to have them, etc."...

One of their phone reps said that Adam's style includes a lot of NLP, and that that's what I could expect at the bootcamp. There was no NLP anywhere...

The lecture material was really repackaged stuff, a lot of Mystery's, RSD's, and Neil Strauss' stuff, just said in different terms....

The field sessions consisted of instructors saying, "Go up to those girls; go talk to that group." that's not teaching, I'm sorry. They were trying to get us to just bombard groups of girls, and even guys with AFC questions. Generally the girls were not receptive, and just plain weren't interested....

Feedback I got from instructors was as deep and insightful as "You looked uncomfortable." or, "You looked like you were trying to get the girl." When you push someone into a group and say, "Go do it." don't you think they're gonna be a little more outcome-attached, and stressed-out?

When I'd then ask the instructor to do it better than I did and show me how it was done, he'd always get the same response from the girls that I did. I never saw an instructor get one of those impossible girls I talked to, to open up any more than I got them to. The instructors couldn't do any better than I could with these girls; I watched them...

For day 3, we focused mostly on day game, met in midtown DC, went back to the hotel, then called it quits...

Anyway, this is what happened and this is my take. I can't, in good conscience give any more positive of a review than this

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:36 pm 
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Fuck that shit makes me mad, nothing but a bunch of scam artists.

The honey doesn't chase the bee.

A wise man once said "I find that a duck's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread."

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:51 pm 
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Shit makes me laugh...HARD! :lol:

These wackjobs are making me look better and better by the minute! :mrgreen:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:12 pm 
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Dude you have no idea how good they make you look, Neil Strauss even admits he has horrible anxiety around women and would make his friends go talk to girls then basically vulture his way in to the interaction...and this coming from a guy who was on the view and claims to be the worlds greatest pick-up artist haha!!

The honey doesn't chase the bee.

A wise man once said "I find that a duck's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread."

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:28 pm 

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see above:
You know Neil Strauss. He had a lot of powerful connections/
networking value within the music industry. In fact come to think of
it people were suprised he pulled Lisa Leveridge (HB8)- when in fact
she was in a shitty band and probably needed a big break. So come to
think of it he didn't need Game. Also Lisa Leveridge's next boyfriend
was Robbie Williams (mega UK popstar and former member of Take That)
so she was continuing with the "music networking" boyfriends"
(as another point Neil Strauss' current girlfriend is a pornstar.
Whats the connection? Answer- he wrote "How to Make Love like a
pornstar" with Jemma Jameson. Again powerful connections in the porn
so since he had Social Career/networking Value all he really needed was maybe: to change his style as far as clothing and a more modern haircut, maybe a little more social skills and some more self esteem. He didn't need all of Mystery's pick up lines, routines and silly mind tricks.

When you have social value women come to you if you know how to use it....

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:33 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:51 pm
Posts: 1414
You hit the nail on the head Sniper.

The honey doesn't chase the bee.

A wise man once said "I find that a duck's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread."

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:51 pm 
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So I need social status to get a woman?

Don't be sexist, bitches hate that.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:04 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am
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Aztecsfinest wrote:
So I need social status to get a woman?
Have you learned nothing? :|

Of course you don't. Social status just takes all the guesswork and legwork out of it. The less social value you have, they more you NEED to implement Covert Tactics. 8-)

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:09 pm 
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Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:25 pm
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I'm gonna read your stuff one last time, prepare for loooads of questions!
At least I like to learn...

Don't be sexist, bitches hate that.

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